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  1. I just thought about the same thing. Ofc it doesn't actually take away the base weapon but considering the weapons have already existed before different from the previous incarnons or the weapons you mentioned. I love the Latron so much and I expected the adapter to give it something that evolves the weapon's playstyle while maybe giving it some AoE - Headshot kills make targets explode after 0.5 seconds- instead of aiming for heads you aim at their feet. Strun for example could make them explode if you kill them at close range - Instead of being in their face and killing them in one shot you are far away and spam them. I can't help but feel a loss of identity for the weapons at that point. If you didn't have access to these powerful modes then I think I would see this shot and periodical change in gameplay / weapon identity as something positive. Though as it stands right now that's not the case. Again, the main reason behind my feedback is that I hope that they don't repeat this too much on future weapons and that I think the stack mechanic just feels anticlimactically unrewarding. Thus far the ratio seems fine. Thanks for the answers.
  2. It's true that the range is not actually that high but it still feels off that you effectively end up using an entirely different weapon for most of the mission. I'd even say they can bump up the AoE and then reduce ammo pools or build-up requirement. Some weapons like the Furis incarnon basically play the same but others like the strun change entirely from their gameplay patter -for a brief momen that's awesome, but only doing so 95% of the time doesn't revive the weapon but almost remove it. Again, this doesn't apply to all of them, Strun and Latron are the big ones for me and I mostly just hope that it doesn't become the norm. As for not being able to get headshots. I didn't even have that problem in infested mission because the requirement is so low.
  3. I generally agree but I think ammo is the only true issue here. Them nerfing rivens would be the worst outcome.
  4. The new incarnon weapons are a great addition and I'm looking forward to getting my hands on old weapons like the Ack & Brunt and putting the adapter on in. The weapons feel polished and maybe we'll get more of them every other patch or even turn it into a random roll system (would love that) - BUT the aspect of balance seems problematic to me. After DE has put a lot of effort into balancing AoE spam we now have a hand full of new weapons that just turn the game back into "shoot in the general direction of your enemy gameplay". While I enjoy the power of these weapons and think that many weapons might NEED AoE to actually stay relevant, I also believe that putting an infinite ammo one-shotting grenade launcher mode on every weapon really misses the mark in both thematic / weapon type identity and game balance. The ammo pools for incarnon forms are too large and charging them is trivial (shoot one or two enemies). Therefore: Significantly reduce the incarnon ammo on weapons like the Latron, Laetum, Strun, etc. and slightly increase the requirement of shots to max out the bar (remove multishot scaling / small cooldown per charge gained) Example: Strun incarnon down to 5 shots Laetum incarnon down to 30 shots Counterexample: (of healthier ammo) Kunai incarnon seems to have a way better balance with 20 ammo and no AoE attacks Braton is a simple dps weapon in the primary slot and doesn't have that large of an AoE Maybe other people can add to this. I love the incarnon forms but it seems almost unrewarding since there is no build-up (literally) to the form and it often feels like there is not point in using the base fire mode (the fact that you can be in incarnon 95% of the time seems wrong)
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