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Posts posted by sightjacker

  1. 1 hour ago, George_PPS said:

    Well said! I am very disappointed that DE is listening to these players and nerfing and killing Warframe slowly since 18 months ago.

    Don't worry about this post because 2 things:

    1-. OP is only complaining & not giving any viable solution.

    2-. He's totally a vet 😅



  2. 4 hours ago, Xianos_Chaos said:

    So my friend who once was an ivara main now is a wisp main cause of how powerful her first ability is. He has built her to where the speed effect is around 63% buff and my god.....that gun and melee speed, I have never felt so fast swinging my Jat Kusar everywhere, it was amazing. And we do lots of missions together where it feels more natural, but it's the horrific problem is after he leaves for the night and I still do another run without him it hits me hard. That slow/sluggish feeling when you have your normal build.......it makes you feel that withdraw so damn badly, even the gun fire rate on the catchmoon just doesn't feel right anymore. I'm addicted to wisp's speed boost and I feel it's ruining the game for me. 😧

    And now my friend is working on improving it to make the speed boost near 70%.........I need mah fix! Darn you Wisp you drug dealer!!!!! D:<

    And this isn't even counting the times we do relic runs and wisp gets a buff or if another warframe buffs him.......oh god.....



  3. 2 minutes ago, BlindStalker said:

    You will unlock Ivara's Artemis bow once you get her to level 10 out of 30. That's when the 4th ability officially unlocks on any warframe. So no, you don't have to worry about rebuilding another Ivara. Once you get Ivara to level 10, her Artemis bow should appear in the arsenal UI from that point onward.

    This is a really subtle change that occurred (I'm not sure which update) some time ago. I think this occurs because this is your first Ivara, so she's completely new for your account. Same situation would probably occur for other exalted weapon users.

    You noticed the warframe in the img is level 30 right?

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