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Posts posted by sightjacker

  1. 31 minutes ago, Tsukinoki said:

    My only problem with energy is that you can go through entire missions without a single energy orb dropping from enemies.

    Just last night I went through a high level extermination with over 250 enemies.  I got zero energy orbs the entire way meaning that without Pizzas I honestly couldn't use any of my abilities.
    Some frames don't care about that as they can survive without abilities, other frames find that a death sentence because they rely on their abilities to survive.

    Going through missions without energy orbs dropping at all isn't that uncommon.  I've had it happen as a Frost in an MDef before on numerous occasions.

    Honestly they could stand to make energy orbs a bit more common so as to prevent situations where entire missions can pass and if you don't have any pizzas then you're just SOL when it comes to using abilities.

    this +9999

  2. The latest round of translations have been integrated and should be making their way into the next build. We would like to thank the following Tenno Operatives for their contributions:


    German updates by [DE]Sandra, S3TH, [DE]Timo

    Spanish updates by chofranc, [DE]Zorro, azarquiel

    French updates by Yaer, [DE]Sebastien

    Italian updates by Krotalon, etms51, [DE]Maurizio, Spaccaossi

    Japanese updates by [DE]Edwin, Seymour808

    Korean updates by [DE]Bora, [DE]Yun, Ediconum, LoreleiRose

    Polish updates by tocorro

    Portuguese updates by -TP-Ark, [DE]Bekao, xxViennaxx

    Russian updates by DryMind, Dyshes, ngrazer

    Chinese updates by LuMeow, [DE]Elise, EuanJones, [DE]Timothy

    Turkish updates by [DE]Onur





    Traducen hasta con faltas de ortografía LOL

  3. :))) Reading this thread makes me laugh to the core


    1: This update is just as all updates in all games - they come with buggs,delays,hype and whatnot

    2: The Devs have worked and work to bring u something great that u will enjoy for a day or 2 then ask for something new while they bust theyr ! for those few days,sleepless nights and headaches.

    3: Why do u have to badmouth them and insult them,even point at them,unless yr brainless and uncappable to understand the work they put in everything,or yr just a spoiled brat.

    4: Enjoy the game or other games,take some fresh air,go out,call yr girlfriend,scratch that u may not have one,just do something to ocupy yr time

    Devs GREAT JOB,i havent played for long but love WF,keep at it


    And for the other funny ! guys around here,You friends make this game playable 2,Remember its a game wich means HAVE FUN


    ▲▲▲ +1 ▲▲▲ (fast writing detected but (Y) )


    What's a girlfriend?


    oh, that's so sad :(

  4. Buenas a todos los jugadores de Warframe, soy de Chile y me vicie con el juego asdads si alguien se anima a jugar algunas partidas me agrega.


    Saludos =D

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