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Everything posted by Dezh

  1. You really are something truly special.
  2. It would've been swell if you read the whole post or actually replied to the portion you quoted. Frames are, while terribly balanced, not that big a deal for me because I own them all. Baruuk Prime is done tomorrow and Nidus is also in the oven (I do have the regular though) which means I'm entirely complete again on primed and regular frames (some I just don't think are good miss an exilus mod). It's about the S#&$ modding and weapon selection. I do see you got offered Mirage. I got Mirage last week and picked it, proceeding to the weapons. Quickly put her back after seeing Synapse with default modding being legitimately best weapon offered. There are five categories of weapons for me: 1. Full build. Arcane, Forma etc.. Potentially a Riven. A subset of those are niche weapons which are going to be super clunky in the Circuit however, especially without a Companion fixing ammo economy being nuked from orbit for some items. There is still a huge gap here, weapons are really not created equally and neither are Rivens. 2. Owned, leveled, kept. Not good enough to invest anything in it without a Riven but it cost e.g. a Forma to make so I keep it. Will have garbage default mods and thus unusable. 3. Previously owned, leveled and sold. Sold because it's actual trash that no Riven can salvage. Will not do no matter what unless it becomes an Incarnon Genesis in the future (my Stug Riven is in the holster). Also a few that got leveled and built into something else, like the Miter which I have not rebuilt because I didn't pick it this week. 4. A set of weapons, owned and unowned that seems to be unable to show up. Never ever saw any modular weapon, which is a shame because I have Rivens for all Kitguns and nearly all Zaws. 5. Weapons I don't have or ever had. This is only a handful of very old or very new primed weapons (damn you Phantasma barrel!), most of which I don't care about and about half of the syndicate weapons which cannot appear randomly unless you own them anyway. The Tenet void key items are also incomplete for me because I will never spend them for anything but a workable element at 50%+ considering what a massive pain in the ass that farm is (less that I mind the Railjack per se and more the fact that it's S#&$ rewards per minute spent). So getting a frame that might be good with good weapons hinges on what category is being chosen and it seems to be weighted firmly away from 1 towards 3 (and 4 seems to be impossible, just to skewer things more against the player). I don't get to try out anything new at all because of the system. There doesn't exist an item that I didn't at least have an variant for in the past and if I no longer have it you can be certain there's a good and rational reason for it.
  3. It is terrible because... 1. certain frames require specific and unusual mod setups on melee weapons. 2. While the Mesas of this sector don't care about guns some of the potentially other best frames rely heavily on strong weaponry. 3. The default modding is done by Ghouls hatched yesterday and even a good weapon modded this way is going to be trash. Also lacking any galvanized or primed mods and arcanes is obviously not great for steel path. 4. Both Intrinsics and Decrees are multipliers. If the base output of a weapon is dog S#&$ multiplying it by 1.5 doesn't change anything at all. It does help the items that are good to great to be even better though. SP perspective of course. Anything destroys normal, I only recently leveled all the MK1 stuff in Hydron and actually contributed - regular star path and multiple rounds of steel path scaling is not remotely close (even with the special enemy type pool in the circuit). So for normal, if the modding is tightened up (so one can also learn how to mod stuff), it might be an ok system. With the exception of one vaulted item I own everything I do want to use (and a lot of weapons with no potato in them because I'm not made out of plat and I just keep prime or forma requiring ones around in case a riven shows up). Also have all frames and those are fully modded because golden potato are abundant in comparison, but the weapons I'm seeing doesn't make my try out S#&$. It's get Protea, Mesa, Saryn and the like or hope someone else does. Or extract early because Yareli armed with dog mods Cestra is not going to do anything against level 500+ SP thingies. The game mode forces the player to carry the group or leech and that's simply not good design. I have done 10 tiers every week since and this was without fail exactly the result of the random loadout mechanic.
  4. Probably has to do something with normal form being pellets and incarnon an explosion and both use some math from the normal form. Shotguns and status have quite the history.
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