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Posts posted by Legger

  1. The Arbiters of Hexis aren't helping anyone but themselves. If you do a quick google search on the definition of Hexis, Arbiter and Dogmatic you get a keen picture that these guys just want to be gods, not warriors.


    The Red Veil and the Steel Meridian will be busy saving the human colonies. (the most heroic you can get when it comes to the syndicates imo)

  2. The new animations spread throughout the warframes look great btw, and the event-like idles are even more amazing! However, with the Ash Noble set (probably one of the top favorites), still spits out the same white smoke no matter the warframe. From my knowledge, the other animations out there at least match the same energy color, even if it is Mag using fire from Ember's animation. 


    It should be fixed to match the specific warframe's color, and further so, the effects should eventually match each and every warframe. For example, Ash's Noble idle animation will spray out electricity when Volt is using it, or fire when Ember is using it.


    Thanks for your time!

  3. I absolutely love the new UI, so there's not much to hate on, but I do think an easy means to enter your dojo, contacts and inventory should be available via ship or menus that are already on the ship. Such as the solor map, comms or something and the arsenal. I also want to be able to set my party or group into invite only or friends only via the solar map as well, if it isn't already possible (have been trying to figure it out).

  4. 20130904223259!TV54X5x.jpg


    Sorry but the legs of him show that there simply cant be anything inside.

    Its fused.


    I believe its possible for there to be a body glove underneath, but I see the warframes as suits that consist of powerful micro pieces that shape around the user's body. On that idea, you could assume that it could affect their body as well. Nekros and Oberon don't exactly have the appropriate scaling for a typical human being like the others, however, it doesn't mean the warframe can't "morph" their frame over time.

  5. These are so cool, is there a website you use to view your warframes like that?


    Most of them come from different things within the game itself, with the UI turned off in screenshots under UI. For instance, my pictures use the tutorial under the foundry. I imagine the other setups I've seen come from the arsenal screen and places within the Codex.

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