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Everything posted by Xylia

  1. Xylia

    Locked In

    Veso is NOT skill-based whatsoever. Veso is literally a puzzle. Look up some Youtube footage to figure out exactly what you are supposed to do. If you summon the correct machines, at the right places, you WILL win unless you are like literally walking right into hazards and enemy fire. If you can't complete the Veso part of that quest, then you are just flat out doing something entirely wrong, or not understanding the puzzle, which watching a youtube video would fix.
  2. I dunno about anybody else, but when I read +120%, I read that as "Take the existing Slash value and increase it by 120%." and obviously, if that value is 0 then you're gonna get 0. 0 + 120% of 0 is still gonna equal 0. Seems pretty clear to me. I'd say the opposite is true, where mods like Molten Impact say +120% Heat Damage, is a bit confusing. They should find a way that says "+120% of total damage as heat damage" or some-such.
  3. I don't recall saying I wanted new warframes to be on Circuit. Pretty sure I said I wanted more variety of what frames are offered when, like, I'm not asking for frames to be added to the circuit, I'm asking for the frames currently on circuit to be rotated better. You shouldn't open the Circuit two weeks in a row and see nothing but OG frames that are easy to get on the star chart. EDIT: Equinox was straight up a mistake, as far as the acquisition method. It should have been quest rewards, because asking players to farm for 8 blueprints off of 1 boss is just bonkers stupid, and I can't believe that no playtester at DE was like "you know, this sucks..." and that's assuming they even actually playtested it, the entire acquisition method, and not just give themselves the drops or something during testing. As for how to do it on Circuit, simple. Just have each step of the circuit reward 2 of the blueprints, like you get the main BP+both main aspect BPs, and then both systems, both helmets, both chassis. I don't really understand why that's hard. OR, get this, change Equinox itself so that it is like any other Warframe, and just make it 1 chassis, 1 systems, and 1 neuroptics like every other Warframe. Players can sell the old versions of the items for credits or keep them as trophies.
  4. After I learned about Duviri Circuit almost a month ago, I've been checking it weekly for some kind of reward that'd be useful for me. Last week, it was IIRC something like Excalibur, Trinity, and I forget what else, oh right, Ember. This week it's Mag, Volt, and Loki. These 'frames are all old frames, and fairly easy to get. Now, I get that there are newer players who might want a chance to have an easier time getting these frames, but there are also plenty of people who've had these frames for years. So, I would propose a "better" way of doing Duviri Circuit rewards: Offer a variety of frames from eras. Like each week, rotate through 1 O.G. Frame (and/or frame that comes from a <Lv30 boss), 1 frame from higher level bosses, and 1 frame whose BPs come out of Bounties (or other special game-type that's not a star chart boss). That way, each week, you're more likely to offer things that most players who don't have everything already, something they want to reduce the grind on rather than having such players wait months in a row before something useful is offered.
  5. How do you "lose" your account? The quest is made in such a way that your stats and equipment literally don't matter, because everything you use in the quest, was given to you BY the quest, so getting "stuck" is impossible. Just keep trying until you get the hang of it. They even let you restart any given point as many times as you need.
  6. So I've been trying to pluck away at Entrati standing, and it seems the fastest way by far is to do bounties and turn the mother tokens into standing. This, obviously, requires doing bounties. I did several Tier 3 (I think it's T3? Not the free roam, and not the vault) bounties and they were fine. However, when I tried to do T1 bounties, I came to a realization. For some weird reason, they made the health of both the Purifier and that Grineer Commander... what's his name, Garav or something like that? way too small. Both feel WAY more squishy in T1 bounties than they do in T3s despite the enemies being 20 levels higher. Even with a maxed out grimoire one-shotting everything, Garav is almost impossible to keep alive, anything sneezes in his direction and he keels over dead in T1s but yet in T3s he's fine. You can't Snowglobe him because he won't stay put, he wanders around too much and gets himself in trouble when he decides to walk up to those huge worms coming out of the ground and what-not, which can end him rather quickly before you even notice this has happened. He really needs to be a bit tankier in T1 bounties. The Purifier, there's a similar problem. While you CAN snowglobe that, infested usually just run in and start smacking it around while you're trying to scramble and collect the plants. Again, in T3 missions, this is not a problem, but in T1s, one trip running out to grab 3-4 plants and you'll notice the Purifier is like 60% health. And for some weird reason, it has to be the one-and-only machine in the game that has zero shields for some dumb reason, and unlike excavators, you can't heal them with power cells. So here's a suggestion for the purifier: when it's powered off, enemies leave it alone. That's what Loid even tells you that when you power it on, it attracts the enemies. So, when it's not doing anything, enemies should leave it alone and focus on you, right? Nope. They still beeline the purifier and any amount of scratch damage will stop its regeneration. Also, some of the spawn areas for the purifier are just plain annoying, like that area 300m away from the Necralisk where there are 10 million vines that your character gets stuck on, on one side and on the other side, a bunch of cliffs to jump up to get the plants off of.
  7. Seriously, please make this happen. I hate trying to fight some boss which has a gimmick that is sometimes a bit annoying to actually get to work correctly, for example, some boss that you need to bait to hurt itself on something in the Arena. There'll be an NPC that tells you what you're supposed to do, either directly or cryptically and I get that it was put there so players have a clue what they're supposed to do. However..... It also gets really fricken annoying to the point of absolute distraction when the gimmick has a low margin of error and the NPC keeps barking the same orders over and over and over again. It's frustrating and a lot of times, my reaction is "SHUT UP I KNOW I'M TRYING!" and sometimes it will lead me to just alt+F4 before I break something because of the frustration (which amps up significantly if it involves loss-of-control, like getting knocked down when you're trying to interact with whatever it is, or getting lost/stuck in terrain, can't find the tiny thing you're supposed to touch, etc). The NPC's constant nagging really gets on the nerves, and so we need a button to mute the NPC. Maybe the button works for 3-5 minutes, or maybe the button works until the next phase of the fight or until something unique happens, I don't know. But I don't want to have to be turning voices on and off constantly just to avoid the issue. A button that I can press that just mutes the NPC temporarily would suffice. Think of it as the Tenno temporarily cutting off the voice feed to concentrate on the battle.
  8. To be honest, all he drops that's notable is Hydroid and the Parazon mod.... Don't get why he has to be high level OR MR5 to be honest. Especially when Hydroid himself has no MR requirement if you simply buy him from the market. The Parazon mod might actually be a nice tool for newbies, too. Get them used to mercy killing early.
  9. I don't get how I was supposed to understand that when you didn't say anything of the sort in the thread... /shrug
  10. They want you to increase Mastery Rank for a variety of reasons. They want players to unlock stuff like standing caps, focus caps, etc. If you don't, your progress will be abysmally slow if you stay at MR2 because you don't use anything but the starter equipment. And really getting to MR5 is not hard at all. Your average player isn't going to be bumrushing WitW to the point they are using starter frame and starter weapons to get through New War, surely and getting to MR5 is just a few weapons and a bunch of star chart unlocks.
  11. Or that, yeah. Now that you mention it, it really does remind me of Borderlands without any of the quirky humor, and online-only/MTX added. At least D2 ain't cell-shaded so I'll give it that. Credit where it's due and all that.
  12. Yeah, THAT aged like milk, didn't it? Destiny was so awesome, they had to make a Destiny 2 and last I heard, it's not doing all that well these days, at least in terms of publicity. Don't get me wrong, I don't agree with everything DE does, but one thing I consistently hear, is that people generally have positive things to say about Warframe, except for a few small scandals, but what game doesn't have those? And I tried Destiny 2 for a few hours and it all seemed rather confusing, and... nothing at all like Warframe, and nowhere near as fun and engaging. Basically it's any shooter with Diablo-style loot. Basically take that Doom reboot and add Diablo looting to it. You get showered with tons and tons and tons of gear, and you don't really care about most of it, you only care about the stats on it. At least in Warframe, each weapon is unique at least in stats, and you don't have Item level 519 boltor is better than an item level 485 boltor then you go out and get another boltor to drop and this one is IL 521! wooot! /eyeroll If I wanted that I'd go play WoW or something.
  13. People ALWAYS do this stuff anytime a new game was released... "Starfaild is the new No Man's Sky and will kill NMS!" (... lol. that didn't age well, did it?) "Palworld is such a Pokemon ripoff! Nintendo's gonna sue them!" (except... many lawyers on Youtube agree that there's no way and there's been no lawsuit yet) and now we're at Helldivers 2 and Warframe. Seriously, when will people stop with this crap?
  14. So, you're in favor of gating easier content behind harder content and/or screwing over newer players by making them do more work to get the same stuff players who came before did? That's nice to know. I don't suppose you have any explanation as to why you think that ought to be? EDIT: And it's only going to get worse in the future if we continue with this design philosophy: every time they add something new to the Star Chart, it's going to have higher difficulty than what came before, and they're going to add it into the requirements for Arbitrations and SP. And newer players who haven't unlocked it yet are going to have yet more hoops to jump through without any sort of rhyme, reason, or compensation. People who came along when Arbitrations were first introduced, got theirs with just the star chart at the time. Then came all of those updates with the new content islands and star chart nodes, and anybody who came after that, now they gotta do all of those when the players who did it before didn't have to. But yet, the new content is always getting harder, needing more gear, and players are told "oh, just go get galvanized mods" ... uh, they can't without first doing that harder content. And I still maintain that it makes no sense, and it's not fair to newer players. IMO, they should do Arbitrations and SP by Star Chart Area. Unlock the basic planets to get them in SP/Arbitrations and then if you wanna go to Kuva Fortress SP, Zariman SP, or Albrecht labs, you gotta finish their nodes first. etc etc. That would be the true fairest way to do it.
  15. 1). They have to get caught, first. 2). There've been bans of innocent people who weren't doing AFK or using illegal macros, but were suspected of it because they did several hour-long survival missions.
  16. So, not directly related to Steel Path, but kinda-sorta: Someone in another thread suggested I should go out and get galvanized mods to make Murmur missions easier. Just let that sink in for a bit. Not to be mean to someone trying to offer suggestions, but the answer to Murmur missions being annoying (specifically the enemies that cause overguard and how difficult it can be to single out a single target in a whole sea of spawns with the ludicrous spawn rates in there) is to go do the Murmur missions, AND other missions that are harder than it, such as some of the level 60+ nodes in the Kuva Fortress, that 80-100 Conjunction Survival on Lua (IIRC that's where it is), and then go do those Arbitration Alerts, which are like Level 80 with special modifiers to make them harder than normal missions. But to even do the Arbitration Missions, you gotta.... yes, finish the whole Star Chart. Back when this was first released, Zariman and the Murmur didn't even exist, and players had these Galvanized Mods already by the time Angels of the Zariman was released. But, to any new coming player, they're expected to clear the Zariman and the Murmur nodes first for .... reasons nobody understands. It's wholly unfair to newer players that they have to jump through MORE hoops than those who came before.
  17. Also, it kind of stinks that MOST of the "best" or "valid" mods are purely stat changes and offer zero difference to your gameplay whatsoever. Sticking more Toxin on your weapon doesn't change how you shoot. Sticking more Multishot on your weapon doesn't change how you shoot, heck it doesn't even have a cool display graphic when you shoot that I know of. The mods that WOULD offer gameplay changes, are the ones you can't afford to stick on there because you need to overcome ludicrous stat barriers. I used to say that Serration was the single worst mod they ever released, bar none.
  18. The problem with this response, is that you're pretending that the game wasn't designed around metas and power levels that are just simply ludicrous. People find out ways of getting absolutely insane damage by putting certain mods on, and now DE *must* balance the game assuming players are doing that, otherwise the content is too easy for anybody who looks up what the "best (x) build" is. Mods are not a choice. Mods are a barrier to entry. You either mod your gear correctly, or your damage output will suck. What mods do you put on your weapon? You either know how to mod correctly, or you look up a guide, or you throw anything on and do less than half the damage you should. See all of those augment mods? Pity you have to ruin a good build to stick one of those on. hey, maybe you're a gunslinger who loves to reload their weapon fast, and reload often, so maybe Fast Hands and Ammo Drum are your favorite mods. The modding system gives you the "choice" to use those mods. But you'll also be dead last in damage done on every mission, too....
  19. Because a newbie player is joining the game with an absolute Herculean task ahead of them of trying to get caught up with all that stuff. I mean, first you gotta learn just WTF is actually worth doing amidst a sea of content islands all disconnected from each other, or at least many of them are disconnected. And then, you got a bunch of stupid BS waits, like 4 days to make a frame, or a whole day to make a weapon. Or, how about the fact that you can only do one mastery rank test per RL day? Not, failing and retaking, I mean, ANY Mastery Rank quest, even if you pass the first one, you still can't do a 2nd in the same day, despite the first few ranks being so easy and quick to get (and certain weapons are locked behind them). Heck, IIRC, the Boltor is MR2 (or was?) and it isn't too terribly hard to get to Fossa and kill Jackal within the same RL day... oh wait, the reward you get from opening Mercury is... Boltor. Which you need MR2 to use. Which you _can't_ use until you rank up twice. These waits are just stupid, and I don't really see a reason for them other than to be as annoying as possible and to try to get people to spend plat to speed it up but that just feels like predatory game design to me. Warframe in general is celebrated as a game that respects your wallet, but there are still certain aspects of the game I feel are predatory, like the Pay to Skip Wait.
  20. I'm a big supporter of reducing prices of stuff over time, especially in a game that involves power creep. Why should a weapon that cost, say, 20k credits when the game came out, that had 1% of the power of the best weapon of the game at the time, still cost 20k credits today when it is 0.001% of the power of the best weapon today? That thing should cost like 2k now. I posit the same mentality should be taken towards the various vendors and their wares. If you're gonna keep adding stuff to vendors, old stuff should have price reductions to make them cheap and easy for people to catch up. If you want the latest and greatest, you'll pay more. EDIT: And yes, I know THAT will ruffle some feathers. "Why should they get it cheap when I had to pay out the wazoo?" .... because you got it when it was new and fresh to show off to your friends. The person coming along 5 years later, just wants something to spruce up their orbiter with, and the item they are buying cheap is old hat now.
  21. One thing I will say, is that at least they stopped with One-Time Quests. Remember the Fusion MOA quest? Or the Gradivus Dilemma? Or that quest where Frohd Bek enlisted you to go fight Alad V (some of the coolest voice lines in the game are the things Frohd Bek says to Alad, lol). I remember them. Vaguely. I will never see them again, because they are gone. Forever. At least they stopped doing that.
  22. Easier said than done. For example, K-Drives. Can't remove them because they are integral to the Yareli questline, and there are probably people that enjoy playing Olli Olli or whatever that game was called. Not my thing, but some people enjoy it I guess? And so if you wanna update it, then what? What would you do to make them compete with Archwings?
  23. If you see an AFK farming player, just report them. There are plenty of times when stuff drops in out of bounds areas, and/or places you can't go and I don't wanna lose those items because of a few people who farm AFK.
  24. Some of the Star Chart, especially the Zariman and now the new missions in Deimos are kinda unfair to require for SP. SP existed before these, right? And they weren't required back then. So because I didn't unlock SP back then, I can't do it now because of Zariman and the new Deimos missions, and some of them are rather annoying to be quite honest. I'm down to like 12 nodes left, and they are not solo friendly content, not because I can't kill the enemies, but because there are defense targets, time limits, etc. I can kill the enemies in those easy, but the time limits and mechanics and stuff is just meh. I wouldn't be doing SP of those even if I could.
  25. Warframe and its storied development, at least for the parts of it I was here for, always struck me as "Throw noodles at the wall and see which ones stick." If it sticks, they'll use that. If it doesn't, they'll just leave it laying on the floor and not bother picking it up. Like, all the open world systems are basically copypasta, they all use the same systems for their standing, their vendors, etc. Those are noodles that stuck on the wall. Archwing and Railjack are noodles that kinda-sorta stuck but fell onto the countertop. They were grabbed and thrown into the pot and used, but not really cared about. Every now and then they'll have you use one of these in a quest or something. And then there's the noodles that fall on the floor and are left there, forgotten. Some of the one-time rewards, some of the other things in the game that nobody seems to care about anymore, like K-Drives. The Kaithe is still important because it's the only means of Air Travel in Duviri, but that's a Duviri-specific thing, it feels like. It's way too slow to even think about asking us to use it outside of Duviri especially when we could instead use the Archwing.
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