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(XBOX)R3d P01nt

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Posts posted by (XBOX)R3d P01nt

  1. On 2020-01-24 at 2:34 PM, (PS4)fyriefox said:

    When using side guns the ship will disappear and you can swing around whatever way as if you were in the middle of space and you won't see the ship at all.

    That's gunner intrinsic level 2.  It allows you to shoot in 360 degrees instead of only the direction the side of the ship is pointing.  It's a feature, not a bug.


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  2. Are you saying that the mission type in the star-chart claims it's a Capture or Rescue mission, but that when you get in it's actually an exterminate?  Are you checking the lich node entry before accepting?  Sometimes the mission types for lich missions are not the same as the normal mission type of the node (I think they are always exterminate if they don't match).

    Also, as a player who also often plays solo, especially for liches, I have not had this issue of not enough enemies spawning.  Are you rushing through the mission as quickly as possible or taking your time?  Are you making sure to check areas as you move for additional enemies and getting all of the thralls?

  3. On 2020-01-25 at 12:23 PM, (XB1)Kitten Mioto said:

    So I'm doing exterminate on the direct

    And for some reason the kavats keep disappearing lile into the walls and stuff which in term messes up the scanning for codes is this a bug or what?

    No, it's not a bug.  Wild kavats have the ability to turn invisible.

    Unless you mean that the kavats are literally going thru the walls?  That would be a bug.

  4. On 2020-01-23 at 1:53 PM, (XB1)m0rkof0rk said:

    unless you have a high mr with you.

    I doubt that a player's mastery rank has anything to do with it.

    Were you host?  Did any other players freeze?  Did "/unstuck" help?  Did you do anything prior to the cutscene like go into operator or start reloading a weapon?  Details.

  5. On 2020-01-24 at 10:19 PM, (XB1)ppl Texas Kingz said:

    Shooting the Shedu for a bit starts to bug and can't shoot anymore you can only hear clicks. Only way to get it going again is if you die.


    On 2020-01-25 at 4:16 PM, (XB1)GolfWang112 said:

    I’ve experienced this same bug, it’s very frustrating and I hope it gets resolved sooner than later. 

    I believe they are looking to fix it in the next update.  You'll just have to be patient.

  6. On 2020-01-24 at 7:41 AM, (XB1)DShinShoryuken said:

    Went to Intrinsic at the Console and had 32. Where do those other 4 go or come from? Which is the right amount?

    The right amount is what's on the console.  Intrinsics don't gain from the end of mission bonus affinity, but the current end of mission screen is inaccurately displaying as if intrinsics do gain from bonus affinity so it's showing that you've earned more than you actually have.

  7. 17 hours ago, (XB1)omegaMAXIMUS080 said:

    Thanks for the info...I will try there then.....but these units should be spawning in Earth Proxima as per the information given in the Warframe Wiki.

    Not saying that the wiki is wrong or that elite units are spawning if they aren't or even that elite units shouldn't be spawning on Earth, but the wiki is not the end all be all for information.  Just because the wiki says doesn't mean it is or should be.

  8. 10 hours ago, VChina said:

    That's why I'm posting this article, two people, I can confirm that they are two people, not two accounts for one person, because they are my clan, and I've played with them for a long time, but their trade has been condemned as black market, that's what I find odd.

    The reason is simply that one of them has a discount, and the other wants to get some platinum at the normal price (the low market price of the discount) .

    As I said before, I don't deny that this is a kind of off-line transaction, but the market condition of the ordinary discounted price, if you can't get platinum at the discounted price, is exactly what I said above, you need to pay extra to get someone else's normal price.

    Paying someone else use their discount to buy platinum for you is a violation of the ToS and EULA.

  9. 4 hours ago, (XB1)KayAitch said:

    Did they? Someone needs to tell all the jerks who join and then quit early from every anomaly mission.

    Yes.  Hotfix #3.




    • Tenebrous Ephemera Removal and Future Acquisition: 
      • TEMPORARILY removed the Tenebrous Ephemera as a drop from Reinforced Sentient Containers aboard the Sentient Anomaly in Veil Proxima. The drop method is causing numerous issues in terms of connectivity stability and player frustration. We’re going to be changing the acquisition method that won’t involve a direct drop rate in a near future Hotfix/Update, and will instead be closer to a token system (complete X Anomaly missions to buy Ephemera from a vendor).
        • The Tenebrous Ephemera will be coming back as soon as possible in a better acquisition method

    It's in the patch notes.  If players don't read the patch notes...

  10. It could be a UI glitch.  Did you have 58600 pts going into the mission or did you have 55600 pts?  If the latter, then it appears it's miscalculating at the rewards screen and you're not losing points.  If the former, then it looks like the points just didn't count.  If that's the case, then I suggest you take a screenshot before the mission, showing your point totals, do the mission and take screenshots of the after mission screen totals to show that you didn't get your points and send all of that to support to see if they can help.

  11. No one is going to send you plat for writing messages in chat.  If someone asks you to write something in chat, it's far more often than not an attempt to get you to say something that will get you banned from chat.  Your best option is to screenshot the message and send to support.

  12. 9 minutes ago, HadesTatsu said:

    huh? umm no. I never mentioned a thing about Liches.

    You mentioned helping with murmurs, which is a part of the Lich gameplay.

    9 minutes ago, HadesTatsu said:

    In Fact I never mentioned about helping someone and liches.


    50 minutes ago, HadesTatsu said:

    then I went off to help someone collect murmurs.


    9 minutes ago, HadesTatsu said:

    I did mention about if those points are wiped clean when you go into a normal mission (the ones you need the orbiter for), or when you log out of the game.

    It's already been explained they are not.  When you do a mission in RJ, the rewards screen shows you how many intrinsics you have total, not just how many you gained during the mission.  If you had 5, ran a mission, then the EoM screen showed you have 6, that means you have 6, not that you gained 6 during the mission.  Similarly, when you started with 6 and ran a mission and the EoM screen showed you had 8 intrinsics, that means you now have 8, not that you gained 8 during the mission.  Try it out.  Run the same mission over and over without spending any points and you'll see your total increase every time.  It's not realistic to think you are gaining that many more intrinsics every time you run the same mission.


  13. 8 hours ago, (PS4)AllOrNothinDays said:

    They should lessen the grind for the content that has been out for a while now and do the same with others after a considerable amount of time has passed but that's just me. Especially with anything tied to content that is pretty.. dead lol.


    I mean, you still have to farm for the regular messa with messa prime out and about to my knowledge? There's no value is gating it off and they should make it a permanent node you don't need to farm to open up like they did Vay Hek for the Hydroid farming.

    They've reduced the amount of nav coordinates needed from 3 to 1.


  14. Were you running solo or in a group?  Were you host?  Did you travel back to your orbiter and then back to the dry dock before checking your titanium?  It seems that sometimes it doesn't update properly what resources you obtain until after you return to your orbiter.

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