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(XBOX)R3d P01nt

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Posts posted by (XBOX)R3d P01nt

  1. The Tenno and Hooch Achievement is aimed to be fixed in the next major update.


    Sorry, and thanks for your patience! 


    Thank you for addressing this.  I also have this issue, where the game says I've completed 10 missions with a Kubrow, but XBL shows 0% progress.  After the fix goes active, will we need to do 10 missions again?  Will we need a new Kubrow/Kubrow type?


    Also, how connected are you to the people working in support?  The answer I received was that this is an Xbox issue and there's little DE can do about it.  They did suggest clearing the cache and seeing if that works (which I throw out there for other people to try and see if it works for them - alas, it did not work for me).

  2. Did they ever respond?  I submitted a ticket over the weekend and have yet to get any response on this.  I have yet to get a single proficiency achievement with 5 different weapon types maxed out to 30.

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