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Posts posted by MBaldelli

  1. I generally don't...  As we know the saying "Caveat Emptor" (Let the Buyer beware), there's also "Caveat Subcriptor" (Let the Seller beware).  

    As we're trading for a good for premium currency -- the necessary safeguards should be taken into consideration, because the truth is, a lot of games run their terms of service "as is", with a heavy implication of self-protection required to keep the hide on their butt from being stripped off. 

    So instead of creating a potential witch hunt for entitlement, you make friends with people in the legal sector (be it a lawyer, judge, pro-counsel) and learn the common sense of trading for goods and services.  

  2. 2 minutes ago, Sternlos said:

    It needs some kind of richochet, as it stands the bow could deal 2 billion damage per shot and it would still suck ass in terms of KPM compared to even A tier weapons.


    You need to go back to the drawing board and learn how to properly build instead of lazing your way to the middle.  

    • Like 3
  3. 12 minutes ago, Rexinator414 said:

    it turns Revenant into a generic soft purple emo demon boy,

    Does it?  When my friend runs with it, I think more like this: 


    14 minutes ago, Rexinator414 said:

    perhaps that of a Draugr?

    This feels more like Nekros.  And Nekros has weirdness for his deluxe skin; which I approve.  

    24 minutes ago, Rexinator414 said:

    (this lower jaw could potentially be an auxiliary part that can be equipped or removed like Nekros Irkalla's Binds?)

    Really?!  I don't want to know what country you live in where you bind your dead in chains like slaves.  No thank you. 

  4. 10 minutes ago, Ace-Bounty-Hunter said:

    It's not like the content is going away anytime soon, nor is there any kind of finish line or detriment to falling behind other players. 

    DE doesn't have a habit of removing or trivialising content like Blizzard or Bungie does, so you're not really missing out if you put the game down for a while.

    I think you missed the point of what @laxximus implies.  The point is he likes the content, but at the same time he might currently have time constraints to deal with it all right now.  Or he's planning when he's going to have time constraints about it.  The point is that DE has been fostering a more lenient (albeit it punishing) method for having to do other things than play the game: staggered extraction.  As Deep Archimedea currently stands it's fostering the issues that come from FOMO by fixing it to an arbitrary number to do every week and then missing out when they have to walk away for that week.  

    And the truth of the matter is that, sure!  It's not going away like the bullS#&$tery that Bungie does by having time-constrained special events (Corridors of Time anyone?).  But!  As it stands it's currently in the evaluating period for for both DE and the players community, and some people are here to remind them of the promises and offerings that DE is giving us.  

    We don't need another repeat of DE sticking their heads in the sand that created this problem with a different costume: 

    And as I was taught by my family, it's better to have an ounce of prevention than have a pound of cure.  

    Besides, as I see it we're looking forward for the answer to this question in your opinion

    3 hours ago, xXDragonGodXx said:

    How does the freedom to choose when to use the allocated and bought search pulses put more pressure on the player?

    It seems you have a strong opinion against this, but you failed to make it obvious for those of us that can't read your mind.  Because if I were to venture a guess, this is what I'm thinking: 


    • Like 1
  5. 1 hour ago, Ace-Bounty-Hunter said:

    I don't agree. Deep Archimedea is supposed to be a trade off where you sacrifice two of your Netracell runs for a mode with harder difficulty but more rewards. Removing that interaction defeats the whole purpose of it while simultaneously adding pressure to the player to do everything for that weekly lockout.

    Not right, not wrong...  My problem you're given 5 a week, but to do Deep Archimedea you need to do 2 pulses regardless.  And while Westerners don't have problems with this number incongruency (as I personally prefer 3, 6, 9 and 11 are good luck for me), Easterners are even deeper into numerological superstitions as you can see here: 





    Perhaps understanding the cultural differences should be investigated. 

    Post edit...  It just dawned on me..   It's not like we can't do something like this because what the hell am I going to use this any time in the near ever?! 



  6. 1 hour ago, ShardTheDiceGirl said:
    - Priority 1: remove inventory slot costs, or increase at least five-fold the amount of inventory slots obtained per purchase. Inventory limits are easily the worst form of monetization in this game, they are fine if your game design encourages "maining" few things, but they are downright disgusting on the level that casinos are when your game design encourages (or even requires) "collectionist" behaviour. This would ideally be all inventory slots, but as long as this design trend continues, it matters most for weapon slots and warframe slots.
    - Reduce frame crafting timers to a *total* of 12h, same for weapons. Most people who'd spent platinum to rush would likely still rush with this, but it makes the game far more approachable for those who don't. Prime frames are also already heavily monetized in a variety of ways, the timers on them feel far worse.
    - Massively reduce (10min max) or remove forma crafting timer. Formas require farming resources, then relics, then opening the relics and luckily getting the blueprints, it's already enough of a bother that people who have plat are more likely to just buy them. This would be such an important change that even if the resource cost for forma was significantly increased, it'd still be worth it.


    You're not discussing the problem, you're using is as an agenda for your personal wants and desires.  This doesn't sound like feedback to the game mode, this feels like a hostage negotiation for what you think should be made better that's not remotely associated to Deep Archimedea. 

    You know there's a forum for this,


    and this isn't it.

    1 hour ago, ShardTheDiceGirl said:

    I'm not personally too affected by this because I'm disabled and have a lot of "free" time


    How incredibly mature. 

    • Like 2
  7. 23 minutes ago, DragonManipulator372 said:

    I don't have a response for this other than the numerous weapons no one talks about, combined with the statistics of the most used weapons and frames. Not all weapons and frames are created equal.

    So we're playing the game of last word?  This should be fun.  

    And of course they're not.  They're put together based on three tiers (low level (Mercury - Ceres), mid level (Jupiter to Neptune) and high level (Pluto and out)) and damage types and stats often chosen by a spin of the damage wheel with the illusion that it looks logical.  But that's not necessarily true if you know what the hell you're doing like I did with my Harrow and Wise Little Rabbit did so with that Mesa.  You should see what we both can do with the Kestrel (which was originally designed for low level enemies) when we head to Steel Path.  

    I'll give you a hint, though.  My Kestrel is called MS Flight Simulator.  Wise Little Rabbit's is called Taxi to God.  

    Do you want them all to the High level?  


    How bout you prove this litmus test first:


  8. 23 minutes ago, DragonManipulator372 said:

    In the early days of Warframe, as I've come to understand, the game was far different. The focus was on stealth, because back then, you weren't very strong or durable, so the key was taking enemies out as quickly and stealthily as possible, before they could kill you.

    Not quite. 

    The problem with early game -- like back in 2013 -- the ammo and energy restores weren't as plentiful back then as they are now.  You could frequently run out of ammo and energy 50% through the mission without the required restores in your gear wheel. 

    39 minutes ago, DragonManipulator372 said:

    My suggestion: open the floodgates. The state that Warframe is in now, it has become the ultimate power fantasy. We are void blessed kids, given incredible powers to control creatures of pure power themselves, with a whole host of abilities that many would kill to possess. And despite the bumpy road it took us to get here, we're here now.

    Honey, this was said by Tactical Potato back during when DE was discussing the changes for weapon damages and physical damage types:

    At its core, Warframe is a whole mode game about killing huge amounts of enemies; so let us kill them.  I'm not looking for a long walk on the beach with this #*!%er...  I want to end his existence.  We already have Warframes that can harness of an Anti-Matter drop.  Go Invisible.  Disarm enemies while making them beat ten shades of S#&$e out of each other.  Warframes that dance to a beat while nuking a whole room.  Sound quake enemies as they spawn in.  And a Warframe that can suck targets into a two inch puddle of water and make them drown.  The game is about being over-powered space #*!%ing ninjas. 

    This was said years ago....  what game were you playing back before 2020 when you registered here?  We've known this about Warframe since 2016.  

    43 minutes ago, DragonManipulator372 said:

    For starters, support frames such as Harrow, should be reworked to be more offensive.

    I'm sorry, what?  I can play him (Harrow) support, but thanks to his kit, I can make him a melee monster of unstoppable force.  Perhaps you should stop a moment and stop colouring between the lines and actually trying a different mindset and then experimenting..   

    Following is an example of this mindset by taking aimbot prime (Mesa) and making her pure melee: 

    Go experiment.  Try it out.   Don't listen to content creators cookie cutting out the same tired builds for people incapable of doing algebraic maths and want to laze their way through missions until they're bored and burned out looking for something else to whinge, consume and burn out from like a toddler on a sugar high.  

    You'll see you already have what you're looking for.  

  9. As reported here: 

    It would appear that your lighting effects seem to have problems on other maps.  Case in point when I was running the Invasions yesterday on Jupiter (for the forma Blueprint).  On the Corpus Spaceship Tileset, this is what I was met with for at the beginning of the map: 




    they're not shadows, it's pure blackness and lack of asset presence.  

    While I didn't take a picture (or three) of the Grineer part of the map as we transitioned from Corpus to Grineer Asteroid to Grineer Galleon, on the Galleon tileset, imagine if you can that some of the doors were also this pure black of nothingness with either the green (of a door that can be entered) or yellow (which is couldn't) indicators. 


    I was half thinking Falkor should come into the game and warn me of the nothing. 

  10. 18 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

    Inaros can now cancel Sandstorm with a Melee attack!


    It seems that when you press a combination of melee interaction (E) key on my config and the Sandstorm ability button (2) frequently, you can cause Sandstorm to continue without energy consumption as seen (above).   While it seems to be mostly a visual bug as it doesn't seem to suck enemies into the whirlwind,  you can  infrequently cause enemies that are rushing to you to get thrown around the map while the effect is happening (as though sandstorm is active).   

    This happens regardless of whether the player is running with Elemental Sandstorm.  

    And so far, the only way to stop the sandstorm is through extraction (either aborting the mission or normal extraction methods).  

  11. 2 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

    Fixed the Arsenal, Transference Room, and Helminth Room not being lit properly when Dynamic Lighting is disabled in settings. 

    Great, you fixed the lighting so I don't feel like Stalker in my PJs when at navigation (as seen here):


    Looks good going down the ramp too: 


    But go through the doorway into the work area you get the jarring feeling of less light: 


    The transition from one from to the next is like a blackout curtain went down on the door, except no curtain:


    Also, there's this (congrats, it's all rooted in Sun-shadows) 


    • Like 1
  12. 48 minutes ago, _Anise_ said:

    Melee have been given arcane adaptors because ... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    I'm with @xXDragonGodXx on this...  Melee has always been superior to primaries and secondaries and has been this way since Damage 1.0.  

    The primary reason why we got melee arcanes and Tennokai was to entice the players from Destiny II, COD, R6S, and so many other games involving shooting enemies to death was to entice the them out of the rut of running & gunning only and using melee beyond the typical hatred and trolling stigma of bringing a knife to a gunfight.  Whether this is truly working remains to be seen (as we don't see the spreadsheets DE sees with builds and outputs, so we can only go based on limited observation).

    48 minutes ago, _Anise_ said:

    Melee are now vastly superior in hard content _/


    Again, limited observation based on matchmaking, but I can tell you from my limited observations there's still a butt-load of players still happily running & gunning with nary a knife or sword used by them other than to break open the occasional loot boxes they happen to be standing nearby to.

    But this:



    You think it's the next META exploit!?!  HAHAHAHHAHAHA I have only one thing to say about this: 


    • Like 2
  13. On 2024-03-27 at 10:01 AM, [DE]Megan said:

    New Somachord Tones 
    New Somachord Tones have been added to Albrecht’s Laboratories! Scanning them will unlock the following Whispers in the Walls tracks for your Orbiter’s Somachord: 

    • Murum Vull
    • No God Above Knowledge
    • Platform 7
    • Sanctum Anatomica
    • See It In The Flesh
    • The Fragmented
    • Vashtav
    • Yara Jeliira
    • The Master Returns

    Great!  New Somachords!  New Searches....  New Stuff to listen to while we perform are necessary adjustments while being murder hobos on missions 

    But let's talk about the missing somachords that were removed from the old Corpus spaceship tileset.  Then new music added to the new Corpus spaceship tileset, and then put on hold as all this new music has been added to the game inn Duviri, in Albrecht's Laboratories, 

    So the operative question is -- when are these on hold somachords going to actually be added to the collectible library!? 

    • Like 1
  14. the answer is definitely more than 1.   


    But what's the point.  Lockers open with a single interaction.  Loot Foot lockers are broken open with 1 hit..  But the Sarcophagus?  6 to 8 hits later -- at a standard 1.2K damage -- seems rather excessive for nothing unique in them.  

    Uncommon and rare caches might take 3 - 5, but at least there seems to be something good inn them when it takes that long.  Like a Forma or parts for a Lander.  

    But for this?  


     I get better elsewhere! 

  15. 12 minutes ago, Hexerin said:

    Octavia isn't excluded, she has the option there just like every other frame with invisibility.

    There's also nothing stating this is an accessibility feature, not sure where you're getting that idea from.

    Thanks for the corrections  Didn't see it in the patch notes.  Might have been overwhelmed on it.  

    As for whether it's accessibility, having family with sight issues, it easy easy for me to see it as part of an accessibility feature added to make it easier to see the invisible warframe(s). This is why I said: 

    1 hour ago, MBaldelli said:

    If this is supposed to be visual accessibility feature for players


  16. Warframe0005.jpg?ex=6616dde9&is=660468e9

    While the picture doesn't do it justice, when the invisible effect is set to semi-cloak on Ash, Ivara and Loki there seems to be this hall of mirrors effect while they were moving.  When the Warframe stays still, it goes back to the semi-transparent effect like shown in the arsenal in the orbiter.  

    However, I would like to bring to attention the parazon mod: Untraceable.  Another bigger disappointment because this will use the semi-cloak ability on the warframes in question, but as other warframes don't have this -- it goes back to the default effect prior to this add-on to the appearance screen.  

    What's the point?  If this is supposed to be visual accessibility feature for players, why do we have it limited to just Ivara, Loki and Ash?  Why did you arbitrarily chose to exclude Octavia for her Metronome?  

    If this is supposed to eventually roll out for all warframes, this is really a half-baked testing.  And it's disheartening. 

  17. Personal quarters.  Where's the shelves?


    I'm finding myself frowning at Volumetric Fog on the Orbiter...  It reminds me of Hollywoodisms for special effects.  


    Seems to me that if there's that much condensation in the air, you're definitely having environmental problems with the ship.  Let's talk realism here:


    Then there's lighting in personal quarters...  Where's this light and why are my posters getting washed out:


    Finally why is my operator/drifter getting washed out by it: 


    Makes me think I should be dabbing on more foundation.  


    • Like 7
  18. Here's the thing..   When we get relic pack drops from Twitch -- and I thank you for them -- they should actually be like a loot box waiting to be clicked on to reveal...  You know like how EA does their "Surprise Mechanic" nonsense.  Or they should show opened in the in-game e-mail as to what was received in the relic pack.  

    Because of the way it is currently set up, imagine for a moment owning: 


    And getting 3 new relics on top of the 8,040 relics not shown, having no idea what it was for.   And little did I know one of the three relics was actually 


    Can this be improved in some way...  please?

    • Like 1
  19. On 2024-03-17 at 1:16 PM, Digital-Exile said:

    Please DE can you introduce Exilus forma, same as you have done for Aura/stance forma so we're not locked into 1 exilus mod after using forma on a primary/secondary. I for one would like to be able to experiment and be able to change up at will rather than be locked into (x) exilus mod. 

    While this is not something attached to Whispers in the Wall, but if you're talking about the adapters, you can get these here:  


    After unlocking it using the Adapter, you can use standard forma to change the polarity according to what mod(s), you might want there from the Exilus category...  But Universal like the Aura forma?  Yeah, I'm not seeing that happen any time in the near future as it's been asked for since Forma was no longer plat-only purchases because it screams power-creep not to mention excessively easy to abuse.  

    Try strategizing your building instead of hitting this button:  




  20. Interesting,  but...  

    1 hour ago, Binket_ said:
    • Nitain Extract, as a way to get it outside of Nightwave.
      • Making it expensive or not is not my choice, but it'd be nice.
      • ESPECIALLY when Nightwave isn't active. Any way to get it outside of Sabotage Caches at a stupidly low rate would be appreciated.

    It's already there.  


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