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Posts posted by kentarkhos

    • TYPE: In-game, in-mission, UI
    • DESCRIPTION: During Hacking and Reactor Meltdown sections of RJ missions, I will stagger and knock over the marked targets (Jamming drone or Corpus Engineer) via Void dash and airburst. The red target market on the UI will disappear even though the target is still alive.
    • VISUAL: See below

    Marked drone:



    Target is marked



    Target is knocked down with void dash



    Target is still alive and is missing marker

    Marked Engineer:



    Target is marked



    Target is knocked down with airburst



    Target is still alive and is missing marker

    • REPRODUCTION: Find marked target in RJ mission (Jamming drone or Corpus Engineer) > Knock them down (Void dash, air burst, etc) > UI target mark disappears.
    • EXPECTED RESULT: Target should get knocked down and retain its UI marker
    • OBSERVED RESULT: Target is knocked down and loses UI marker
    • REPRODUCTION RATE: 100% of the time
    • TYPE: In-game, in-mission
    • DESCRIPTION: In-mission using Zephyr Prime. Using abilities and at some point Energizing Dash ceases to work. Attached video shows that there are no abilities being used and there is no energy regen. Entering and exiting operator does not fix the issue. Unsure of the trigger however it has happened three times, twice in RJ missions and once in Sanctuary Onslaught, all with Zephyr Prim.
    • VISUAL
    • REPRODUCTION: Unknown 
    • EXPECTED RESULT: With no abilities active that drain, Energizing Dash should provide energy regen.
    • OBSERVED RESULT: With no abilities active that drain, Energizing Dash did not provide energy regen.
    • TYPE: In-game, in-mission, Railjack
    • DESCRIPTION: Completed Railjack: Arc Silver Defense mission portion solo. Chose to extract after successfully completing 5 waves. Was teleported back to Railjack and was told by Cy that the mission was a failure. Unable to interact with remaining Derelict and unable to go to next node. No end mission rewards given.
    • EXPECTED RESULT: I should have successfully completed the entire Arc Silver mission after successfully completing the Defense portion.
    • OBSERVED RESULT: Mission failed after choosing to extract after 5 waves.
    • REPRODUCTION RATE: Only tried once.
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