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Posts posted by ShadowFel

  1. So, I'm hunting my liches, as you do, by playing the thrall hunt missions, and I decided to run some on Lua.  Like on many planets that aren't fully under Grineer control, the rescue mission, Zeipel, and the spy mission, Pavlov, are replaced by exterminates for the thrall hunts.  Except...they actually aren't.  They're labeled as exterminates in the "which mission do you want to play on this node" menu, but the actual missions are what they would normally be.  Zeipel is a rescue mission, and Pavlov is a spy mission.  Zeipel works perfectly as a thrall hunt rescue.  The mission level is correct, thralls spawn, the rescue tile is present and fully functional, at the end of the mission the player gets a specter blueprint, the whole shebang.  Pavlov is...mostly functional.  The mission itself spawns thralls, is the correct level, has spy vaults, etc.  But, the vaults don't give rewards in the end of mission screen (and as far as I can tell, don't give rewards at all).  I guess what I think needs to be fixed is that Zeipel and Pavlov should be properly labeled with their mission type in the mission select menu, and Pavlov should be giving its vault rewards.

  2. After only a couple missions with him, these are the problems I expect I will experience consistently with Grendel

    A clearer UI element for Nourish would be appreciated.  Between the icons themselves being relatively arcane and uninformative on which buff they indicate, and the timer for the most recent buff covering half the icons, it is more effort than it should be to determine which buff is next up, and if switching is doing anything.  Perhaps a Minelayer/Quiver style UI element that greys out buffs that aren't available and prevents switching to them?  While I am capable of learning to work with the current UI, it isn't really doing its job effectively right now.

    There is no need for the energy drain on enemies in his belly to ramp up over time.  If the frame's entire kit is built around keeping enemies in his belly, to the point where three of his abilities cannot be used without having an enemy being digested, a player shouldn't be punished for keeping enemies in his belly for a long time.  There are gaps between fights in this game, and having to stock up during each fight and vomit out remainders at the end will get old quickly.  The drain is already fairly significant for keeping a crowd in there, there's no need to make that drain increase over time as well.  It's almost like it's encouraging me not to use his powers, which I have a feeling is not the intent.  Since this escalating drain isn't even mentioned in any tooltip, part of me thinks it might be a bug, it feels so counter to the intent of the frame.

    Also, his farm is absurd.  Locking him behind a few hours of arbitrations?  Fine.  Modless missions, counter to what many have said, were an interesting twist on the normal gameplay loop (though the defense mission is basically impossible solo, and the base mission level is maybe a tiny bit on the high end of what it should be for as long as we have to stay in the missions), and is mostly fine.  But both? Both makes this frame the most inaccessible frame by far, for no real reason.  Needing to complete the entire star chart, followed by hours of arbitrations, followed by a new type of mission that has no lore for why it's as hard as it is is just too much for one frame.  Please put his part keys someplace else (the market, for credits, or better yet, perhaps somewhere in his Leverian?), and give us a good reason why his missions are modless.  And for heaven's sake, don't refrain from changing this "because some players have already suffered through this, we don't want to undermine their suffering, so we'll keep making players suffer through this".

  3. I feel that having a passive battery drain on Redline is unnecessary, since he already loses all of his battery when the ability expired (unless he has "saved" past the red line) so the passive drain just makes it more tedious to raise the battery within Redline, and makes having Kinetic Plating and Redline active simultaneously entirely impractical.  I also feel that the bonuses of Redline don't really warrant 100 energy, and reducing the cost to 75 energy would be practical.

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  4. So, I personally rather like the Orb Vallis music, and would rather like to obtain it for use in my orbiter.  The problem is that it is tedious in the extreme to find even a single Orb Vallis somachord tone, and (assuming all songs require 4 tones), obtaining all the songs requires 28 tones.  Having only a single tone spawn across the massive entirety of Orb Vallis means they are very boring to find when intentionally searching, and they are nigh impossible to stumble upon by accident while doing other Orb Vallis content (unlike most other somachord tones, where the fact that levels are mostly linear lends itself well to stumbling upon them by accident with a degree of frequency).  With a Khora using Loot Radar, Loot Detector, and two Primed Animal Instincts, flying around in an Itzal, it took me an average of half an hour to find a single tone (I was solo, because I fully expect no one wants to share in this misery).

    There are a few ways this could be alleviated.  First, each song could require only a single tone, akin to the songs in The Sacrifice.  While the tones would still be annoying to find, the difficulty would be balanced by being rewarded with a new song for each tone you find, and only needing to undergo this task a total of 7 tones.  Another option would be to increase the number of somachord tones that spawn upon loading into Orb Vallis (I'm thinking 4-6).  This would make it much more likely that a player would randomly stumble upon tones while doing other Orb Vallis activities, and a player actively searching them out would find several instead of just the one, and it wouldn't be wasted effort if the player was unable to find one or two of the tones, because they would have other tones that they probably would have found.  Yet another way to alleviate some of this insanity would be to remove some songs from Orb Vallis, and add them to Venus, though this is my least favorite option because it still makes finding any tones in Orb Vallis as unrewarding an activity as it currently is, it just reduces the number of songs that entail such distress.

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  5. While I'm generally alright with self damage weapons, the idea of uncontrollable delayed explosions combined with self damage has done very poorly so far in this game.  When that happened to Tonkor, Tonkor's usage vanished.  Stug is very widely disliked.  High fire rate self damage weapons have similarly been either unpopular, or quickly changed to not deal self damage.  The recent Cyanex comes to mind.  So I do not understand why the combination of high fire rate, delayed explosions, and self damage were all combined on this weapon.

    The reload passive is also awful, since it essentially punishes the muscle memory many players have to reload when there's a slight lull in the action.  I agree with a base reload of 1.5 and a different sort of bonus for reloading from empty.

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  6. Two times in as many days, I've been running bounties on Orb Vallis, and run into an issue with the "rescue" bounty stages, where the player must first examine 4 corpses, then hack a prison console, and finally kill Terra Jailers.  The issue arises in the final portion of the stage, killing Terra Jailers.  While they still come in on drop ships, the Terra Jailers are not marked with the red "kill" objective marker, and they do not drop the blue data keys that speed up the stage and are required to get the bonus objective for that bounty stage.  Not sure what causes this bug, as I do the stages no differently than normal when this bug arises.  Most of the time, this bug doesn't happen, but it has been happening often enough that it's problematic.

  7. I'm liking Wisp quite a bit so far, up there with Garuda and Revenant for fun frames to play for me.  My only real complaints right now are that Surge Sparks from Breach Surge can't cause additional Surge Sparks (an understandable balancing decision, I just wish that they could), and that Wil-o-Wisp interrupts reloading.  I feel that Wil-o-Wisp shouldn't interrupt reloads on the basis that it is an ability without a casting animation, like Volt's Speed and Saryn's Molt, and so should adhere to what the player can do during such abilities.

  8. I admit that this probably isn't so much a bug as an oversight, but currently, if a player attempts to play Themisto, the first Alad V assassination mission, post-Infested Alad V can show up to introduce his Amalgams in between pre-Infested Alad V's standard boss taunts.  This is just sort of...weird and makes Alad V's already complicated timeline completely fall apart, so I'd request that it be changed.  Maybe prevent the Amalgam spawn dialogue on Themisto, or make the dialogue use pre-Infested Alad V's face for that particular mission?

  9. As many have already said, Shield Pillage works less than great against Grineer, and abysmally against Infested.  I suggest adding a "base shields gained" per enemy, affected by strength.  Regardless of the enemy's armor/shield values, every enemy "pillaged" should give a small amount of shields back to Hildryn, so as to make her 2 not a waste of an ability against one of the 3 major factions of the game.  Especially since this is the faction that makes widespread use of slash and toxin damage, the damage types that Hildryn most wants to avoid if she doesn't have overshields, which she can't get when fighting them because Shield Pillage has no effect on them unless you intentionally let a Swarm Moa spread armor around. 


    It would also be nice if Hildryn could use Shield Pillage while in Aegis Storm, since she can already use Haven and Balefire, so being unable to use Shield Pillage makes it feel odd.

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  10. As the title says, Garuda's ability Dread Mirror doesn't block the face lasers fired by Terra Provisors.  It also will not redirect any damage into the Dread Heart above the mirror.  It would seem to be unintended, as Atlas' Tectonics, Frost's Snow Globe, Gara's Mass Vitrify, and both forms of Volt's Electric Shield can block Provisor lasers with no issue.  If using Transistor Shield, Electric Shield will even absorb the damage into Volt's passive.  This inconsistency would seem to imply that Dread Mirror should be able to block the lasers (that or every other shield ability is bugged, which I'd hope they aren't).

  11. Currently, range on beam weapons is a mystery.  Yes, we can test them for ourselves, or look them up online, but it would be helpful if they were listed in the arsenal.  This is now more important because Gaze Chamber kitguns, uniquely, have their range, rather than their fire rate, affected by the chosen grip.  This makes them the only kitgun variety where there is an invisible variable statistic.  This can make choosing to build a Gaze kitgun feel like more of a gambit than it should, since if it ends up having a shorter than desired range, the user will have to rebuild the kitgun.  So please add an additional line in the arsenal and kitgun creation menu giving the range of beam weapons (you can even just give them a falloff stat of, as an example, 20.0-20.0, to indicate that past that range, the weapon cannot deal damage).

  12. As the title says.  The Fortuna fishing spears, Stunna and Shock Prod, now fail to show the timing for a successful catch on the UI as of 24.0.8, making fishing on the Vallis nearly impossible (at least, that's what I'm experiencing).  On the bright side, the issue with cave stalagmites blocking fishing in the water near them seems to be fixed, so now cave fishing is almost functional?

  13. I have also experienced this in several other locations, most notably the cave in the far southeast of the map between the giant fallen orbital defense tower and the Spaceport, and the cave in the northwest of the map a bit south of the pond west of the Shrine to Profit.  It appears that the glowing stalactites have some very strange meshing properties, or something, that makes all the water near them act as a barrier to all fishing equipment.  As the two caves I've mentioned are also the only ones I've reliably found hotspots in, I'd really like to see this fixed so that I can get Synathids and Charymotes with less frustration.

  14. I'm kind of liking these, but kind of not.  Some things that are dragging me down:

    Doubled rotation duration doesn't really make it that much harder, it just makes it more of an unenjoyable slog, especially since right now enemy spawns are not in a good place, and excavation has already been made longer due to the prolonged timers.  At the very least, I feel that rotations should go back to their normal state (every 5 minutes/5 waves/1 round/2 squads) once a player hits rotation C.  Preferably, I'd like to see the reward rotations changed to AABBCCCCCCCCCC... at their normal state, but skipping the first reward entirely, but some might feel like that's too much.

    The immunity drones don't bother me too much, but they have some issues.  The biggest one is that Ancient Healer auras can affect them, so if one links to a Healer, the best option is to just leave the area and fight elsewhere, because the drone will protect the enemies, and the drone will be very hard to kill because the Healer is protecting it.  Defensive Eximus auras, while not as severe, carry the same problem.  It would be nice if the drones were immune to all enemy and allied powers, so that while our powers can't affect them, they don't become near immortal because of their allies' powers.  Also, they suffer from the same pathing issues as other AI's are right now, which can make them get stuck, which in turn worsens other enemies' pathing because their pathing makes them want to stay by the drone.  Sometimes, I kill a few drones, and then I don't see one again for a good 10 minutes.  Or ever.  It's also kind of strange that they have a tendency to kill enemies in a large area around themselves when killed due to their explosion.

    Rewards are somewhat lacking.  The rotation issue, combined with their awful drop rate, means that farming the mods that drop in arbitrations is a very painful grind that has already gotten old.  The Vitus shop, while a good idea, needs more to make me really interested in collecting Vitus Essence.  Built Forma, Exilus Adapters, Catalysts, Reactors, Orokin Cells, Argon, more unique mods, Rivens, and Kuva could all be welcome additions that would make Vitus Essence worth farming, since we almost always need more of all of these things no matter how late game we are.  More frame cosmetics would be nice too, for those of us who aren't too interested in Ikeaframe.  And I suppose more ship decorations too, for those who are interested in Ikeaframe.  As is, I won't really feel like I have a reason to touch Arbitrations once I get the 4 mods in the drop table, and I will stop enjoying them long before that happens.

    The boosters seem rather broken.  Some prime frames don't get bonuses when their base forms do, which rather put me out when I discovered that some frames that I only have prime versions of won't benefit from boosters.  It would be appreciated if you could clear up whether or not variant weapons (Prime, Wraith, Prisma, Vandal) benefit from the damage bonuses as well.  It wouldn't seem right to punish players for seeking out the stronger variants, so I hope that variants not always benefiting is a mistake.

    I've noted it a few times before, but pathing really needs some fixes, because it makes arbitrations into all the wrong kinds of endurance tests.

    All that said, I am enjoying the relatively frequent, more difficult content that rewards staying in for a long time that arbitrations provide.  I just...bet I'd like them a lot more if they didn't have these issues.

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