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Everything posted by Raikh

  1. Unexpected and pretty amazing change for invisibility Frames, definitely looking forward to that. Nourish nerf stings a bit, atleast the energy nerf but I think it will still work well enough for what I'm using it rn. Gotta play around with it a bit but I expected worse. I still think the Eclipse subsume nerf is too harsh. If it stayed at ~50% or so, fair, the Roar parallel is awkward. Damage intake is usually not predictable enough in Warframe to make frequent and reliable use of being able to swap the Eclipse modes freely. So in the vast majority of cases players will look for Eclipse with one of its modes in mind, rather than for both. Normally I'd subscribe to the logic presented, but as Warframe plays out right now it doesn't make too much sense. Augments also make the Roar vs Eclipse situation more complex as Roar's Augment effectively gives you a dmg reduction effect, so depending on the willingness of giving a mod slot for it Roar can do both at once, whereas the Eclipse augment just gives a worse team wide buffing component to it than Roar has inherently.
  2. I just don't think the surrounding content to Intrinsics has enough to offer to make an expansion of the Intrinsics Systems interesting. Decrees do not really end up creating builds, either you are in too short, like just doing a quick spiral run to get Pathos Clamps or you're in too long, like an extended Circuit run to get your weekly rewards in 1-2 Circuit runs, and you're just being flooded well beyond what is really useful. They also tend to be so powerful that you end up outscaling anything you fight rather quickly, especially because your damage goes up for just collecting decrees aswell. Giving more control over Decrees to counteract weak loadouts just emphasizes how bad rng loadouts are and before we slap some more band-aids on that to make it look like a slightly less horrible system I'd rather see some reiteration on the rng loadout selection directly.
  3. I got the same results from playing around with Incarnon Sticks on Gara. Shattered Lash itself can have Crit or Status Chance attached to it by Incarnon perks and proceed to scale with the according Melee Mods, however the damage added to Splinter Storm and caused by detonating Vitrify do not benefit, can't crit or apply Status. I suspect that Vitrify either only checks for modded Base Damage in general thus not accounting for anything variable like Crit, possibly because it was never intended to crit or the Vitrify Wall has Object Health and can't be crit so it doesn't take that into account. And, well, Splinter Storm and Vitrify Damage are not "Pseudo-Exalted" themselves so naturally they do not inherit these Stats themselves. The 100% Melee Damage from any Circuit Melee Incarnon activation should still apply though, so Circuit Incarnons still have an edge over regular Melee weapons for her, just not via a Crit or Status route.
  4. That is absolutely what my issue comes down to, yes. Right now there is practically no content accessible in the game outside of Endurance Runs, which are far too out there to be considered real content imo, where priming enemies via a on-kill mechanic in the immediate vicinity would be very useful to me. If something is in swinging range its not gonna live long enough for there to be value in it being primed after the first enemy dies. So my main hope would be carrying this on to enemies that are not yet in the process of being killed. Energy isn't really a concern there due to Hunt + Equilibrium but thats also precsiely why recasting Hunt wouldn't even be a problem, extending it is more of a convenience than a requirement. I also do not mind spamming Fangs, thats not the issue. I have enjoyed playing Dagath who is all about spamming her 1 to spread her Doom everywhere. But Dagath gets her pay-off because she can spread it beyond the boundaries of her immediate attack range and its not on-kill, so it does consistently do something even to enemies in immediate attack range. What I was hoping to do was carry the status onwards with Voruna, I hop into a bunch of enemies, throw in Fangs, blow them up and and when I come to the next group I find some enemies already primed, I can immediately blow them up but I can also cast Fangs again to further propagate this and keep the dynamic going as I move through the map or have enemies come at me bit by bit. As it is right now I often feel like I'm wasting my time with Fangs and thus wasting my time playing Voruna, compared to other Melee Frame options that can just hit harder upfront or cover more space with their damage. Particularly egregious with her 4 aswell because that one really embraces the idea of carrying ST dmg to AoE on kill and combined with the RNG aspect of Fangs I have mostly ended up wondering what I'm even doing because I could've just swept through the room with melee manually before the combo popped off. And not because its not powerful, it is really powerful or atleast can be, but I don't feel like it matches the pace of the game. And thats before considering how Ulfrun's can be bullied by other aspects of the game like Nullifiers as was already being discussed.
  5. The people that regularly spend time in Trade Chat are just there to buy cheap and sell high or because they need some plat asap. Warframe Market has become popular enough where day to day market price trading has shifted away from Trade Chat in large parts. The Trade Chat Pasta spammers were always there but now they are among the few left that have the incentive to stay there instead of selling and buying via Warframe Market. I personally jump in occasionally if I try to find something a little cheaper than on Warframe Market. Not outrageously cheaper like looking for a Torid Riven for 100-300p when they easily sell for 700p+ on a regular basis on Warframe Market, as thats just scummy. But I can usually find someone thats just looking for some quick plat that will happily sell me an item for 20-30% below market price. A few years back I had a bunch of fun scouring trade chat for Rivens and haggling with people but more recently its been much more often people trying to sell "god rolls" for high 3 figures to 4 figures plat numbers and a good number of these Rivens aren't even good enough for that title nor that price. And I wouldn't go to trade chat for selling my stuff unless I'm fine with either gambling on finding the right buyer and investing a lot of time for that or taking less plat than I could for a quick sale.
  6. Well, the point is that the game is not balanced around being a horde shooter whole heartedly. The game has been stuck in-between philosophies for so long and never really commited itself to anything fully. That has to be very ancient Warframe. Back when I started the game somewhere in the latter half of 2015 it was Tonkor Meta, Draco Interception AoE spam and Mirage crashing the game with a hail of a million laser beams and bullets littering the map. The power level overall was a lot lower but the game direction as a whole was already heading there. So while there was a time before bullet jumps and the more fancy things the game is known for today, it was a comparatively rather short period of its lifespan by now. However it definitely still has a good amount of Warframes and game mechanics stuck in that mindset, despite being atleast somewhat outdated for over 8 years. And thats whats really creating problems. Enemy density itself is a balancing concern like any other aspect of the game fundamentally. But it frequently clashes with other aspects of the game that never really adapted towards its more modern form.
  7. I never really got why Power Fantasy and Game Balance are viewed as polar opposites in Warframe. Balance doesn't mean it has to be flat, grounded, everything has to be equalized and that you can't feel incredibly powerful. Game Balance should exist on a layer above the power fantasy and it should ensure that said power fantasy can be lived out in a fulfilling way and is coherent with the game as a whole. It should be a complementary relationship. I think Game Balance has gotten so bad in Warframe that it actually detracts from the Power Fantasy. If you actually go and get all the power available to you there is a breaking point where Frame kits become nigh irrelevant. Why should I do some fancy ability combo with a flashy pay-off when everything dies midway through or its just faster to shoot/swing your weapon? And imho the pinnacle of power fantasy is working your way up to overcoming challenges you can only tackle because you have become that powerful. Being able to just curbstomp everything w/o thought or regard loses its luster quickly, it primarily serves to show how far you've come but it shouldn't be where you go from there on. And neither is it satisfying to be pulled down from that power to have a "challenge" again. Warframe simply has swept its balancing problems under the rug for years. I remember balance talk in Dev Streams from the end of 2015 talking about removing Base Damage Mods, Damage and Modding 2.0 and what not, since the problems were already showing back then. Thats been over 8 years now. Since then player power has increased dramatically but especially the content that power is used in has not grown anywhere near as much, which only further increased the ongoing dissonance.
  8. Its build defining and also identity defining for her because regardless of branching out into Melee or Ulfrun's you want to interact with what Fangs of Raksh does. Thats why this stark contrast in Range of a Status spreading ability stands out to me so much. Not saying Fangs should have THAT much Range baseline but I do wonder if maybe they were a bit more conservative with such an effect when they did Voruna but are now more comfortable going further with it. I need to sink some more time into playing Voruna but I've felt that basically anything immediately around Voruna's 2 target tends to die to Melee w/o Fangs spread really doing much to them. So the targets the spread really ends up affecting are those not immediately in melee range, which makes building Max Range or close to Max Range feel somewhat necessary, rather than a real choice. And to loop that back to your original points, if you now also increased the AoE of Ulfrun's to a significant degree I'd imagine it being a similar situation. Especially should Ulfrun's and regular Melee flow more effectively into one another as suggested it becomes more and more likely that you don't need the Fangs Status Spread for your immediate targets but the ones after that, where Range plays a big role.
  9. Oh, for sure. But its also inevitably limited to a certain subset of Weapons that get popularized, especially in a game with as many options as in Warframe. I'd even dare say that its been quite refreshing to (re-)explore the game after a break and find out that the popularity meta is not nearly as high on a pedestal as the most popular opinions might imply.
  10. Its more that I find it questionable that a Warframe centered around applying and spreading Status effects has less than half the range doing so than a simple Warframe Augment of a Warframe that isn't centered around that idea. Its not that I would demand a change because of that but that I wonder if the idea behind Voruna and its implementation are still up to date with what is perceived acceptable in the game or if she could use some love to emphasize her core identity as a Frame and what that idea is really supposed to be, which also extends to the rest of her kit and the somewhat conflicting nature of her 4 and emphasizing the use of Melee. I don't think making an Augment arms race out of that is a good idea.
  11. You may not have used the word "power" but you referred to making weapons competitive and killing 9999 SP enemies, which are power related aspects. A weapon's popularity isn't whats enabling it to kill level cap enemies. Its a matter of degree, really. Both in what someone thinks is acceptable in order to pursue power and how much power is required to make it worth pursuing inherently. I honestly think the RNG involved in getting a Riven for a weapon you want is a much larger detractor from the attractiveness of Rivens than the roll rng for the average player, simply because they likely have to enter the Riven market to get them. Low Dispo Rivens may need very good rolls to be worthwhile but there are plenty of strong mid to high Dispo Weapons (Duviri Incarnons chief among them] where its almost a non-effort to get a sizable power increase out of a Riven once you actually obtain it, even if its not remotely close to a "god roll". So I do not believe that somehow making desirable Stats a bit more obtainable is gonna turn the system on its head and turns it into some menace ruining the game. Specifically because I'm not in favor of this threads suggestion nor have I stated explicit ways to how or to which degree I'd like to see changes occur.
  12. Voruna strikes me as a Warframe thats jampacked with very powerful mechanics but they are also so conservatively tuned that it leaves her in a somewhat awkward position. Ulfrun's Descent is not even that, its just underwhelming (and clunky as hell imo). Could very well turn it into a Pseudo-Exalted to make it scale better and adhere closer to the melee identity of the Frame but Psuedo-Exalted Weapons currently also have the tendency to make you build your Melee in a way thats not conductive to Melee Gameplay to act as a maximized Stat Stick. And making it somehow use your Melee directly and scale of properties like modded Attack Speed and Range makes it go against the theme of "going Beastmode". It can also certainly use more AoE, yeah you can spread the Slash Procs it generates with 2, but only if the 2 itself applied Slahs itself and making youc ast 2 before every single charge isn't very exciting gameplay and just ends up feeling slow and not worthwhile. On that note I'd also like to point out that her 2 has a base spread range fo 7 meters, 19.6 meters at 280% Range. Meanwhile Nezha is due to receive an Augment in the next Update that spreads all Status effects to all enemies speared by his 4, which has a base range of 19 meters, 53.2 meters at 280% Range. The former is a core aspect of a Frame, the latter is just an Augment adding brand new functionality to a Frame. So, while Ulfrun's Descent stands out as particularly bad, I think she could take another look as a whole to really iron her out and figure out what she is supposed to be good at and what is supposed to make her stand out.
  13. The wording is pretty funny to me and it may not be your fault because DE balances more around popularity than power. But this implies that popular = powerful and unpopular = not powerful and this is untrue. There is definitely a correlation, things become popular because they are powerful but a lot more factors play into popularity than just power. Its definitely unconventional for Warframe to have randomized Stats and Rivens are an outlier in that regard. But if you give players access to high powered, essentially customizable Mods and fully expect players just to have a little silly fun with it instead of min-maxing the living S#&$ out of that system I'm not sure I can call that naivety anymore. And I honestly doubt they didn't have an inkling what would happen with Rivens. At best they underestimated the economical impact, which is indeed degenerate, but also has plenty precedents in other big online games. I'm pretty sure the power balancing factor of Rivens is the Disposition. All the RNG does is make you grind longer or pay more. And If I wasn't supposed to commit that much to Rivens why can I just get 320k Kuva a week w/o even directly farming for it? DE may not be super happy with how Rivens turned out but they have created pretty clear incentives to engage with the system as some form of endgame and yet another power chase. The scarcity of "god rolls" is definitely by design but it has very little to do with breaking the game. Valence Fusion for Rivens sounds good superificially but it has some less amazing implications. For one it overcomplicates the system even more because you can't detach it from the player market. Secondly and most importantly it makes any good+ roll of any wepaon into a desirable roll for the best/most expensive weapon. So even if the top end gets a little cheaper, Riven prices across the board will probably rise pretty significantly. And worst of all, you disincentivize players from keeping and using Rivens for less popular stuff because they could just be turned into something thats more valuable. I'm all for reducing the RNG of Riven rerolls or make the process of getting a Riven you can be satisfied with more reliable but I don't think the proposed idea does that in a way that reall improves the system as a whole and just further emphasizes some of its most glaring problems.
  14. Abilities not being recastable at base but an Augment enabling that as a primary function absolutely shouldn't be a thing. Just make those abilities recastable baseline, no good reason not to. Otherwise there are certainly some relics of the past that could be baked in in some cases in but the way I see it they can just be left in the dust, they just shouldn't stand in the way of new more meaningful Augments being created for these abilities, as more recent Augments are on an entirely different level. Huh? I've found that Augment to be incredibly strong, solves Frosts survivability pretty handily. Overguard in combination with Shield Gating is incredibly powerful. In low enemy count situations it could maybe generate a little more per target but given the CC he provides at the same time I can't say I ever had issues as long as I have energy. Love to bring him to SP Circuit not only because of the obvious but also precisely because this Augment makes it quite easy for him to stay alive even against level cap enemies.
  15. The rule has been applied inconsistently but I honestly think the takeaway is just that it shouldn't be a thing in the first place. Atleast as far as I'm aware the game hasn't been ruined by Roar Saryn or Nourish Mirage. So if consistency was to be administered I'd say just do away with the restriction, rather than double down on it. In some cases there are just annoying side effects like Warframes with restricted Buffs not being able to use Eclipse for its DR w/o giving up their respective damage buffing ability. And if it was expanded upon Warframes with said Buffs wouldn't be able to use Nourish for energy concerns w/o yet again giving up their respective Damage Buff. And while many of these Buffs are weaker as Subsumes it could still lead to awkward situations where affected Frames, to an extent, lose what makes them stand out because they can't get another Damage Buff or soemthing of comparable impact but someone who doesn't have one but stands out because of other things can get one and just ends up bringing more to the table, especially with how readily available Damage Buffs are in Helminth but other things are much less abundant. And then there is just so much grey territory. Does Shroud of Dynar count as a Damage Buff for this? What about Damage taken Debuffs? What about Augments? I don't think its worth pursuing this idea in the name of a balance that doesn't exist and doesn't improve the game in any meaningful way but may very well make it worse in the grand scheme of things.
  16. In a world of shield gating and a myriad of ways to spam regenerate shields I do not think a 75% or even 90% Damage Reduction is anything outrageous anymore. What it really does is make survivability for some Frames more comfortable, let Frames take damage for a while longer as enemy level goes up. Stacking it on top of Frames already possessing a ton of eHP likely doesn't do a lot and you'd be generally better off using a Subsume that increases performance or adds significant utility. You don't get it for free in the literal sense afterall, it still competes with other Subsumes and some of them can be way more build making than DR. Enemy Damage scaling vs Player eHP and means of scaling said eHP are so out of sync that something that should normally be crazy valuable becomes a limited form of comfort moreso than anything gamebreaking or too good to pass up. I honestly just think its nice to have if you can't be asked to play around shield gating before it becomes more or less necessary. Maybe it helps some Frames gain popularity as they now may become easier to keep alive up to a certain point, which is only a good thing in my book.
  17. Its been somewhat remarkable how attempts at making enemies curb player power has primarily hurt Warframes that weren't top of the pile to begin with, while leaving some of the more broadly ridiculous Frames completely unhindered. Not to mention how inconsistent the rules are aswell. Its genuinely hard to imagine that Frames like Limbo will shine again w/o absolutely radical changes to their kit. And I'm not of the opinion that all these left-behind Frames need roomwide nuking abilities. There are other ways to make them functional and attractive to play, although damage somewhere would certainly help, possibly leaning a bit more into debuffing. Limbo in particular seems quite tricky though as the Rift mechanic is just so unique and has always been a bit fidgety. Maybe the solution would just be to make it so that enemies that can't be moved into the Riftplane can still be hurt from inside the Riftplane. Allow Limbo to debuff or tag enemies with his weapons to give them a short duration debuff that enables interaction between plains for a short period, say 2-3s. That way Limbo would atleast be able to reap the benefits of the Rift Plane even if his enemies are immune to it. Would mean anything he actively attacks could shortly be attacked and attack across planes but once he stopped attacking them he would quickly become unsusceptible again. And then just do not have enemy abilities that work across planes with possibly the most minimal exceptions for specific boss fights. If Limbo can't hurt things across planes, enemies shouldn't either. Conceptually similar to how Elude on Baruuk works just more grand and uncompromising because its Limbo's entire thing.
  18. A cherry on top for me would be if this Inaros would somehow still get straight up oneshot by something just to drive the absolute silliness of the situation to its maximum potential.
  19. His 3 is incomparable in terms of convenience. It has LoS and pathing restrictions, isn't 360 degress and thus also requires positioning. It can be extremely powerful but it can also be nigh useless depending on the environment. Storm with the augment however lets you just kill squishies while running past them w/o giving it a thought and w/o needing to stop to cast something. Storm also simply hits anything in its area, ignoring LoS and also covers vertical spaces. Not that I'm worried myself, things that die that easily to Storm of Ukko aren't relevant content to me, but it has been a touchy subject in the past and depending on how exactly the augment ends up working it may reawaken some old grievances, especially for the crowd thats not playing SP a lot
  20. I think in terms of just meme potential that mostly goes to the Decoy and Parasitic Link Augments. Gotta see how the Decoy one really works out but I'm not expecting too much right now but may have sone fun use cases. Parasitic Vitality sounds like it doubles down on Nidus' issues rather than alleviating them. With a ton of Stacks that you manage to maintain you are practically immortal, but at low Stacks he is in trouble. So all I'm really expecting is someone to pump up an Inaros with this for the screenshot value of a stupidly large HP bar. This one sounds absolutely unhinged and if its doing what I think its doing this will get my Nezha use rate up dramatically. I also wonder how this interacts with Melee Influence. The way its worded implies that it would re-spread Melee Influence spreaded Status Effects. Really looking forward to this one. My main issue with this was how finnicky it is needing to hit an enemy to actuall trigger the grouping component. If this augment alleviates that I will gladly use it. If it potentially causes more harm by creating multiple vortexes that end up inhibiting the grouping element I'll pass. I'll just assume this gets only used to increase Vex Armor duration and otherwise may occasionally get Chroma killed depending on how the dmg is being transferred, wtheter it goes through his defenses or if its just applied as true damage. Still stuck in Mirror Defense hell, but this sounds very powerful, especially if it scales with Range and if it ignores LoS. On the fence about this one. Right now Storm of Ukko feels too Range dependent. Being able to move it alongside you and keep it going sounds pretty sweet but sometimes you want it in a specific spot and not casting WA is not really an option for Kullervo. Also wondering if you need to stay inside its range to move it alongside you or if you can pull it to you from hundreds of meters away. I expect somebody to complain that this is just Ember World in Flames in non-SP missions though as it practically allows Kullervo to autokill lower level enemies in an up to 28 meters radius while blitzing through the map.
  21. I've always felt that it was silly that you lose Buffs from Abilities when you fall out of bounds. Especially because its such an uneven punishment. Some Frames practically do not care (like Kullervo), for some others it feels pretty frustrating (Gara, Gyre, potentially Chroma). Blocking not reducing Overgaurd dmg taken is also just uninituitive. I can get behind the idea that its a coat of defense that doesnt get affected by things that you do to protect your Health and possibly Shields. But if you block something you stop it from hitting you or diminish how hard it is hitting you, so intuitively it absolutely should help Overgaurd. But overall my largest issue with Overguard is simply that w/o shield gating behind it, 0.5s is just a really damn short window to save yourself. And its a very Kullervo specific issue because he is currently the only Warframe with Overguard but no Shields. And him being both about Overguard and a big Health Pool w/o them interacting in any way is at odds with each other. I personally enjoy SP a lot more because of the significantly higher enemy spawn rates because single enemies just don't mean anything. Everything just dies so quickly. But that ofc has the downside that interacting with indvidual enemy actions becomes nigh impossible. Its another outcome of how vastly out of sync Player Power and Player Survivability are at base. Melee Influecne can be quite hilarious. But I gotta say that it can be difficult to utilize to its greatest effect with Kullervo since Influence doesn't spread Status on killing blows and Kullervo absolutely has a habit of just oneshotting things even with Light Attacks.
  22. Especially if its been improving over time it may also have had to do with the Finisher aspect of it for Ash, since Finishers have been their own can of worms for the longest time aswell. I have played Ash in the past but I wouldn't say to the extent where I'd be confident in knowing why Teleport sometimes didnt work as desired. Thats definitely a pretty neat part of it. I tend to be on Naramon and in that case it only helps with the initial combo ramp as decay, especially with Dexterity Arcanes, isn't much of a concern. But if I went with a different Focus School it would become much more attractive just for the combo again. Its a shame that we can't subsume the same ability over 2 different ones on a Warframe. If that was possible I'd definitely keep a loadout for both Storm and Collective Curse around with the same general setup around it. Yup, Collective Curse shares the damage occurring but doesn't replicate the hits and any Statuses, Debuffs or other effects involved. It also counts as ability damage and is true damage, thus it doesn't apply Status and doesn't trigger any Melee related interactions. So any setups relying or benefitting from according interactions are not the best friends with Collective Curse. And with Melee Influence around thats definitely also something to consider. I've gotten similar results. Sure, if its a larg eopen space and you just need to throw Collective Curse into a room, its super effective. But with how fidgety it is in more complex terrain you're often wasting your time and energy using it as you can just mow things down quicker just swinging your weapon. And given that its not exactly cheap at 75 energy, having to use it less also means you can be more aggressive with other things, which in turn never makes damage a concern. The more I think about it, the more I just hope it eventually gets an augment that makes it more practical/convenient or lets it flow better into general Melee gameplay. Garuda's Blending Talons come to mind or maybe even a propagation effect like Sevagoths Shadow Haze or something similar to how Dagaths Doom spreads via Wyrd Scythes.
  23. Would definitely love to see some more Range Mod options for Melee. Its a really barren landscape. Sure, Primed Reach does its job very well and often its plenty. But it can also be quite fun and interesting to have even more Range. Some Incarnons really highlight this, Bo Incarnon in particular. Spring-Loaded Blade does exist but its incredibly difficult to justify slotting it on top of Primed Reach as Melee has a good number of incredibly loaded Mods that take absolute priority. Currently, if the Disposition is high enough for a given weapon, I'm letting Rivens take that job, but unlike more directly throughput oriented Stats if the Disposition suddenly crashes having Range on a Riven feels much worse than just losing some Melee Damage or Crit Damage. Its a Stat that feels much more sensitive to the amount you're getting than generic damage stats. Having Corrupted, Nightmare or even Set Mods with Range would be sweet. A Set like Gladiator where instead of getting a Mini Blood Rush per piece you get +1 Range would sound absolutely amazing to me. Or maybe some more extreme Corrupted Mod that offers even more Range than Primed Reach but with an according downside to it. Corrupted Mods make for some pretty interesting options on Warframes, no reason that couldn't extend to weapons aswell, especially with Stats like Range that are valuable but no direct "number go bigger" thing.
  24. Surviving should eventually become a thrill. I just think that 0.5s is a tad too short soemtimes. Partially just because I've had it happen fairly frequently that the sound indicator for Overguard breaking is missing, which just makes it all the more difficult to react in-time. Its also just as you say with few enemies around you not only get less Overguard but you can't spam cast Recompense making you all the more vulnerable. In itself I think thats fine, just the extreme cases of it not working at all or sometimes it not allowing you to react timely is whats bothering me. I originally toyed around with subsuming it, but lately I've been subsuming Storm of Ukko, primarily for trying to go deeper into Strength and dropping Overextended. Storm of Ukko just feels a little bit too small w/o committing to 200%+ Range and in the environments where more Strength heavy builds are useful Storm of Ukko's dmg tends to matter less. Having a bit less Range also makes Wrathful Assaults Teleport more wieldable. Gotta see if the upcoming augment makes me switch that around again. Hasn't really changed though that I scarcely find Collective Curse rewarding enough to use. Thats certainly in-line with how I've been experiencing it and I've been wondering if its mostly due to trouble of getting stuck or falling through the map (which has happened to me a number of times anyway) if it doesn't account for the full standing model. I wonder if it could account for a position you could bullet jump to, like using a projectile of sorts in the shape and size of a bullet jumping or maybe coruching Kullervo to calculate it. I definitely can't remember encountering issues like with Wrathful Assault with Ash's Teleport anywhere close to as often. I also remember a few cases where the Free Teleport of WA didn't work but then pointing it an enemy right next to my originally intended teleporting location for the Heavy Attack did work. My best guess is that its easier or more reliable to make teleports work if the target is an enemy.
  25. Its not only about the feel of the stances, some stances are just really weak numerically. I'm not sure how accurate the Wiki numbers are, but just from personal experience they are atleast going in the right direction. And some stances are producing absolutely pitiful damage. Wise Razor is a good example of this. Sure its often being criticized for its feel but its also fairly weak. Same for the Heavy Scythe Stance Galeforce Dawn, the throughput is just pretty abysmal. You could easily go and double the numbers across the board on it. And I think that sometines goes hand in hand with the feel of the stances. Stances that feel more weighty need to pack a punch but many of them just don't pack the punch so it starts feeling bad to use. Otherwise, for matters of taste, there should be different stances for that. Some have good options outside of the numbers, on the other hand Polearm Stances for instance are very samey and could use something different entirely, but thats a larger undertaking that just changing a few numbers on existing stances.
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