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(XBOX)R3d P01nt

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Posts posted by (XBOX)R3d P01nt

  1. Check your Codex to see if it shows you've mastered Saryn Prime.

    Double check your math - look at what your profile says you have for MR XP from frames and then check that against what frames you have mastered in your profile and make sure the numbers match.

    If the numbers don't match, put in a support ticket.

  2. On 2024-01-31 at 4:31 PM, (XBOX)maniac octopus said:

    I’m experiencing the same thing. Can’t see chat. Can’t trade. I enabled 2fa on my Microsoft account. Got ms authenticator app. It says the same thing about enabling 2fa to trade in game chat. Can’t figure this out. I see names in the box next to chat. I’m guessing no one can see my msgs. I asked igc in the question section still nothing. I remember being able to a long time ago like 2018. IPv6 is turned off. Never created other accounts. Region is set to Na. Did you figure this out because I’m running out of hair too lol

    If you are on XB, it might be due to your XB settings as well.  I saw someone in another thread mention that they had a setting to turn off messages from most players and that was the issue.  If I can find it, I'll link it here.

  3. The bug was that some users were allowed to do SP without having done the normal mode first.  They fixed that bug.

    You just need to complete one round of normal circuit and either a lone story or the other normal mode and kill the worm and you'll have SP back.

  4. On 2023-10-26 at 6:47 AM, (PSN)Claudija said:

    The View Mission Progress stated I had over 145 Intrinsics at that point.

    You didn't earn 145 intrinsics during the mission - you had that many total.  It auto-added the 65 you already had to the amount you had gained in the mission.  It's always worked that way AFAIK.  RJ intrinsics work the same way as well.

  5. 2 hours ago, (PSN)MIKOTO_SOUH1 said:

    I play as ivara prime and Everytime I start a mission and there's a frost on my team they use their bubble and then I cant use any ivara abilities near it I can't shoot my guns or I can't use my corufell heavy attacks they just disappear like there's a huge invisible wall 

    Are you inside the bubble or outside?  Are you trying to shoot from the outside into the bubble or thru the bubble?  Frost's bubble will block friendly fire if you try to shoot through it unless you are on the inside.

  6. 3 hours ago, (XBOX)SomeGuy7798 said:

    Yes. I've tried changing regions and making new accounts but I just get the same text in trade chat  

    (in order to trade you must achieve mastery rank 2 and enable TennoGuard 2FA in account management on www.warftame.com)

    I've even been spamming nonsense in the trade chat,😂😆😅😑 everybody keeps telling me I don't need 2FA, but no body seems to hear me say, IT WON'T LET ME TRADE WITHOUT. The game itself is telling me I have to do it and it will not allow me to trade without, theres got to be something missing here, I never had this problem on playstation, so maybe it's my Microsoft Acc? is the any where els I can reach out to for help?

    Even if you needed 2FA that would be to perform the trade, not to see messages in Trade Chat.  It's not 2FA, it's something else.

    Do you see any names in the player list to the right of the chat box?  Do you see any chat messages in any of the other public chats?  Do you have crossplay turned on?

    What region are you set for?  On XB, the Trade Chat is specific to XB (since we can only trade with other XB players) so if you are not in the NA region you might have difficulty finding anyone in TC.

    Have you tried turning IPv6 off in your settings?

    Finally, if you have things set up properly, you may have to contact support.

  7. 45 minutes ago, (PSN)Dr_81P said:

    I tried to get through it via YouTube instructions, wikis, even forums, when we were at the main factory we were told to choose the route to the right or left first. I chose to go right first And I was able to open one door but when I passed through the hall and past the deacon, even though they were a long way up the stairs, they could see me and always doesn't chase but shoots something at my head. That happened dozens of times until finally I came here trying to find direction from other players

    If you need direction, then I suggest posting in the Players Helping Players section of the forums.

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