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Everything posted by SpicyDinosaur

  1. I think a little thing called decrees would disagree with the circuit being in anyway valid as a testing ground.
  2. Funny, I do often play Saryn when I get to in SP circuit, and she trashes things. Besides circuit not being a very good example of anything. I find that different frames will do well there because you can't anticipate other parts of your kit that may allow for more versatility normally. I'm sorry but are you trying to balance things off a game mode with the boosts that come from decrees? Really?
  3. I suspect the resources required are minimal. I'm all for it. I think it would be fun.
  4. Good for you? I don't need to probe for anything in players. These forums and my in game interactions outside my own alliance show consistent enough monstrosity that I don't feel like it's worth investing in total strangers. I'd rather help my friends or those in my alliance than strangers that are secretly homophobes, transphobes, sexists, racists, etc.
  5. As an LR3 player I still do blessings for myself when grinding affinity (there's these things called forma, ignoring all the new stuff that gets released and how much stuff is post MR30.) I also use the resource chance boost when farming, and the credit booster when farming profit taker. Sometimes I'll double up with another MR30 and give a damage boost if they are giving the one we actually want. It never occurred to me to ask the relay what they want, partly because I wouldn't want to waste what you only get every 24 hours on complete strangers. Especially after having seen how some people behave on these forums. I'd rather it benefit my friends. The last time I helped a random was when one who I had grouped with previously asked me to help them get a rare prime part. We succeeded and they immediately said, "aww yea, someone is getting scammed on market chat!" Never. again.
  6. The people asking for this are often people who either just don't play Conclave as it is or don't even like PvP in general. They'd play it for all of ten minutes then go back to making jokes about how no one plays Conclave. OP: try finding games right after faction reset, as people play then to work on their dailies. Other than for its own sake, there's not much reason to play it once you've done all the daily and weekly accomplishments, so Sunday at time rollover will be an especially good time. However, even at odd times I personally know I am able to find groups of around ten people on and off. Do you have recruit conditioning on? A lot of the people that play are beyond being able to use that, and so will be excluded from the games you are in.
  7. I love this. I am saying for goodness snake from now on, lol
  8. There's a mod that causes this. That are you are losing your mind.
  9. You can do opposed syndicate missions as long as they are not missions available to you personally, and are someone else's mission. You won't see the trophies in these missions, though.
  10. oh god, I was hoping they wouldn't add new things. I have been gradually getting everything but I hate that event so so so much. I would love it if you got a share of the pearls from any kill you helped do damage for, but as it currently stands, I just kill the enemy once then hide from them over and over and it is miserable.
  11. That's probably why you don't understand that not all Asian mythological characters are interchangeable. lol
  12. Ahh Qriist assuming that everyone on the internet is a male, again. 🙄"These fine gents..."
  13. This may have been suggested, but I advise you to talk about challenge after doing a week of Conclave.
  14. ahh it's in the Accessibility section. I thought I was losing my mind! lol
  15. I disagree. The entire purpose is convenience, and if you have to sacrifice range for that convenience, I know I wouldn't use it anymore.
  16. I... don't know. A friend and I were talking about it about a month ago, but I can't find anything in options for it. :/
  17. It's so weird because what I hear about the auto aim adjustment is that on consoles, where I thought PvP would be nightmarish against PC players, the auto adjustment for aiming massively weights things in favor of console players. I wonder why it is less forgiving with mobs.
  18. There's a Chinese version of the game, though. And I am betting the stuff we get for Chinese New Year is the same for the Chinese version. (Feel free to fact check me, I could be totally wrong!) Also, not every country is going to get their special day included in DE's list of things to give celebratory items for. (Not that I am opposed to getting 4th of July stuff, because free stuff is great. However, the color palette for the 4th was 3 colors and that was it.) Actually, Easter gets a palette, and this irks me if we are going to start demanding equal treatment for color palettes. As a Satanist, I really want something like a "Baphomet Palette" with lots of neat colors.
  19. I mean sure, make it cost less. I wouldn't disagree with that.
  20. Well, I guess you could ask for reparations from the British, since the taxes were clearly illegalz, or you could just let it go, since you were not even alive until hundreds of years later. The person you were responded to was making a joke. Here's another one. It's a visual gag, really. As for your second comment, as an example of what you say is disrespectful to both sides, (which sides? I'm covering the one I am most knowledgeable about,) the Viet Cong were very much mostly composed of poor farmers who oftentimes weren't even aware they were fighting Americans and thought they were rising up against French colonial rule. Not that there was much of a difference. Either way they weren't in charge of their own destiny. My dad served in Vietnam, actually. He wasn't even drafted, he signed up for it. (Which is just nuts.) I was going to cover more ground and give more examples, but I don't think it is worth the trouble. Suffice to say, the US picks fights or engages in proxy wars regularly without proper justification. We went from a severely isolationist, (the "America First" time period, with all the awful things that conjures up for many people,) to overthrowing governments that are either communist/socialist or that in any way challenge what we want the world to look like. There's probably some good times to go to war, but we do not decide whether or not to go to war based on anything "good" or "just."
  21. Find me the statement that defines them as such by DE. Either way, it does change the ability, instead of three options for motes you rotate between, you actually get 4, one being all three motes together. Even if you don't like what it does, it does actually alter the ability, not that I'm agreeing that that is what augments are required to do. There's also Titania's augment that removes vacuum from razorwing that's an exilus augment (they added in the percentage of DR when airborne that aviator has, as well, since that would be what this replaced most likely) there's also Saryn's exilus augment that lets you see how many NPCs on the map you have infected by turning the arrows green. I'm sure I could dig up a few more but since ALL of these do in fact alter the ability involved in some way, including the one we are talking about, I feel like it's just going to be a back and forth about semantics because you have some weird hatred of the augment. Don't use it. Use power drift if that's what you prefer, or preparation, or any number of other mods. I use it, and personally, I find it very helpful for expeditiously laying down motes.
  22. Wut? This seems like a very arbitrary requirement for augments that has no basis in fact.
  23. Convenience. I have good news though, if you don't think it is useful, you are in no way required to use it! Personally, it's an exilus mod that saves some time, so I have it equipped.
  24. man I guess this topic is too soon for you, huh? How were the taxes illegal if the reigning monarch implemented them? Their word is literal law.
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