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Posts posted by Thalahssalyst


    Every single argument everyone here have made has been a thrilling and interesting read with a lot of well constructed arguments, and it's definitely a subject I think about often. Obviously, the answer to coptering is highly subjective, and I don't believe there is a single right answer. I like reading everyone's opinion on the matter, though, and I hope this discussion goes on. 


    Why we are affected , those who decided to choose a weapon for melee damage it does , contrary to those who used it to move ?
    Why the speed of movement, is dependent melee weapon you have equipped ? There should be one thing, independent of the other ?
    I must choose move quickly  whether or do damage depending on the melee that has equipped ? And if I choose to do damage, why I see in front of such a disadvantage ? What happens to the balance that everyone should follow?
  2. So whats happenig here is the same equal on copter.
    To kill one with melee, u have to reach where is he.
    To kill with guns, u have to aim and shot, while moving u can do that. U can use Coptering and directional melee and continue shotting.
    With melee u have to move, dodge, and reach the people THEN u press E.


    No, aiming with guns and landing shots takes more effort than spamming E.

    I dont see the problem when you are spamming E to do directional melee/Slides/coptering to Scape, but u can still shot.

  3. I don't follow. Could you explain what coptering is supposed to be relative to other forms of transportation? I mean, as it stands, coptering as a mobility tool means nobody uses heavy weapons, ever, just Dual Ichor. Is that good or bad in your view?

     movement dependens of the melee?


  4. copter will get nerfed to hell, DE will add a faster run and a broken stamina system again. Community will suffer, DE will re-implement a less broken stamina system and a buff to copter which will will still make movement 40% as fun as the current system. Sheldon will end it by laughing on the next Prime time, about how the movement system sucks, will be become a community saying AND the community will become more salty.

    When the copter nerf come, they will cry, and buff copter again, and parkour become useless again...

  5. Coptering its going to change (Thank You Lotus)
    But for some people Coptering and Directional require "Skills" So maybe u have to "master it" to become a "pro user and master of the cience of coptering" and wait until the nerf/change/adjust comes...

  6. I already can confirm this, I was playing recently and notice i was 1 shotting with Lex with 100/100 stats.
    140 damage for a secondary weapon, looks like a primary. And no, the Fire rate its not an excuse, it Still is One Shotting.
    Why no lower his damage to Lex Prime or Equal?
    Are you testing the weapons? or just put a random Stats and wait how the people see it?


    EDIT: I know about headshots, but without headshots it One Shot too.

  7. That's the way the game was intended to be, like it or not. The only reason they left coptering for so long is because the community had become so attached to it as a fundamental part of Warframe. If you don't like it because it is "slow" and "boring" then maybe this isn't your kind of game. I for one am awaiting the time where I will not have to utilize a physics defying maneuver (that's also hard on my wrist when using frequently) just to keep up with rushing teammates.


    On top of this, you don't expect them to compensate the nerf of coptering with something? They could increase the running speed of all Warframes, make sprinting not consume stamina, add a plethora of other advanced maneuvers that aren't the physics defying spins that magically propel us through the air.


  8. then play solo or dont play at all

    A huge part of the community plays this game to go fast, if you dont well too bad for you, play solo.


    and even if its nerfed, Ill still be faster than you.

    Yes thank you for say that, that clarified what I say.


  9. Nobody in those videos are using a tipedo. Yes I do go as fast as I can through missions because I know every single detail of the current tilesets, I know where all the secrets are and I have done exploring on all the tileset.


    I enjoy being the fastest I can possibly be and that is how I play.


    you got a problem with that?

    Yes, you know, but not all knows it, yes i have a problem with that.

    I have a problem being forced to dont explore the map because someone using his melee finish the mission in less that 3 minutes doing rolfcopter (i dont have a problem with parkour, because i can do it as fast as someone can, using speed mods and stamina mods) but yes, i have a problem.

    I have a problem on how the movement is lowered on base your melee, yes...  definitely i have a problem.

    Thanks to Lotus, it is going to be Nerfed.


    EDIT1: If u want to be see why is still a problem, and how/why is a problem, check my profile and my related topics.

  10. Are you saying that you dont need to go fast? what?

    They dont need to do that, from the video, the guy its using a Tipedo too, and other melees to do coptering.

    Its not because the people dont know how to do, they dont need to do it, just rolfcopter for all the map, ignoring all the things, making the game a fast paced game (is not) ignoring exploration etc (i dont say parkour its going to solve it but, really slow that things yes).

  11. This is something I find in internet

    Not all the people do it, not all the people think this is good (how I say, try to do this with a heavy melee, i dont see why the movement have to be lowered on based your melee)

    Also, all of my matchs ever was publics, NEVER see someone doing this, because they dont need to do, just Do coptering, thats all.
    I dont know, but I want to play a Co-op match, not a racing match.

    Now look at this.
  12. No i dont have gif.


    I can prove it in game, thats why I said add me and Ill show you.

    If u are fast, with it, and without it, nice for u.

    But coptering is still a problem (nerfed incoming for the glory of lotus) and make all fast.

  13. No i dont have gif.


    I can prove it in game, thats why I said add me and Ill show you.

    I put my own gif in game if u dont have see it, check my comments.

    U can prove it in game? O men nice. Go and do it, but without me because I already put my own gif doing coptering with my rhino.

  14. Its because you think that coptering makes everybody go faster. fast was there before copter, it will stay after copter and people will still be making threads complaining about people 'rushing' missions.

    U have for example that gif I make, a rhino with thrak helmet doing coptering, nice right?

    The people never going to complain if things are balanced.


  15. Wanna bet? wanna take this to a game? go on and add me lets do a t4c and find out who is faster.

    Whats wrong with you? Lol.

    I dont want to do it, because i dont need to probe nothing, just make a video of yourself doing that and post here.

    We all know that directional melee, and coptering, make faster all people without skill.

    Maybe u have to calm down and continue with comments.

  16. I loki with a tipedo will be slower than me with a jag kittag, because I know how to go fast.

    it was official, it was looked at and they said ''it will stay for now''

    you will never be as fast as me, even if I have no coptering weapons and you do.

    All know how to be fast, just ignore stamina mods, ignore speed mods, and put on your tipedo or another melee a fury mod, and that is all.

    2 lokis using pakour, have the same chance, but 2 lokis with different melees, i dont think so.

    IT NEVER was official, just called official, it NEVER was looked, NEVER was touched.


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