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(XBOX)R3d P01nt

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Posts posted by (XBOX)R3d P01nt

  1. 14 hours ago, Kaotyke said:

    People dont know you can get Zekti Bulkhead in the market for 65p along with a few other Avionics.

    Nope, apparently they don't know that, because it's not true, unless it's different on PC or changed with the recent update (I haven't checked).  As of before the update, the Zetki avionics bundle had Hull Weave, but not Bulkhead.

  2. 1 minute ago, SerpentBlack said:

    So I have been with one particular syndicate for quite some time, obtained all of what they have to offer, and one day I lost the top rank with this syndicate while trying to earn standing with another syndicate, that very moment I lost my rank with my original syndicate, I quickly got my standing back to meet up to obtaining my top rank with my original syndicate, I was expecting to have to repay the sacrifical price to get the top rank, usually something like a blueprint for a warframe part and alot of credits, but to my surprise, I didn't have to, in fact I actually just got my top rank back, I wondered from that day, was there a length of time that only allowed me to have done this? Or was there no time limit at all? I think this was always my hang up on venturing to other syndicates because of these sacrifice prices needed to be paid, now that this was been discovered, I don't have much of an answer, could anyone clarify this more for me?

    You do not have to redo sacrifices for syndicates once you've done them once.

  3. On 2020-02-03 at 8:13 AM, Tsukinoki said:

    Actually the Redeemer is always silent.

    It's not supposed to be and was supposedly fixed in Hotfix 20.2.4.  I wonder if it's bugged.

  4. 2 minutes ago, (PS4)zenhumphrey said:

    I've been struggling ever since the 1st week of warframe to copernics, diodes, carbides and pustrels for my vidar, lavan and zetki equipment and i currently and literally have only 2 fully built lavan equipments and i have alot of other equipment that i want to get but i need about 7k+ of those railjack materials. I have 2 seeker volleys and yet i don't have enough for the zetki lavan and vidar equipment, i did earth proxima missions with seeker volley and also particle ram but on each mission i get about 300+ diodes and only about 150+ of the rest, so, how the hell do i get those materials fast?

    Edit: copernics seem to be the resource that drops the least

    Fly around the map and collect all the resources that are just floating around.  Also, remember to refine materials in your forge - it doesn't grant you a lot, but a little bit here and there always helps.

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  5. 2 hours ago, (XB1)Hadley T said:

    I ran one mission at Gian Point today, and had 40 Intrinsics to start with.  Mission Summary said I had earned 50 points, but of course my new total back in Dry Dock was only 45; I only received 10% of the indicated reward.

    You didn't earn 50 intrinsics from a Gian Point mission.  You earned 5, it showed that you gained 10.  The results screen starts from the total you started the mission with and goes from there.  It didn't show you going from 0 to 50, but from 40 to 50.

  6. 3 minutes ago, (XB1)KayAitch said:

    - we're going to spend a week on that PC content release and then look at consoles is basically all console players relegated to the "we don't really care about you guys" pile.

    I disagree as they are making strides to try and get us stuff sooner, as in we're going to get the lich changes almost the same time as PC - which is something that console players have been complaining about.  I've said all along to be careful what we wish for, but alas.  Seems like we'll have to agree to disagree here.

    4 minutes ago, (XB1)KayAitch said:

    It is, it was in the PC patch notes (feel free to go read all the bugs in all 7, it's many pages) - if intrinsics are your permanent progress but you lose them when you complete a mission that's a stability bug. Try checking what you have mid mission VS what you have when you get back to your orbiter.

    If you're speaking of the lack of bonus affinity counting towards intrinsics, that's a visual bug in the mission report screen.  You aren't losing any intrinsics.

  7. 6 minutes ago, (XB1)KayAitch said:

    Oh, then why did they change on PC? You love the pay to build economy? Great, but you're in a tiny minority.

    Personal preferences as opposed to stability issues.

    6 minutes ago, (XB1)KayAitch said:

    Yes, that's what people generally mean by stability: crash out mid mission? Random host migrations? Don't get any intrinsics because of where you were when the mission completes or because there were boarders? Those are all stability issues.

    Crashes sometimes happen and have happened before RJ came out - same with host migrations.  Lack of intrinsics (haven't seen any bug reports for people not getting any at all) is not a stability issue.

    7 minutes ago, (XB1)KayAitch said:

    What? I said that was fine. DE having Christmas hols is fine. No releases over Christmas, also fine. 

    Apologies then.  I thought you were being sarcastic.

    8 minutes ago, (XB1)KayAitch said:

    However, it's about to be February. We're 7 patches behind, and they're talking about PC getting a content release before they tackle game breaking bugs on our platforms.

    Which is due to a number of factors already talked about.

    10 minutes ago, (XB1)KayAitch said:

    Yes, that means two cert releases in Feb, but it also means any issues with all the changes they're making to liches (and there may well be) we're not waiting again

    We'll have to see the state that the lich changes are in when they get to us.

  8. 3 minutes ago, (XB1)KayAitch said:

    1) consoles on a version that doesn't have game breaking bugs, regular crashes, broken intrinsics, no trading, awful drop tables with a 2% of a good reactor that then rolls a capacity of 5 and average drop rates for wreckage materials in single digits when we need 15k.

    Those are mostly personal preferences.  They don't make the build unstable.  You could make a list like this after every single build we've ever received.

    5 minutes ago, (XB1)KayAitch said:

    Sure, that totally justified no patches between mid Dec and the start of Jan.

    Glad to know that you think DE employees aren't entitled to have some time off.

    6 minutes ago, (XB1)KayAitch said:

    We've already gone over all this extensively in this thread, I don't really want to repeat it, but basically: shipping early was good and much appreciated, but they also needed to prioritise bug fixes for us.

    X1 is usually about a week behind PC, which is great, I'm fine waiting a bit, but now we're waiting for PC to get the next content release (and there will be bugs in that too that need fixes before we get them).

    Economy changes and drop changes aren't bug fixes.  And, most of the changes you're looking for require cert.  When DE were able to put everything together they decided it didn't make sense to cert a build only to cert another build for the lich changes.

    And, no, XB1 is not usually 1 week behind PC.

    6 minutes ago, (XB1)KayAitch said:

    Neither is yours. DE will have the actual figures and be able to look it up.

    Correct, anecdotes are not evidence, no matter where they come from.  I'm not the one who made an unsupported fact claim, however.

    Look, I get that you're frustrated.  I would love to see the economy changes and drop rate changes myself.  But, we have to be patient.  DE tried to do a good thing for us by getting us RJ so that we could play it.  If they hadn't rushed and worked their asses off to do it when they did, we may not have gotten RJ until maybe a week or so ago - we might even still be waiting for it.  Can you imagine the salt that would be flowing if we didn't have RJ yet?  It's not in its final state.  It's got some bugs.  At least we have it and can try it out.  If you don't like the state it's in, then do other things until the next update drops.  Demanding that DE give us an update RIGHT NOW isn't helpful and isn't doing anything but stress people out.

  9. Just now, (XB1)KayAitch said:

    Try getting a railjack match on the X1 in the UK. It's a ghost town. Same for Liches.

    I don't have any issues getting matches.  Recruiting is rife with people looking for murmurs.  If you're playing on the EU servers, that might be the issue, as NA servers have always been the most popular and sort-of default.  Either way, your anecdote is not evidence.

  10. 7 minutes ago, 6-BristleBack-9 said:

    unbelievable... if every weapon were to have the possibility of reaching the same power level as good ones (not exactly as you think, but pls get the point right) there would be balance in the game.

    Again, it's much easier and makes much more sense to balance one weapon than 299 weapons.

    But, it seems that you're not really open to exploring any possibility except that any nerf makes something trash, efficiency is the measure of fun, only certain weapons are viable, and DE hates their player base.

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  11. 1 minute ago, (XB1)KayAitch said:

    Yes, it does when that's two more weeks of broken systems and players quitting in droves.

    There's no evidence of console players quitting in droves.

    1 minute ago, (XB1)KayAitch said:

    Your statement would be correct if either of the following was true:

    1) consoles on a stable version (they aren't, Railjack is busted) or...

    2) the timeframe is days (it isn't, our last release was over a month ago, the next PC release is a week away)

    Actually, the build is stable.  The existence of bugs does not make the build unstable.

    The time frame only seems long because of a couple of factors.  First is that we just had a holiday period and DE are as deserving of a break as anyone else.  Second is that they busted their asses to get us RJ before Xmas as a nice gesture, so that build came earlier than we were used to.  Had they held it back to normal amount of time, we'd not see this next release as being out of the ordinary.

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  12. 15 hours ago, 6-BristleBack-9 said:

    very very very oversimplified verdict -> nerfing rivens is not justified/logical or serves the purpose for balancing. 🙏

    Balancing involves both buffs and nerfs.  To say that nerfing something does not serve the purpose of balancing is simply wrong.

    If one weapon among 300 is outright more powerful and efficient than all the others, then it makes a lot more sense to tone down that one weapon than to try and buff 299 other weapons in different ways to match.  Trying to only buff is how you get power-creep as well.  Would it be fun if you had a gun that wiped out all the enemies on the map with a single trigger pull?  It would be efficient as all get out, but it wouldn't be fun (or maybe it would be fun for you as you seem to equate efficiency and fun).

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