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Posts posted by DoctorTee6

  1. Bonjour à tous,


    La Guilde Dissidence est un petit clan sympa (clan tempête) qui mise sur l'entre-aide plutôt que sur la compétition et le farm. Le but est plus de former un groupe cohérent de personnes souhaitant évoluer dans le jeu ensemble.

    Admission :

    Nos règles d'admission sont plutôt simple : Être présent au moins une fois par mois sur le jeu/le serveur Discord et ne pas rester dans son coin, c'est le but d'un clan.
    Nous acceptons tout membre (anglophone ou francophone), quelque soit le palier, à condition qu'il compte rester sur le jeu un certain temps (pour éviter les "membres fantômes").
    Nous avons supprimé nos règles de connexion, et nous n'éjectons plus pour inactivité, sauf si nous avons besoin de place dans le clan. La seule chose que l'on exige, c'est de rejoindre notre serveur Discord. Tout membre quittant le serveur est automatiquement éjecté du clan. Par contre, il n'y a aucune exigence quant à l'activité sur ce serveur (on ne vous forcera pas à poster un messages tous les jours).

    Présentation :

    Notre dojo est déjà décoré, et possède des postes d'échange, ainsi que les 5 labos avec toutes les recherches (sauf l'ignis wraith).
    Notre clan possède un serveur Discord actif, qui nous permet de nous tenir au courant des différents évents, et de discuter à la fois en vocal ou en texte, tout en gardant un historique, ce qui manque sur le système de tchat ingame.
    Il faut noter que l'activité des membres du clan est plus significative durant les vacances et les week-ends, il ne faut pas s'arrêter au nombre de connectés le jour !
    Nous faisons également partie de l'alliance Gilded Phoenix (Branche Amethyste), alliance de clans principalement francophones, mais ouverts aux membres anglophones, qui nous permet de garantir une certaine activité sur le jeu.
    Enfin, le serveur discord est conçu de façon à permettre à chacun de notifier les personnes intéressées par les mêmes missions que lui, au moyen de rôles joignables en cliquant sur des emotes.

    Staff :
    Warlord : DoctorTee6 (moi-même)
    Chefs : Darkstyle59 et Sigma64
    Sous-Chefs : Natvar, lesanguinaire, OeilBleu et IkariFox

    Si vous êtes intéressés, vous pouvez nous contacter sur ce topic, sur le jeu (DoctorTee6) ou directement sur notre serveur discord (lien : https://discord.gg/qHgacBf ouvert à tous) !
    Lorsque vous entrez sur le serveur discord, vous devez lire les règles, puis entrer une certain commande dans un canal particulier, ceci afin que nous soyons sûr que vous avez bien lu les règles.


    Merci d'avoir lu !

  2. Heya !

    Since last update, I haven't been able to hunt Kubrodon/Bolarola, as there's no hunting spot showing up.



    (Yeah, image didn't load, but the second one is pobber lure).

    I left/joined the Orb Vallis 10 times, I even restarted the game, but I cannot manage to get those hunt spots.

    I tried to unequip Oxylus/Lifeform Scan precept, no changes...


    Any idea ?




  3. After having sent a message to support (and after several auto-answers), I finally got what I wanted :

    • You cannot use another version of any libraries or altered libraries for DirectX or otherwise when logging into Warframe.
    • We do not support Linux or Wine in anyway and you will need to go to the community for those softwares if you want to use them for any purposes.
    • Using anything other then official activated Windows with an unaltered Warframe installation can and most likely will lead to your permanent ban for cheating.


    Just dropping this there...

  4. Bonjour à tous,

    La Guilde Dissidence est un petit clan sympa (clan tempête) qui mise sur l'entre-aide plutôt que sur la compétition et le farm. Le but est plus de former un groupe cohérent de personnes souhaitant évoluer dans le jeu ensemble.

    Admission :

    Nos règles d'admission sont plutôt simple : Être présent au moins une fois par semaine sur le jeu/le serveur Discord (ou alors poster un message sur le discord pour indiquer votre absence) et ne pas rester dans son coin.
    Nous acceptons tout membre (anglophone ou francophone), quelque soit le palier, à condition qu'il compte rester sur le jeu un certain temps (pour éviter les "membres fantômes").
    Nous avons supprimé nos règles de connexion (une connexion par semaine, ...), et nous n'éjectons plus pour inactivité, sauf si nous avons besoin de place dans le clan.

    Présentation :

    Notre dojo est déjà décoré, et possède des postes d'échange, ainsi que les 5 labos avec toutes les recherches (sauf l'ignis wraith).
    Notre clan possède un serveur Discord actif, qui nous permet de nous tenir au courant des différents évents, et de discuter à la fois en vocal ou en texte, tout en gardant un historique, ce qui manque sur le système de tchat ingame.
    Nous faisons également partie de l'alliance Guilded Phoenix (Ruby), alliance de clans principalement anglophones.

    Staff :
    Warlord : DoctorTee6 (moi-même)
    Chefs : Darkstyle59 et Sigma64
    Sous-Chefs : Natvar, lesanguinaire et OeilBleu

    Si vous êtes intéressés, vous pouvez nous contacter sur ce topic, sur le jeu (DoctorTee6) ou directement sur notre serveur discord (lien : https://discord.gg/jCFzftA ouvert à tous) !
    Lorsque vous entrez sur le serveur discord, vous devez lire les règles, puis entrer une certain commande dans un canal particulier, ceci afin que nous soyons sûr que vous avez bien lu les règles.


    Merci d'avoir lu !

  5. On 21/06/2017 at 9:03 AM, liketicktick1020 said:

    Does this method still work with the current version of warframes installer? the newest post on here is from early last year... I've recently f***ked my windows 10 bootloader beyod repair and literally the only reason i would reinstall is to play warframe.... I'm if someone could just tag my answer or something if they are still using this method or reply if theres a new method out i'd super appreciate it. screw windows man, but i've gotta have my warframe....

    I'm still able to use Warframe using this method.


    My launch script (debian with wine 2.13 installed on /opt)




    WINEARCH=win64 WINEPREFIX=/home/<USERNAME>/Warframe_2/ /opt/wine-staging/bin/wine64 ./drive_c/users/<USERNAME>/Local\ Settings/Application\ Data/Warframe/Downloaded/Public/Tools/Launcher.exe



    Winecfg :

    - OS : Windows XP

    - Virtual Desktop emulated (Game is using fullscreen)

    The game is using 64bits mode, but without DirectX10/11 (Was anyone able to activate them ?)

    The launcher isn't showing the download bar during "Checking for new content".

    Note : There is still the Launcher Update loop. You must manually replace Launcher.exe by Launcher.exe.cpy (in something like drive_c/users/<USERNAME>/Local Settings/Application Data/Warframe/Downloaded/Public/Tools)



    By the way, does anyone know how to limit the CPU usage of the whole Warframe, because it is making my CPU going to 95°C... but it is only using 1 core (I have 8)...

  6. Happened on Pluto's tileset (I think it was an exter alert, and I was in friends-only empty squad). I was using atterax / akstilletto prime / tigris prime / ember prime with an helios prime and no sentinel weapons.

    Note that this happened BEFORE ambulas reborn.

    The enemy was a tech crewmen, with 1/3 of his HP, and being invincible. When I shot him, he didn't take any damage (no numbers), and he was like a ghost (the ember's ulti didn't target him), but he was still able to kill me. ground slam wasn't affecting him BTW.


  7. On 25/01/2017 at 3:33 PM, Alento096 said:

    I am not entirely sure what is causing the error. I need to further test with other setups, as it seems that Warframe requires packages to be installed outside of Wine to work properly. My initial setup seem to meet those requirements, and when using a different setup I run into errors, but not yours (mine seems to be related to lack of video RAM). I am currently using a version of XFCE4 that comes with some desktop applications, and that seems to work just fine. Upon wiping clean and switching to Enlightenment, and not having anything but minimum installed, Warframe will not run. Further testing will be required, and hopefully I can find out what packages I have that is needed for Warframe.

    Especially because packages might be an issue, me running Zesty Zapus might be what is helping me.

    I have all my efforts detailed out at https://docs.google.com/document/d/1yNvt8N0UBKZUQ0KdUq04XT1CRwS3tY_EHx7vAPHJkHk/edit?usp=sharing It has my initial testing in getting it up and running under XFCE4, and furthest down, my package efforts.

    Also, did you have any controllers plugged in while you were loading up Warframe?

    Sorry for the delay...

    I haven't any controller, and, as I said, I'm running Debian testing (9.0) with all up-to-date packages. I downloaded the latest version of wine via PlayOnLinux but I'm only using console to run wine.

    I'll retry soon to run Warframe, and this time I'll install DirectX9 and VCrun15 seperatly (NOTE : I'm using the system version of winetricks because when PoL downloads wine, there's no winetricks included (I use 1.8.X winetricks for 2.0.X wine))

  8. @Alento096

    Thanks for your tips, but as my next problem is Warframe-linked (and should be easy to patch), I think it's not needed to create a ticket on wineHQ :/

    I had to install a lot of additionnal librairies (like vcrun06/dinput), and then, the launcher started. The first try led to a crash during the update process (the launcher closed, without anything else). when I restarted it, it completed the update. And now, every time I start the game, I have this error message...


    0.008 Sys [Info]: Steam Service Initializing
    0.008 Sys [Info]: Attempting to load steam DLL from C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\Windows\x64\steam_api64.dll
    0.008 Sys [Info]: Steam DLL loaded
    0.120 Sys [Diag]: Process Command-line: -fullscreen:0 -dx10:0 -dx11:0 -threadedworker:1 -cluster:public -language:fr
    0.120 Sys [Diag]: Build Label: 2017. Retail Windows x64 [Stripped]
    0.120 Sys [Diag]: Build Unique ID: 2180257761
    0.120 Sys [Diag]: Windows user-name: [USERNAME]
    0.120 Sys [Diag]: Windows computer-name: [HOSTNAME]
    0.120 Sys [Diag]: On developer network: no
    0.121 Sys [Diag]: Current time: Tue Jan 24 19:17:28 2017 [UTC: Tue Jan 24 18:17:28 2017]
    0.121 Sys [Diag]: Current directory: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools
    0.133 Sys [Diag]: Processor: Intel Octo Core i7-4810MQ 2800MHz MMX/SSE/SSE2/SSE3/SSSE3/SSE41/SSE42/AVX/AVX2/POPCNT/F16C F/M/S/EF/EM: 6/C/3/0/3
    0.133 Sys [Diag]: Physical Memory: 3GB / 8GB free
    0.133 Sys [Diag]: Address Space: 128TB / 128TB free
    0.133 Sys [Diag]: No page file found!
    0.133 Sys [Diag]: Page size: 4KB (Granularity: 64KB)
    0.133 Sys [Diag]: Operating System: Windows XP Service Pack 2 [64-bit]
    0.136 Sys [Diag]: System Processes: 8
    0.136 Sys [Diag]: System Threads: 67
    0.136 Sys [Diag]: System Handles: 1,696
    0.138 Sys [Diag]: System GDI Objects: 0
    0.138 Sys [Diag]: System USER Objects: 0
    0.138 Sys [Diag]: System Up-Time: 0d 0h 11m 3s
    0.138 Sys [Diag]: Free Disk Space on C: 100,624,162,816 bytes
    0.138 Sys [Diag]: Found Monitor: (0, 0) - (1920, 1080) : 1920x1080
    0.138 Sys [Diag]: Found Monitor: (-1920, 0) - (0, 1080) : 1920x1080
    0.138 Sys [Diag]: Clock frequency: 10,000,000Hz
    0.144 Gfx [Info]: Private shader options need 35 bits
    0.148 Sys [Info]: Loading packages took 0ms
    0.149 Sys [Info]: Redirecting package load to: C:\users\[USERNAME]\Local Settings\Application Data\Warframe\Editor.cfg
    0.149 Sys [Info]: Windows caching enabled
    0.149 Sys [Info]: Dx9 caching enabled
    0.149 Sys [Info]: Dx11 caching enabled
    0.149 Sys [Info]: PS4 caching disabled
    0.149 Sys [Info]: XBONE caching disabled
    0.149 Sys [Info]: Scanning C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Warframe\Cache.Windows\ for cache blocks...
    0.149 Sys [Info]: Found 102 cache blocks...
    0.151 Sys [Info]: Cache languages enabled: _fr
    0.151 Sys [Info]: Loading Oodle DLL: oo2core_4_win64.dll
    0.152 Sys [Warning]: INTERNET_OPTION_IGNORE_OFFLINE failed
    0.152 Sys [Info]: Cache Host: content.warframe.com
    0.152 Sys [Info]: Origin Host: origin.warframe.com
    0.154 Sys [Info]: Downloading cache manifest index...
    0.382 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/H.Misc (took 67.6ms, loaded 71598 entries, found 747 deleted)
    0.382 Sys [Info]: Used shared /H.Cache.bin (106B Copy: 0s Write: 0.068s Latency: 0.228s)
    0.393 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/H.Font (took 2.90ms, loaded 1585 entries, found 368 deleted)
    0.393 Sys [Info]: Cache manifest hash CYobkh7gouUZ9sG6OmkRfA
    0.397 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/B.Font (took 1.73ms, loaded 1561 entries, found 86 deleted)
    0.420 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/B.Misc (took 22.6ms, loaded 46158 entries, found 279 deleted)
    0.627 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/B.AnimRetarget (took 2.16ms, loaded 2613 entries, found 130 deleted)
    0.629 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/H.AnimRetarget (took 2.47ms, loaded 2930 entries, found 675 deleted)
    0.632 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/H.CharacterCodesCache (took 0.006ms, loaded 1 entries, found 4 deleted)
    0.994 Sys [Info]: Loading package cache took 0.36s (Parse: 0.26s)
    1.008 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/H.VideoTextureSlow (took 0.013ms, loaded 1 entries, found 0 deleted)
    1.008 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/B.CharacterCodesCache (took 0.005ms, loaded 1 entries, found 2 deleted)
    1.127 Sys [Info]: Load deps cache took 120ms
    1.133 Sys [Info]: Redirecting package load to: C:\users\[USERNAME]\Local Settings\Application Data\Warframe\EE.cfg
    1.133 Sys [Diag]: Engine config profile: /Configs/EE.cfg/Windows_Config
    1.133 Sys [Info]: JobMgr: 6 threads
    1.134 Script [Info]: Installed CheckGlobal...
    1.156 Sys [Info]: Driver registered: ScriptDriver Supported types: [Script]
    1.161 Sys [Info]: Using language: _fr
    1.166 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/H.Misc_fr (took 5.70ms, loaded 6190 entries, found 178 deleted, spot-loaded)
    1.169 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/F.VideoTextureSlow (took 0.010ms, loaded 1 entries, found 0 deleted)
    1.171 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/F.Misc (took 2.51ms, loaded 2746 entries, found 19 deleted)
    1.209 Sys [Info]: Loading language cache took 0.0483126s
    1.209 Sys [Diag]: Command line:-client
    1.209 Sys [Diag]: SRand seeded with: 12134140156626976545
    1.210 Phys [Info]: Custom physx allocator in use
    1.218 Gfx [Info]: PhysX Core Version:
    1.218 Phys [Info]: PhysX scene manager initialized.
    1.218 Sys [Info]: Driver registered: MaterialLibrary Supported types: [PhysicsMaterial]
    1.219 Sys [Info]: Found 1,243 items to load (0.6ms) [Heap: 130,153,568/130,285,568 Footprint: 0 Handles: 0]
    1.223 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/B.Misc_de (took 4.13ms, loaded 6187 entries, found 27 deleted)
    1.227 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/H.Misc_de (took 3.98ms, loaded 6188 entries, found 176 deleted)
    1.229 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Dx9/H.CharacterCodesCache (took 0.245ms, loaded 187 entries, found 24 deleted, spot-loaded)
    1.250 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/B.Misc_en (took 4.52ms, loaded 6187 entries, found 29 deleted)
    1.255 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/H.Misc_en (took 4.49ms, loaded 6187 entries, found 164 deleted)
    1.276 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/H.Misc_es (took 4.61ms, loaded 6188 entries, found 170 deleted)
    1.277 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Dx9/B.CharacterCodesCache (took 0.128ms, loaded 70 entries, found 8 deleted, spot-loaded)
    1.278 Sys [Info]: Finished load of Shader batch [0.050s and 2 frames at 25 ms/frame avg, 9 ms/update peak]
    1.280 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Dx9/H.ShaderPermutation (took 1.53ms, loaded 3290 entries, found 29 deleted, spot-loaded)
    1.301 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/B.Misc_fr (took 4.65ms, loaded 6189 entries, found 27 deleted)
    1.306 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/B.Misc_es (took 3.94ms, loaded 6187 entries, found 26 deleted)
    1.327 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/H.Misc_it (took 4.68ms, loaded 6188 entries, found 172 deleted)
    1.330 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Dx9/B.ShaderPermutation (took 1.80ms, loaded 3290 entries, found 17 deleted, spot-loaded)
    1.352 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/B.Misc_it (took 4.79ms, loaded 6187 entries, found 30 deleted)
    1.373 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/H.Misc_ja (took 4.71ms, loaded 6188 entries, found 173 deleted)
    1.374 Sys [Info]: Finished load of ShaderPermutation batch [0.095s and 4 frames at 23 ms/frame avg, 8 ms/update peak]
    1.395 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/H.Misc_ko (took 4.88ms, loaded 6188 entries, found 172 deleted)
    1.400 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/B.Misc_ja (took 4.54ms, loaded 6187 entries, found 38 deleted)
    1.422 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/B.Misc_ko (took 4.81ms, loaded 6187 entries, found 42 deleted)
    1.444 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/H.Misc_pl (took 4.40ms, loaded 6188 entries, found 173 deleted)
    1.465 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/B.Misc_pl (took 4.41ms, loaded 6187 entries, found 30 deleted)
    1.486 Sys [Error]: /Lotus/StoreItems/Types/Items/FusionTreasures/OroFusexOrnamentA wanted a DojoPlaceableDecoration
    1.486 Sys [Error]: It couldn't use /Lotus/Objects/Gameplay/OroFusexPickupDeco because it's a Decoration
    1.486 Sys [Error]: /Lotus/StoreItems/Types/Items/FusionTreasures/OroFusexOrnamentB wanted a DojoPlaceableDecoration
    1.486 Sys [Error]: It couldn't use /Lotus/Objects/Gameplay/OroFusexPickupBDeco because it's a Decoration
    1.488 Sys [Info]: Flushing async load of /Lotus/Scripts/Effects/EnergyColorEffects.lua
    1.492 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/H.Misc_pt (took 4.19ms, loaded 6188 entries, found 175 deleted)
    1.493 Sys [Info]: Flush completed.
    1.496 Sys [Info]: Finished load of Script batch [0.122s and 4 frames at 30 ms/frame avg, 9 ms/update peak]
    1.518 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/H.Misc_ru (took 4.58ms, loaded 6188 entries, found 178 deleted)
    1.522 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/B.Misc_pt (took 4.13ms, loaded 6187 entries, found 33 deleted)
    1.543 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/B.Misc_ru (took 4.31ms, loaded 6187 entries, found 33 deleted)
    1.565 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/H.Misc_tc (took 4.50ms, loaded 6188 entries, found 186 deleted)
    1.586 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/B.Misc_tc (took 4.58ms, loaded 6187 entries, found 36 deleted)
    1.587 Sys [Info]: Finished load of TextSanitizer batch [0.090s and 4 frames at 22 ms/frame avg, 35 ms/update peak]
    1.610 Sys [Error]: Could not find game rules: /EE/Types/GameRules/MultiplayerGameRules
    1.610 Sys [Error]: Required by game config /EE/Types/GameRules/GameConfig
    1.610 Sys [Error]: Failed to create run-time type: MultiplayerGameRules (parent GameRules is abstract)
    1.610 Sys [Error]: Could not create /EE/Types/GameRules/MultiplayerGameRules as a GameRules
    1.610 Sys [Error]: Could not use game rules: /EE/Types/GameRules/MultiplayerGameRules (broken)
    1.610 Sys [Error]: Required by game config /EE/Types/GameRules/GameConfig
    1.610 Sys [Error]: Could not use MultiplayerGameRules: /EE/Types/GameRules/MultiplayerGameRules (broken)
    1.610 Sys [Error]: Required by game config /EE/Types/GameRules/GameConfig
    1.633 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/B.Misc_tr (took 4.45ms, loaded 6187 entries, found 33 deleted)
    1.637 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/H.Misc_tr (took 4.06ms, loaded 6188 entries, found 184 deleted)
    1.658 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/H.Misc_uk (took 4.60ms, loaded 6188 entries, found 182 deleted)
    1.682 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/B.Misc_uk (took 4.72ms, loaded 6187 entries, found 33 deleted)
    1.704 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/H.Misc_zh (took 4.85ms, loaded 6188 entries, found 184 deleted)
    1.704 Sys [Info]: Finished load of ProjectorMaterial ParticleMaterial Bank Sample MixingGroup PhysicsMaterial Material Mesh AnimScene PowerSuitStatsModifier ProceduralMaterial UnihanConverter batch [0.117s and 4 frames at 29 ms/frame avg, 29 ms/update peak]
    1.752 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Dx9/H.Texture (took 46.8ms, loaded 35665 entries, found 6785 deleted, spot-loaded)
    1.774 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/F.Misc_de (took 4.30ms, loaded 6159 entries, found 29 deleted)
    1.778 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/B.Misc_zh (took 4ms, loaded 6187 entries, found 39 deleted)
    1.800 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/F.Misc_en (took 4.72ms, loaded 6159 entries, found 29 deleted)
    1.820 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Dx9/B.Texture (took 19.2ms, loaded 35665 entries, found 545 deleted, spot-loaded)
    1.834 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Dx9/F.Texture (took 14ms, loaded 26440 entries, found 656 deleted, spot-loaded)
    1.836 Sys [Info]: Finished load of Texture DiffuseMap NormalMap VolumeTexture CubeMap EmissiveMap batch [0.131s and 2 frames at 65 ms/frame avg, 53 ms/update peak]
    1.858 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/F.Misc_fr (took 4.52ms, loaded 6161 entries, found 66 deleted)
    1.862 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/F.Misc_es (took 3.89ms, loaded 6159 entries, found 29 deleted)
    1.883 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/F.Misc_it (took 4.50ms, loaded 6159 entries, found 29 deleted)
    1.905 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/F.Misc_ja (took 4.53ms, loaded 6159 entries, found 29 deleted)
    1.926 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/F.Misc_ko (took 4.36ms, loaded 6159 entries, found 29 deleted)
    1.928 Sys [Info]: /Lotus/Characters/Tenno/TennoRangeOfMotion_physics.fbx built 30 objects in 1.33 ms
    1.928 Sys [Info]: Finished load of AutoRagdollScene batch [0.091s and 4 frames at 22 ms/frame avg, 41 ms/update peak]
    1.928 Sys [Info]: Resource load completed in one pass and 0.70s (inherited 0 of 1243)
    1.944 Net [Info]: UPnP enabled.
    1.944 Net [Info]: NAT-PMP enabled.
    1.945 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /EE/Types/Net/UDPDriver
    1.945 Sys [Info]: Initializing UPnP
    1.945 Sys [Info]: IUPnPNAT not found
    1.945 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /EE/Types/Input/LoadingInputFilter
    1.945 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /EE/Types/Input/SkippableVideoInputFilter
    1.945 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /EE/Editor/ToolMenus/Menus/EmptyMenu
    1.945 Net [Info]: Checking 1 gateways for NAT-PMP support
    1.954 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /EE/Types/Drivers/GraphicsWorker
    1.954 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /EE/Types/Drivers/Dx9Driver
    1.955 Gfx [Error]: Could not open SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Direct3D to set debug runtime
    1.958 Gfx [Error]: The D3D runtime you are using is obsolete (
    1.958 Gfx [Error]: Please check http://www.microsoft.com/windows/directx/ for the latest runtime.
    2.062 Gfx [Info]: Using Direct3D 9 Ex
    2.068 Sys [Info]: Applying suggested settings for "NVIDIA GeForce GTX 470", preset value = 5.
    2.070 Sys [Info]: Applied custom display settings:
     Dynamic Decals=1
     Texture Quality=TQ_HIGH
     Shadow Quality=SQ_HIGH
     Geometry Detail=GD_HIGH
     Enable HDR=1
     Enable Bloom=1
     Enable DOF=1
     Enable MotionBlur=1
     Enable Color Correction=1
     Hybrid Shadows=1
     Dynamic Lighting=1
     Local Reflections=1
     Volumetric Lighting=1
    2.071 Sys [Error]: Installed NVIDIA driver version is 33788; minimum required driver version for APEX is 355.60
    2.072 Sys [Error]: Gdf::GetWindowRefreshRate failed; assuming 60Hz refresh-rate.
    2.072 Gfx [Info]: Creating root back-buffer: 16x16
    2.072 Gfx [Info]: Creating device with D3DCREATE_MULTITHREADED
    2.132 Gfx [Info]: Using windowed mode 1280x720 @60Hz
    2.132 Gfx [Info]: Using a minimum sync-interval of 30Hz
    2.132 Gfx [Diag]: Direct 3D: Using NVIDIA GeForce GTX 470 [nv4_disp.dll]
    2.132 Gfx [Diag]: Direct 3D: Driver version
    2.132 Sys [Info]: NVIDIA driver version is: 33788 (Driver string: r337_00)
    2.132 Gfx [Diag]: Direct 3D: Hardware Ids 4318.1741.0.0
    2.132 Gfx [Diag]: Direct 3D: Device supports vertex shader version 3.0 (65536 instructions max)
    2.132 Gfx [Diag]: Direct 3D: Device supports pixel shader version 3.0 (65536 instructions max)
    2.132 Gfx [Diag]: Direct 3D: Device supports mipmapped cubemaps
    2.132 Gfx [Diag]: Direct 3D: Device supports MRTPOSTPIXELSHADERBLENDING
    2.132 Gfx [Diag]: Direct 3D: Simultaneous MRT: 4
    2.132 Gfx [Diag]: Direct 3D: Device supports D3DPMISCCAPS_SEPARATEALPHABLEND
    2.132 Gfx [Diag]: Direct 3D: Device supports D3DPRASTERCAPS_DEPTHBIAS
    2.132 Gfx [Diag]: Direct 3D: Device supports D3DPRASTERCAPS_SLOPESCALEDEPTHBIAS
    2.132 Gfx [Diag]: Direct 3D: Device supports D3DSTENCILCAPS_TWOSIDED
    2.132 Gfx [Diag]: Direct 3D: Device supports D3DPBLENDCAPS_BLENDFACTOR
    2.132 Gfx [Diag]: Direct 3D: Shadow map format: D3DFMT_D24S8
    2.132 Gfx [Diag]: Direct 3D: Depth buffer format: FOURCC_INTZ
    2.132 Gfx [Diag]: Direct 3D: Depth-stencil buffer format: FOURCC_INTZ
    2.132 Gfx [Diag]: Direct 3D: G-buffer format: D3DFMT_A2R10G10B10
    2.132 Gfx [Diag]: Direct 3D: Single float format supported D3DFMT_R16F
    2.132 Gfx [Diag]: Direct 3D: Supports Single float format as Vertex textures
    2.132 Gfx [Diag]: Direct 3D: Support L8 format
    2.132 Gfx [Diag]: Render target blending with D3DFMT_A16B16G16R16F [supported]
    2.132 Gfx [Diag]: Direct 3D: Frame format: D3DFMT_A16B16G16R16F
    2.133 Gfx [Diag]: Render target blending with D3DFMT_A32B32G32R32F [supported]
    2.133 Gfx [Diag]: Render target blending with D3DFMT_A2B10G10R10 [supported]
    2.133 Gfx [Diag]: Render target blending with D3DFMT_A2R10G10B10 [supported]
    2.133 Gfx [Diag]: Render target blending with D3DFMT_A16B16G16R16 [supported]
    2.133 Gfx [Diag]: Texture format FOURCC_ATI2N [supported]
    2.133 Gfx [Diag]: Volume texture filtering with D3DFMT_A8R8G8B8 [supported]
    2.133 Gfx [Diag]: Volume texture filtering with D3DFMT_DXT1 [NOT supported]
    2.133 Gfx [Diag]: Direct 3D: Blending to sRGB targets is done in linear space
    2.133 Gfx [Diag]: Direct 3D: Device has 8 texture stages
    2.133 Gfx [Diag]: Direct 3D: Device supports textures as large as 16384x16384
    2.133 Gfx [Diag]: Direct 3D: Device supports texture aspect ratios of 16384:1
    2.133 Gfx [Diag]: Direct 3D: Available video memory: 2048 MB
    2.136 Sys [Info]: Driver registered: Dx9Driver Supported types: [Texture, VideoTexture, Material, Mesh, Shader, ShaderPermutation]
    2.136 Sys [Info]: Spot-loading /EE/Shaders/CombinerFXFill.hlsl during batch loading!
    2.145 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/F.Misc_pl (took 6.75ms, loaded 6159 entries, found 29 deleted)
    2.152 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/F.Misc_pt (took 5.83ms, loaded 6159 entries, found 29 deleted)
    2.153 Sys [Info]: Spot-loading /EE/Shaders/Distortion.hlsl during batch loading!
    2.161 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/F.Misc_ru (took 6.03ms, loaded 6159 entries, found 29 deleted)
    2.168 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/F.Misc_tc (took 5.91ms, loaded 6159 entries, found 29 deleted)
    2.168 Sys [Info]: Spot-loading /EE/Editor/Darkitect/Materials/Shaders/UnlitAmbient.hlsl during batch loading!
    2.176 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/F.Misc_tr (took 5.28ms, loaded 6159 entries, found 29 deleted)
    2.177 Sys [Info]: Spot-loading /EE/Shaders/Particles/LensFlare.hlsl during batch loading!
    2.184 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/F.Misc_zh (took 4.34ms, loaded 6158 entries, found 29 deleted)
    2.184 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Dx10/H.CharacterCodesCache (took 0.166ms, loaded 187 entries, found 23 deleted)
    2.188 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/F.Misc_uk (took 4.16ms, loaded 6159 entries, found 29 deleted)
    2.189 Sys [Info]: Spot-loading /Lotus/Shaders/SpotGlow.hlsl during batch loading!
    2.191 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Dx10/B.CharacterCodesCache (took 0.060ms, loaded 70 entries, found 6 deleted)
    2.191 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Dx10/H.Shader (took 0.139ms, loaded 189 entries, found 0 deleted)
    2.191 Sys [Info]: Spot-loading /EE/Shaders/Projectors/ProjectedBadge.hlsl during batch loading!
    2.194 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Dx10/B.Shader (took 0.042ms, loaded 70 entries, found 0 deleted)
    2.195 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Dx10/H.ShaderPermutation (took 1.41ms, loaded 3295 entries, found 24 deleted)
    2.196 Sys [Info]: Spot-loading /EE/Shaders/Particles/ParticleShading.hlsl during batch loading!
    2.200 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Dx10/B.ShaderPermutation (took 1.47ms, loaded 3295 entries, found 12 deleted)
    2.200 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Dx11/H.CharacterCodesCache (took 0.185ms, loaded 187 entries, found 22 deleted)
    2.201 Sys [Info]: Spot-loading /EE/Shaders/Particles/SmokeSpriteShading.hlsl during batch loading!
    2.203 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Dx11/B.CharacterCodesCache (took 0.092ms, loaded 70 entries, found 6 deleted)
    2.204 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Dx11/H.Shader (took 0.242ms, loaded 189 entries, found 0 deleted)
    2.206 Sys [Info]: Found 586 items to load (0.9ms) [Heap: 158,137,968/158,662,656 Footprint: 0 Handles: 0]
    2.206 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Dx11/B.Shader (took 0.062ms, loaded 70 entries, found 0 deleted)
    2.225 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Dx11/B.ShaderPermutation (took 1.67ms, loaded 3272 entries, found 11 deleted)
    2.227 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Dx11/H.ShaderPermutation (took 1.41ms, loaded 3272 entries, found 27 deleted)
    2.244 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Dx9/H.Shader (took 0.199ms, loaded 189 entries, found 0 deleted)
    2.244 Sys [Info]: Finished load of Shader batch [0.037s and 2 frames at 18 ms/frame avg, 3 ms/update peak]
    2.261 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Dx9/H.Texture_de (took 0.071ms, loaded 24 entries, found 20 deleted)
    2.261 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Dx9/B.Shader (took 0.060ms, loaded 70 entries, found 0 deleted)
    2.277 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Dx9/B.Texture_de (took 0.074ms, loaded 24 entries, found 0 deleted)
    2.295 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Dx9/H.Texture_en (took 0.077ms, loaded 24 entries, found 5 deleted)
    2.312 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Dx9/B.Texture_en (took 0.068ms, loaded 24 entries, found 3 deleted)
    2.312 Sys [Info]: Finished load of ShaderPermutation batch [0.067s and 4 frames at 16 ms/frame avg, 0.7 ms/update peak]
    2.329 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Dx9/B.Texture_es (took 0.080ms, loaded 24 entries, found 0 deleted)
    2.329 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Dx9/H.Texture_es (took 0.052ms, loaded 24 entries, found 20 deleted)
    2.346 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Dx9/H.Texture_fr (took 0.067ms, loaded 24 entries, found 20 deleted)
    2.365 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Dx9/B.Texture_fr (took 0.058ms, loaded 24 entries, found 3 deleted)
    2.382 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Dx9/H.Texture_it (took 0.069ms, loaded 24 entries, found 20 deleted)
    2.382 Sys [Info]: Finished load of ParticleMaterial Mesh ProjectorMaterial ProceduralMaterial Material batch [0.069s and 4 frames at 17 ms/frame avg, 2 ms/update peak]
    2.400 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Dx9/H.Texture_ja (took 0.107ms, loaded 24 entries, found 20 deleted)
    2.400 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Dx9/B.Texture_it (took 0.045ms, loaded 24 entries, found 3 deleted)
    2.417 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Dx9/B.Texture_ja (took 0.067ms, loaded 24 entries, found 17 deleted)
    2.450 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Dx9/H.Texture_ko (took 0.077ms, loaded 24 entries, found 20 deleted)
    2.584 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Dx9/H.Texture_tc (took 0.072ms, loaded 24 entries, found 20 deleted)
    2.584 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Dx9/B.Texture_ru (took 0.041ms, loaded 24 entries, found 5 deleted)
    2.584 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Dx9/H.Texture_ru (took 0.032ms, loaded 24 entries, found 20 deleted)
    2.584 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Dx9/B.Texture_pt (took 0.028ms, loaded 24 entries, found 3 deleted)
    2.584 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Dx9/H.Texture_pt (took 0.024ms, loaded 24 entries, found 20 deleted)
    2.584 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Dx9/B.Texture_pl (took 0.021ms, loaded 24 entries, found 3 deleted)
    2.584 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Dx9/H.Texture_pl (took 0.023ms, loaded 24 entries, found 20 deleted)
    2.584 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Dx9/B.Texture_ko (took 0.023ms, loaded 24 entries, found 18 deleted)
    2.584 Sys [Info]: Finished load of VolumeTexture DiffuseMap Texture NormalMap CubeMap EmissiveMap batch [0.202s and 11 frames at 18 ms/frame avg, 16 ms/update peak]
    2.585 Sys [Info]: Resource load completed in one pass and 0.37s (inherited 11 of 586)
    2.602 Gfx [Info]: Creating Graphics Worker Thread
    2.602 Sys [Warning]: APEX is not supported by the system configuration:Driver version is out of date.
    2.602 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /Lotus/Sounds/ReverbSettings/Default/DefaultMedium
    2.602 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /EE/Sounds/ReverbSettings/Generic/None
    2.602 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /EE/Sounds/ReverbSettings/Effects/Slomo
    2.602 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /Lotus/Sounds/ReverbSettings/Distance/DefaultDistance
    2.602 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /EE/Sounds/OcclusionSettings/Default
    2.602 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /EE/Sounds/OcclusionSettings/HeadOcclusion
    2.602 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /EE/Sounds/OcclusionSettings/DefaultObstruction
    2.602 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /EE/Sounds/Mixer/ReverbUpmix
    2.602 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /EE/Sounds/Mixer/SpeakerSetup_Mono
    2.602 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /EE/Sounds/Mixer/SpeakerSetup_Stereo
    2.602 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /EE/Sounds/Mixer/SpeakerSetup_5_1
    2.602 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /EE/Sounds/Mixer/SpeakerSetup_7_1
    2.602 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /Lotus/Sounds/ReverbSettings/Default/DefaultSmall
    2.602 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /Lotus/Sounds/ReverbSettings/Default/DefaultLarge
    2.603 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /EE/Types/Drivers/XAudio2Driver
    2.605 Snd [Info]: Shutdown
    2.606 Input [Error]: DirectInput8Create failed!
    2.606 Sys [Error]: DisableTextureStreaming 1
    2.606 Gfx [Info]: Destroying Graphics Worker Thread
    2.692 Sys [Info]: ===[ Exiting main loop ]====================================================================================
    2.693 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Dx9/B.Texture_tc (took 0.066ms, loaded 24 entries, found 15 deleted)
    2.693 Sys [Info]: Cache flushed
    2.693 Net [Info]: MatchingService::DeleteSession
    2.693 Net [Info]: Deleted session
    2.693 Net [Info]: Joining Port-Forwarding Worker
    2.697 Net [Info]: NAT-PMP request opcode 0 timed request.
    2.697 Sys [Info]: No NAT-PMP gateway found
    2.698 Sys [Info]: Client killed
    2.698 Sys [Info]: Main Shutdown Initiated.
    2.698 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Dx9/H.Texture_tr (took 0.064ms, loaded 24 entries, found 20 deleted)
    2.700 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Dx9/B.Texture_tr (took 0.052ms, loaded 24 entries, found 7 deleted)
    2.701 Sys [Info]: Used 1 shared assets (0 async, 1 sync)
    2.701 Sys [Info]: Total Hash: 0s Copy: 0s Write: 0.068s)
    2.702 Phys [Info]: PhysX scene manager shutdown.
    2.711 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Dx9/H.Texture_uk (took 0.065ms, loaded 24 entries, found 20 deleted)
    Sys [Info]: All smart pointers were destroyed!
    2.719 Sys [Info]: Main Shutdown Complete.
    Sys [Info]: All AnimController memory was freed!
    Sys [Info]: All Cache memory was freed!
    Sys [Info]: All Deps memory was freed!
    Sys [Info]: All DriverData memory was freed!
    Sys [Info]: All EditorBase memory was freed!
    Sys [Info]: All External memory was freed!
    Sys [Info]: All GameSwf memory was freed!
    Sys [Info]: All Instances memory was freed!
    Sys [Info]: All JobMgr memory was freed!
    Sys [Info]: All LZMA memory was freed!
    Sys [Info]: All Lua memory was freed!
    Sys [Info]: All PhysX memory was freed!
    Sys [Info]: All PhysicsData memory was freed!
    Sys [Info]: All RegionMgr memory was freed!
    Sys [Info]: All Sound memory was freed!
    Sys [Info]: All Temp memory was freed!
    Sys [Info]: All ResourceMgr memory was freed!
    Sys [Info]: All PropertyText memory was freed!
    Sys [Info]: All TypeMgr memory was freed!
    Sys [Info]: All GraphicsSys memory was freed!
    Sys [Info]: All ReplicationMgr memory was freed!
    Sys [Info]: All Resource memory was freed!
    Sys [Info]: All Animation memory was freed!
    Sys [Info]: All Localizer memory was freed!
    Sys [Info]: All PropertyData memory was freed!
    Sys [Info]: All Internal memory was freed!
    Sys [Info]: All SmartPtr memory was freed!
    Sys [Info]: All Symbol memory was freed!
    Sys [Info]: All String memory was freed!
    Sys [Info]: All memory was freed!

    Any idea ?

  9. On 18/01/2017 at 9:02 PM, Alento096 said:

    I used the Steam version of Warframe, and using a clean install of Wine 2.0-rc4 or rc5 staging, just adding vcrun2015 seems to work. That was using 64 bit Wine as well.

    I updated the WineHQ page for the Steam version of Warframe at https://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=29230 if you wish to check it out. Might not work if you don't use the Steam version.


    Your instructions are quite... short. So I exactly did what you wrote, and the launcher won't even start. When I press "play" button from steam, the launcher won't start...

    I installed d3dx9, vcrun2015 and enabled the CMST => nothing.

    I tried to manually start Warframe (with the large command skipping the update phase from the launcher) => nothing...

    Any idea ?

  10. EDIT : Sorry, I posted it in the wrong section, but I can't delete it...

    Hi guys !

    I just completed a sortie mission with a friend squad, and we got different rewards...

    Is that... normal ? :-/

    My results




    His results :




  11. @slin3 : Thanks for your answer

    I tried to :
    - unable the virtual desktop => Keep crashing
    - upgrade to 2.0-rc3-staging (last version available today) => wine won't start
    - downgrade to 1.9.5 => The game ask to report an issue at support, it's the message about vcrun2015. I saw in the logs that it's a vcrun2015 crash, so, I can't use this version.
    - enable fullscreen render => The game start, but keep crashing at the login screen.

    My OS is a debian testing with last updates (from today)


    $uname -a
    Linux [HOSTNAME] 4.8.0-2-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 4.8.11-1 (2016-12-02) x86_64 GNU/Linux

    The script I use to start Warframe (I followed most parts of your guide) :

    Note : I tried with x86 and amd64 versions => Same bugs.


    export WINEARCH=win32
    export WINEPREFIX=/home/[USERNAME]/Warframe
    export WINEDEBUG=-all

    export LD_PRELOAD="libpthread.so.0 libGL.so.1"
    export __GL_YIELD="NOTHING"


    $WINE "Launcher.exe"

  12. Hey guys !

    I'm still unable to start Warframe on Linux for now...

    The launcher works properly (except that when there's a long process, like optimisation, download or verification, the launcher close, but keep running in background), and I unchecked all options, but when I start the game, it crashes just before the log-in screen. I got this error message :

    16.463 Sys [Info]: ConnectedState::Enter setting connection timeout to 7.5
    16.463 Sys [Info]: NetDriver::SetConnectionTimeout setting connection 0 timeout to 7.5 * 1
    16.463 Sys [Info]: [Heap: 373,067,328/374,472,704 Footprint: 0 Handles: 0]
    16.463 Sys [Info]: ===[ Game successfully connected to: /Lotus/Levels/Proc/PlayerShip/DSA.lp ]===

    Error [Info]: GPF

    Application error messages:

    16.463 Sys [Info]: ConnectedState::Enter setting connection timeout to 7.5
    16.463 Sys [Info]: NetDriver::SetConnectionTimeout setting connection 0 timeout to 7.5 * 1
    16.463 Sys [Info]: [Heap: 373,067,328/374,472,704 Footprint: 0 Handles: 0]
    16.463 Sys [Info]: ===[ Game successfully connected to: /Lotus/Levels/Proc/PlayerShip/DSA.lp ]===

    Error [Info]: GPF

    Application error messages:

    16.464 Script [Info]: Starting Vignette close animation...
    16.464 Script [Info]: MainMenu::SetCurrentState(0)
    16.464 Script [Info]: SetCurrentState checking states: nil currentState: 0
    16.464 Script [Info]: SetQuitVisible(true)
    Error [Debug]: Loaded unexpected version of dbghelp.dll from C
    16.465 Script [Info]: Background::ForceClearChildMovie()

    Then, RemoteCrashSender crash...

    I'm using wine 2.0-rc2-staging (last version nowadays), but I used 1.9.21 with the same problems, and I did all the librairies/apps modifications recommended in guides.

    Note that I didn't install dx9 (as some guides recommend), but I installed vcrun2015 and other needed librairies + the CSMT...

    Has anyone an idea ?

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