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  1. That's technically true. However, one cannot have multiple account logins within the same computer or console for Warframe. So it would require two PCs, which might share the same Public IP; however, you can then argue they are siblings of the same family, using their own internet within the household. And then there's the extra step...two or more separate households.
  2. The hyped copium continues...fml 😭 Also, what about wayfinder? 🥺
  3. Wait until you try to get Feverspine, it's harder...the suffering doesn't end. 🤯
  4. reference: https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Thrax_Legatus#Lua_Thrax_Legatus There are two lua (voruna expansion related) survival missions, with both normal and steel path versions. The person probably just made the common mistake of misreading...nothing dramatic.
  5. In the very beginning of Cetus Plains, the archwing launcher segment was a consumable gear item of x100 per craft instance. Now they have infinite usage, but in the past, it wasn't this current way. Some folks were being elitist about it saying they have thousands of archwing launcher segments too, from collecting a lot of fish oil mainly to craft that amount. My point is it could have turned out much worse than it is currently now. And we are the champions of persuading the devs to make this past archwing launcher segment change! Woot! Woot!🥳 Keep fighting, together we shall conquer even other dimensions, such as Duviri Paradox! 👊
  6. In the past, I used to use warframe.builder website, but am recently trying out overframe instead and I kinda like it more. I mainly use these warframe builder websites regarding the problem you described, with mod costs and polarity stuff. For overframe you can login with gmail and save loadouts easily to the same account. Warframe.builder website I think requires making another account just for the website and is not really updated as often, anymore. Thus, I now prefer using overframe, but overframe didn't exist in the far past before.
  7. I like this idea, like in the cases of changing or switching different rivens, per se. However, I feel like DE would most likely just add another different type of forma for this same purpose because it would be easier coding-wise. It's probably typically easier to add a new feature as a brand new thing than from a previously reworked thing or system that will need to be re-coded. This does make sense with the current game design system. Also, most folks that are very abundant on forma are beyond MR 30, which means you have max mod capacity after spending a forma on a weapon's loadout to "fix" it for like switching to a different riven or new build loadout.
  8. reference: https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Mining Double (x2) Resource Booster makes you get double the quantity of gem deposits. Resource Drop Chance Booster boosts the odds or frequency of gem deposits, and doesn't affect the spawns of the veins either.
  9. It's technically not allowed, from what I understand...but it's obviously hard to completely enforce in practice. I wouldn't publically state you are doing it or will do it, too.
  10. Or they go full-Kirito and bring a sword to a gunfight... 😉
  11. I can explain one aspect per se. Frost's passive is too RNG, 10% proc chance, and has to be a melee hit. I remembered KnightmareFrame complaining about this point, regarding the oldie: Frost. I like how all of these were released in Update 6.0 or before (Frost and Nyx, along with all Vanilla Warframes). That alone kind of implies that this list of Warframes might be currently overlooked because they are very old and past-released Warframes.
  12. This reminds me of when folks were proposing Warframe Rivens might be an upcoming feature from past discussions regarding past data leaks. Boi were they all fools now, bruh!
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