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Posts posted by Cuchovsky

  1. They really sound alike but are they the same? Nod's EVA in C&C 3 is credited to "Stefan Marks" according to IMDb, and warframe is not listed on his profile. The guy's voicing Cy account in Youtube is Stefan Martello. ¿Are they the same one? They do look like (their photos i mean), though one has glasses. Anyone knows if one's just an "actor name" of the same guy or are they different?

  2. After about two weeks of testing, i can't really say i've found anything BAD (except for particular details like gunblades, which i'll touch when i end the general part). Yes, some stances worked diferently, and at first value were nerfed/clunky/diferent, but nothing that a little experimentation (or, heavens forbid, looking into the "melee combo" section and seeing what the stance does and doesn't (gasp!)) wouldn't clarify. So i had to switch some stances, do some testing, overall, everything's actually great. Melee actually feels "fun" now, not "omg i have to endlessly spam E" (or worst even, "spin-to-win"). Interchangeable combos actually give it a nice look and refreshing feeling, you can actually change how  you fight with out even going out of the mission to change stances if you're bored of looking at your character hit exactly the same way over and over again.

    Heavy attacks now: there's space for improvement. They hit A TRUCKLOAD MORE. Even more with built combo counter, but when enemies start getting TOO HARD, it becomes a bit boring, cause heavy attacks are the only thing killing things fast (machete wraith  takes about 3 heavy attack hits to kill a lvl 130ish corrupted heavy gunner (with a build tunned to heavy attacks)(look for that one in youtube)) Problem is most stances have that single heavy attack, again and again and again (basically going back to boring melee 2.0) So if we could get heavy attack combo animations, that would improve things a lot  i feel.

    The "bad" part i can definetly see is gunblades. I mean... having more of the combos actually be melee on a melee weapon makes sense, but at least one of the stance's combos should let you shoot normally, like, being able to propperly aim at stuff

    The unified combo thingy is the single best part of the update i feel (maybe, JUST MAYBE add a bit more range on some gapclosers), but i fail to see where are people getting trapped in combo animations. Like seriously, even  in boring melee 2.0 there was A SINGLE combo  of a sparring stance that trapped you (i forgot its name because i didn't use it precisely because it trapped you, it was the one withe the capoeira kicks thrown in)  As of now it's been impossible for me to get trapped in an animation cycle, and i've tried to. So to anyone suffering by that, answer me with what weapon and what stance and let me check it (probabbly again)

  3. So, after about two weeks of testing... The only real problem i see is the disc on the Zenistar, wich btw i barely use, so i'm personally not that affected by that. That being said, it is a pretty big nerf on it. I kinda understand why it was done: (i think) because you are pulling away from the "press button then forget" gameplay (a la old ember ultimate), Zenistar disk worked the same, you threw it, then forgot until timer passed then throw it again. Disk timer being affected by combo counter was a neat idea, but the fact that when it dies you have to basically build a lot of combo counter to throw it again so it lasts a decent time basically has you being "unaffected" by the disc for a long time, putting you in danger (if doing an endurance run) or the objective (if doing a defence thing). So here's my proposed solution: Keep the mechanic of the timer being affected by combo counter, but make it that "actual" combo conuter counts to the already deployed disc. So let's say you throw the disc, it reads 10 seconds, you jump to a group of enemies, build enough combo counter that will "charge" the disk up to let's say 30-40 seconds, then you can pull back and heal or energize or something (even relax xD). Then when the timer is running low again, jump again into the fray and get some more disk time via hitting things. And rinse and repeat. This should a) steer away from "fire and forget" gameplay and b) provide with literally infinite disk deploy time (as long as you're keeping the time up via getting hits in)


  4. Is this a bug or is it intended not to work with Zaw- nikanas ?. I got the Daikyu amalgam wich gives 3% life steal to nikanas. Went away and tested it with nikana prime and works wonderful. I then switched to my Nikana zaw and it does not work, i get no life steal from it. I confirmed to have the Daikyu amalgam equiped at all times (with both the nikana prime and zaw-nikana).


    I encountered the same bug. Was running Valkyr with Umbral Vitality, Steel fiber and adaptation, all maxed. The endurance test lasers only seem to kill my shields, and my health takes no damage whatsoever. Resistance indicator in the top right says i'm at 90% resistance to impact (i guess the impact is imparted by the lasers). It happened tree times, once during a sortie, the others while running normal Lua to do the Nightwave mission. Each time had the exact same results, running the exact same warframe and same mods. 

    Can't vouch for the affinity part, one of my runs i had a rank 14 Opticor Vandal, and it did not gain an abnormal amount of affinity. All tries i was playing solo.

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