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  1. Ruvox Vulnerablity Serum evolution causes +35% status vulnerability to enemies afflicted by slam impale. This vulnerability is 35% flat chance to apply status on Any damage source. Damaging status procs are eligible for this. This results in damaging status cascading out of control as each proc tick has a chance to duplicate the status power.
  2. Hydroid Tidal Surge ability used to cause a large explosion on finishing. It now only causes the explosion if the wave ends after travelling the full distance. Manually ending the wave does not cause the explosion.
  3. If you abandon a circuit mission, the gear choices do not change despite making progress on the circuit.
  4. In circuit mode, Inaros negation armour activated, preventing inaros from dying. Scarab shell was not activated again. In the next round after taking lethal damage the negation armour effect triggered again but put the character in a undying limbo. The health bar reads dead and the only available action is melee. cannot look around and enemies do not respond to the dead.
  5. Activating Inaros Sandstorm immediately after bullet jumping disables movement control for several seconds.
  6. Palus Corpus Ship Survival when occupied by Grineer after an invasion will still spawn Corpus Comba and Scrambus units
  7. Naramon's Lethal Levitation Focus skill does not grant the damage buff when playing as a client.
  8. The Phahd amp scaffold shoots a projectile that causes a radial explosion on impact. As a client the radial damage does not occur.
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