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Posts posted by TaintedReality

  1. 2 hours ago, k05h said:


    This research is insane and this is a precedent. The next thing we see is 5000 neural sensors and 150'000 cryotic for a weapon as a long term goal :(

    This is what I am concerned about, that it will become a trend, which is why we need to speak out at the start. 

    The cost of things have been rising steadily with an exceptional amount of new things having high -but not completely unreasonable - resource costs such as Sibear with its 30k cryotic and then remember when Vauban Prime came out and they wanted to make him cost 14k oxium but had to reduce it to 7k following an outcry? 

    They have constantly stated that they want to reduce the grind but only give us the appearance of doing so while creatively implementing other ways to grind (say hello to nitain!) and steadily increasing individual resource costs. 

    Only thing now is that the Hema has inspired the wrath of the community simply because it is more outrageous than the others.


  2. I think people are making mountains out of molehills. We've had the infection for little over a week. Isnt it a bit too early to mourn over the 'loss' of fashionframe?

    Yes, the cyst looks ugly but it's definitely not going to be forever. DE is on break, and I suppose it was an oversight not giving us a way to remove the cyst without creating a charger. Just wait until DE is back and they can provide us with a solution. You can tell how spoiled the community is by seeing the amount of whiny comments.


    I fashionframe hard as well and it doesn't really bother me.

  3. Hello, first time making a topic here.

    First off, I want to thank DE for their hard work and dedication.

    I wanted to take the time out to express my concerns on the way weapons and Warframes are released in this game. 

    I understand that PC seems to be the test group for console. By test group, I mean that when new products are released, the way PC players react to them are analyzed and any changes are made accordingly so when it reaches the console, it's basically 'perfect'. Almost like PC players get the raw materials and by the time it reaches console it is the finished product.

    I implore DE to create a test group for items before they hit PC. Now I'm sure they have one within their studios but how about including a good sample size of regular players? It would be great to choose a size of about 100 players or more out of the 26 million registered los- users to test out weapons and Warframes for a couple of months before they are released so they can provide DE with possible fixes/improvements and nerfs. 

    It annoys me to no end when things are released and then DE ends up going back to the drawingboard only to basically rerelease the item with new mechanics a couple months later.

    I apologize if this has been mentioned before. Its just something I've been thinking of.


  4. 2 minutes ago, [DE]Drew said:

    The Glast Gambit: Hotfix 19.5.2


    • Adjusted spawns in Infested Salvage to be more evenly spread
    • Decryption now scales with the number of players  (less players = faster decryption)
    • Increased Antiserum drop frequency for squads of 2 to 4 players
    • Increased the heal rate of Nidus’ passive in Conclave
    • Reduced value of Antiserum Injector Fragments from 25 to 5 credits. 


    • Fixed bug with bow reloading between shots
    • Fixed Virulence going through enemies without hitting them
    • Fixed the timer in the Index being hidden behind the UI
    • Fixed automatic Quest progression in The New Strange
    • Fixed the “Sell” popup when collecting extractors (Are you sure you want to keep those?)
    • Fixed a script error in the Index Endurance mode caused on host migration
    • Fixed Endurance Mode timer breaking on host migration
    • Fixed Infested getting stuck in spawn room in Infested Salvage
    • Fixed The Glast Gambit not properly registering alignment choice

    I wonder if this will make me regret buying him?

  5. I don't think any previous frames' farm sucks as much as this one. Equinox's farm might be around the corner but even that mission took less of a toll and you were guaranteed a part.

    Ivara's farm is fine. Takes a few runs but you'll get her eventually, all the while getting some nifty mods or relics. Atlas's farm is actually quite easy once you have the right archwing gear. Many people, including I, have solo'd the mission.

    The problem with Nidus's farm is that a part is not guaranteed to drop. Okay, dropping on rotation A would have been too easy, fine. Dropping on rotation B, let's make him a little harder to get. Drop him on rotation C with a 14℅ chance and a diluted table is just mean.

    I have no problem with a grind but I have a problem when a, it's not fun or b, I don't feel rewarded by it. The mission is not fun and rotation C is not rewarding enough. 

    You have to slave through the most boring part of a JV raid for god knows how long per round in hopes you don't give up before you can get to rotation C and probably end up getting another vital sense. Then there's the fact that they screwed up the drop rate for the antiserum so it's super hard to keep up all 3 of the stations even with 2 Nekros. So soon, you'll be down to one station by round 3 and at that point you gotta quit cause who's gonna sit in that mission with one station for over 30 mins. Smh. DE pls.

  6. 31 minutes ago, Uzkost said:

    Melee slam attacks always work for me. Or equipping a weapon with punch-through. I hate to say it but this is very common same with mobs spawning or glitching into walls.

    Really? I've never encountered this before and neither did my squad mates lol. Melee ground-slams did nothing to it but thanks.

  7. Love how you guys increased Titania's flight speed but didn't fix the actual flight shuddering.

    Anyway, I've discovered an unusual bug, I was doing an exterminate and the map indicator showed that the last enemy was at extraction but when we got there, there was nothing. We decided to look around just in case the map was just being buggy and an enemy was stuck somewhere and it turned out to be just that, but there was a catch:


    I could hear it's voice, we tried to attack it, kavats tried to attack it and so did the sentinels but no damage was being done to it. It was just glitched  into the ground. Had to abort.

  8. Titania's 4th. When I try to sprint it continuously halts. Sometimes it will sprint fine at first and then halt repeatedly. Her 4th is my fave too. So disappointing.


    Here's a look at the bug. Sorry for the quality, took the video with my phone.

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