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Posts posted by Thalahssalyst

  1. Its not about difficulty its about fun, that video is 2 years old and the most basic stuff anyone can do, and you can still do all of it, but now there is copter and air melee to complement everything, better get used to it.

    You see fun on that? Its okay, but people who dont, dont want to be forced on do it.

    The current problem with coptering its, really easy to do and his travel distance and speed, thats why its going to change.

  2. Right now melee weapons are a tool to move, more than parkour...
    Just Slide to cover big distances... How movement/parkour 2.0 its going to change the travel distance and mode on melee weapons? 
    We are asking for changes on coptering, but Spin need a reduction on his distance Ex:
    This is Coptering


    And this is Spin/Slide:


    If you have plans to make changes on coptering distance, Spin/Slide its going to be afected for it?
    Coptering its going to get his own custom animation?
    Why if I choose a Ash for his speed and equip a melee for damage, i cant be fast like a ash with "zorencopter" If we have the same stats and mods on warframe? Why the Warframe speed/distance covered its based on melee weapons?
    How parkour 2.0 its going to balance the warframe and weapon speed to be equal?

    Why the damage choice reduce the movement speed? It need to be 2 different things!
    Plis rebecca i want this answered its really frustrating in pvp and pve, the movement its reduced in base on what type of melee you choose and ignore the warframe speed/build/stamina.

  3. Totally agree with the OP.

    On another thread about Automatic Weapons I suggested to sligthly reduce the normal damage and reduce to 0.25 (ore less) the headshot multiplier, just because with these guns it's easier to headshot a target in a rapid sequence.

    The Soma is something ridicle, while other guns have low clips and need to reload often, you can hold LMbutton and make a massacre with no hindrance nor penality. Increase its reload speed to 5 seconds to create a large window of vulnerability, nerf its damage and fire ratio or reduce its clips size.

    And make the Soma P more useless...

  4. "We hope you've enjoyed this sneak peek of what's lurking below in Update 16.5. There's still a bit of time before its release, but until then perhaps you can spot what elements of environment design made the final cut in teaser video aired on Devstream 52."



    Okay, its not coming today... Another week for Fusion core farm

  5. Animations were tweaked a bit. you don't notice because you've gotten used to them looking a bit less stupid already.

    and Attack Speed is only somewhat (partially, remotely) related to 'Copter'.

    there is a background 'Copter' Stat.

    Ehm try to do the same distance with a heavy melee weapon who have less atack speed, coptering its based on atack speed of the melee weapon...

    I dont see a "copter stat" on weapons features... Just spin atack ect etc etc...

  6. it's Animations (or the ones for SpinDashes in general but same difference) have been adjusted a bit, tweaked to look a little bit better.

    and there is a 'Coptering' background stat.

    we've had this for somewhere between 7 months and a year.

    Ehm nope, the only adjustement have seen its the reduction of the atack speed on melee weapons, and that have reduced the coptering distance.

    Spin atack never have tweaked to look different

    The only thing tweaked its atack speed, based on it, different weapons stats = different distance...



    It have the same animation like Spin just in air and that its what makes the bug coptering possible.

    This is Spin



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