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  1. I would love for Mirage to keep positioning as her road to power, I think that is a valuable unique feature that fits her acrobat/jester theme really well! For that to be lost is quite sad. A lot of people would want a toggle for Helminth purposes, and because it would be way more powerful, but here is my personal suggestions: - Max the values of the ability, giving you either full defense, or full offense, not the weird in-between values. - Remove the dependency on the tiles and lighting engine, instead make pillars of light (like spotlights) or a noise pattern on the floor that marks the light and dark zones. The idea of her moving around the stage to get what she needs in the moment is great! - Have her abilities interact with the stage! her ult should have a large sphere around it in which you always get the light bonus, and maybe the traps created by her legerdemain create small zones of dark. as long as they are very clearly marked by a visual effect. this would give her 4 augment an additional use by keeping you in the light at all times. Once again I want to emphasize how beneficial it would be for her entire kit and theme if this WAS NOT a toggle ability, despite everyone wanting it to be a toggle for its popular use in helminth builds (but personally helminth should not be considered for how you change something, other than balancing it down)
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