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Posts posted by xShadowsaur

  1. This is a wonderful idea! Not only does it create lore but it also encourages new tilesets and tiles to already existing sets but also new models and interactions. Imagine sneaking around and seeing a civilian idly doing something. A scientist checking on things, a mechanic repairing something, even a janitor.
    This also encourages new mission types. I can already imagine invasion missions with a twist!

    Imagine the Lotus picking up some of the Grineer plans to raid a civilian corpus establishment with minimal guarding. The Tenno would be tasked to come in, hold off militants from killing civilians, and escort them onto escape vessels.

    Imagine sparing civilians who then open up a storage locker full of resources in gratitude (or in a bartering attempt) for sparing their lives.

    Even seeing civilians running away and hiding, cowering and even speaking in their language.

    Variety is good. Hopefully along with this DE could add more ambient AI, such as MOAs designed solely to move cargo, or even futuristic rodents scurrying about.


  2. I'm glad Saryn's getting some love, she needed it. I think Ash needs some love as well, It's always a shame to see a warframe with that "one useless ability" and his teleport is definitely that to me. Same thing with Nyx's psychic bolt and Loki's switch teleport. Teleportation is good if it is to a specific point that isn't contingent on anything other than it being unobstructed, anything else and it's severely limited and loses the intended freedom short-range teleportation is supposed to encompass.

  3. It was a fantastic party! Shame Geoff was injured and couldn't make it. It was nice seeing so many tenno in person and the devs were all fantastic. My symbiote got signed on the feet by Steve, Megan, Rebecca, Scott, Sheldon and Warren! I hope they throw a similar party again in NYC, it was an absolute blast.

  4. Hey everybody, I have come into an issue with the Jordas Precept. After accepting the quest and the game telling me I need to Harvest Pherliac Pods from Juggernauts in Navigation there is nothing under The Jordas Precept but the word "Pending". For a questline this struck me as odd and even restarting it hasn't changed anything, it still says pending without giving me a mission to start. I click on The Jordas Precept itself under quests in the Navigation and it does nothing. This also persists after the hotfix.

    Is something wrong or is this the way it is meant to be?


    EDIT: I am continuing on my questline. Thank you for your responses.

  5. I honestly much prefer the old star char in comparison the current one. It was easier to read and showed the connection between planets in a much more clear and understandable way. Whenever I bring friends onto Warframe now they pick planets they want to go to but they're so confused as to how to get anywhere and all I can do is shrug and tell them to kill every boss and wish them luck.

  6. I think the addition of passives would be great. it opens up new mods that could be introduced to enhance or alter passives or other such things. Though thinking of passives would be difficult. For ember, frost, volt and saryn I'd suggest increased resistance to their respective elements. For Banshee i'd suggest reduced noise in all weapons used. Zephyr already has a passive: her gravity resistance. Thinking up passives is a bit difficult for the reason that the difference between a passive and just changing their stats seems to be a fine line.

  7. Excalibur's Radial Javelin has never been in a good place, and the movement towards making it an AOE that instantly harms all enemies within the radius was perfect, it made the ability worth using. That should be the function of every Warframe ability, to be worth using. We all the know "useless abilities". Nyx's Psychic Bolt, Rhino's Charge, Ash's Shuriken, Ember's fireball. These abilities all have their uses but it's to the point where no one will utilize them. But, in all these cases, these are less expensive abilities when it comes to energy, they require minimal time to cast, and they can be easily ignored. My primary go-to warframe is Excalibur and up until the update to radial javelin to make it an AOE attack I would not use Radial Javelin. It was not only useless, it was a death sentence due to the fact that it wasted all my energy that I could use for my other three abilities (Which do have their functions), but it also leaves me immobile until the casting is done. Nerfing Radial Javelin is exactly not what needs to be done.

    Basing it off of enemy's awareness of them seems counter intuitive. Isn't it always preferable to get the enemy when they're not not aware of you? Excalibur being aware of its enemies makes a bit more sense, but not by much. And it doesn't seem necessary at all. Radial Javelin isn't particularly overpowered even when it's good and its usefulness has a steep plummet when the enemies become more durable, but at least when it was just a standard AOE it wasn't hampered by the unnecessary conditions.


    On a lighter note, thank you for actually coming forward and being transparent with this incident. This could have easily gone south very far very fast.

  8. Tenno, I am not sure how to inform you all of this but we found Bert from Sesame Street in Warframe. He took on the guise of a potted plant.






    Even the most jaded and skeptical of Tenno cannot deny the similarities. Still looking for Ernie. Wish me luck, Tenno.

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