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Posts posted by Get_Of_Fenris

  1. 12 hours ago, DooomBringer666 said:

    4. Lotus has a mother, much like Hunhow is her father.


    I just want to point out that "mother" might mean something else. Lotus could be refering to Hunhow, since we don't know how sentients reproduce. 

    Or it could be a place. Like how it is used to say "mother earth" or "motherland" 

  2. 12 hours ago, DooomBringer666 said:

    4. Lotus has a mother, much like Hunhow is her father.


    I just want to point out that "mother" might mean something else. Lotus could be refering to Hunhow, since we don't know how sentients reproduce. 

    Or it could be a place. Like how it is used to say "mother earth" or "motherland" 

  3. Valkyr is only called a cat frame because of her bastet helmet. Just like Oberon got his deer nickname for his helmets looks. For Inaros the anubis helmet seems to be the most popular one so maybe he will get an anubis themed deluxe skin one day. 

    Also if DE does make a dog themed frame it better have an exalted chew toy.

  4. 8 hours ago, Oksanya said:

    ...you miss the Strun Wraith Receiver alert by 1 hour, but you couldn't play cause you were at work....at it was the last part you needed to build the one weapon you've legit always wanted...in the game more than anything else..


    You should bring your complaint to your boss at work. I'm sure they will understand. 

  5. If you want long lasting invisibility don't pick Ash. Smokescreen is better used for repositioning or using in combination with bladestorm. 

    If you want to move fast while invisible don't pick Ivara.  Running breaks invisibility but you can run and sprint on ziplines with no problem. 

    If you don't want to do extra chores to activate invisibility don't pick Octavia. Depending on how you build your song it might be easier or harder or enter invisibility. 

    Loki has the simplest yet most effective cloaking power.

    My recommendation would be Ivara. She gets an augment that lets her pass through lazers, has in my opinion the most reliable cc out of those 4 frames and can provide invisibility to your squad.

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