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  1. Tap/Hold and nerfed on helminth(if necessary)
  3. my god, your whole post history is "jelly?" Why are you behaving like you are 12? Is that overpriced pathetic bundle just a way for you to overcompensate for something?
  4. Why is it fair for them to place the skin behind the paywalls, THE PLAT ISNT FREE, someone paid for the platinum, why not let us spend it, there is literally no ground to stand on to defend them in this case. And the unique head ornaments that are added to the pack, you cant get them any other way but like this. But thats alright, now we will be able to sort people via the mark of shame on their profiles in game lol
  5. No, this deserves ridiculing, him paying DE for this stuff is tellign them that they can do more poopoo like this
  6. Wow you showed them haters haha <(*^o^*)> Your arrival was foretold by 2nd or 3rd commenter in the thread. Good job on tellign DE that we can be milked and we will accept whatever bucket of bile that is thrown at us with smiles on our faces :DD
  7. Same, i cannot even focus on the cosplay now, i feel thunder in my mind lol. I really hope they rethink their steps, if not with this then with the future releases like this. And i pity those who will pay for this package, they are blind.
  8. Why cant we pay for them with platinum then? Someone paid for that plat already... What for do we even amass platinum now, tennogen $, regal aya $, and now this $. You thinking that this is okay is part of the problem and downward spiral of quality that this will begin.
  9. I hope that community makes an uproar about this because i simply cant fathom how they decided that ksins should cost that much and better yet, be unavailable from any other place but real life currency. We have platinum, regal aya and now you still have to pay AGAIN to get some skins lmao. I really hope that community votes with their wallets.
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