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Everything posted by Caramello

  1. Here is a feedback: stop listening "feedback" from people that want things to get nerfed because they dont like when other people enjoy things.
  2. Aw damn you right, orbiter looks like a new orbiter with fog disabled, the decorations still look waaaay dark tho.
  3. My orbiter now looks pretty much the same but seems like there is a layer of white plastered on top of the screen with the opacity set to 10% or something, almost like fog. Some before/afters: Before After: Before: After: Before: After (this looks a bit better but still problematic, no ideia if the reason is that the skybox changed tho):
  4. The new orbiter lightning is great... if you dont have any decorations in your orbiter, because if you do its a big yikes, everything is so dark and the decorations themselves besides displays pick up no light or anything, and just become lumps of coal, a few exemples: My navigation area is all dark and i can only see displays, basically ruined. Floofs? Lumps of coal. My prime noggles? Not worth the aya i paid for them. Ayatans are now just a cluster of lights. Sad day for Ikeaframe, sad day.
  5. 4 Normal shard for a single tauforged aint it chief, i will never be using this feature at this absurd "price", imagine giving up 4 red shards that can give you 40% power str for a single one that gives 15%? Either make it 2 or make shards freely farmable.
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