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Posts posted by BrownStalin

  1. 13 hours ago, (PS4)watt4hem said:


    And by that i meant your video is as uncomprihensable as most off topic threads.

    Oh, I'm a goob. I forgot to indicate I was replying to Erebus.

    Also are you saying, a bunch of discord users as Super-heroes who fight DE and Reddit while followign the leadership of Commie killer Adolf Hitler NOT comprehensive?

  2. Yeah, I made this, you won't know half of the people here but trust me, a long time ago. This place was the best part of Warframe, this captures that.

    JUST KIDDING this place was always cancerous! And that's why I love. It was even more cancerous back then and I loved it more!
    Here's the video ya rascals:

    Pretty good timing since school season starts.
    btw if you saw this in LPW don't complain. I said it seemed attention wh*rey. i never said I wasn't a @#&*( of a youtuber.

  3. 6 minutes ago, Aeon66 said:

    Depends on how you see it.

    It sorta caused a chain reaction that made a lot of new threads RP as well and frankly it was like after the fall of Rome.

  4. well I haven't posted here in a long time...
    Anyways, it's hello to everyone yadayadayadda. I came here to post a youtube video but that got shot down as the Japs don't know how Copyright works so I'll just post here I was gonna make a thread but that seemed a little attention @#&*(y



  5. http://www.crunchyroll.com/monster-musume-everyday-life-with-monster-girls  Is about a generation of handsomanly gentlemen going on bizarre adventures, fighting off from an evil vampire lord to a bunch of aztec gods of fitness and other antagonists. He get's help from a group of so called "Monster girls" and they accompany him along the way. While it may seem like there is fanservice. There is almost none at all.
    I'll take a blue.

  6. Eh might as well update my picture


    Still have the awkward stare...

    Also I managed to go from looking like an actual teenager to looking like a 28 year old computer software engineer...puberty hits you like a brick I train I swear...

  7. Just now, MagPrime said:

    Oh, shame I missed it.  In would have rolled with them and hilarity would have ensued.

    For some of us anyway.  They don't seem to laugh much when I join the party.

    I might be hurt, if I had a feeling to hurt.

    Calm down with the edge, you are starting to sound like MK.

    Tbh honest they don't laugh much when anyone joins there 2 person party.

  8. 47 minutes ago, MagPrime said:

    There were some sexy boopenings going on, I got involved.

    They got uncomfortable and stopped.  

    That was yesterday, today they were rolling around like a bunch of Tards without their guards.

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