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(XBOX)R3d P01nt

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Posts posted by (XBOX)R3d P01nt

  1. 46 minutes ago, (XB1)Voltren Xytech said:

    me and my friend have about 12 or so screenshots of it, but we are a little afraid of  getting reflection banned, because it was apparently happening to quite a few people who reported them

    i'll probably submit it all tonight when i get home, but i need to think about it first, ive put alot of time and money in this game and a ban would have me lose all of that progress

    I don't know what reflection banned means.  You will not get banned for reporting legitimate concerns about the actions of others in chat.  Are you maybe worried that you retaliated in chat and also stepped over the line?  The best advice I can give is to not react to others, but to simply screenshot and send to support to let them deal with it.  Thank you for caring about the community.

  2. 3 hours ago, (XB1)Voltren Xytech said:

    but after sitting through a massive anti-LGBT+/non-white/women/furry/jewish 8 hour rant in region chat on xbox, i dont think i want to interact with community anymore, bots didn't do anything, everyone involved was reported quite a few times, but the reports would either just disappear or be rebounded to those who sent them, it was a FusterCluck, i dont know how other platforms communities are but that put the racist part of reddit to shame, and thats saying something

    Please take screenshots and send to support when you see things like this.

  3. On 2019-12-04 at 7:56 AM, (XB1)Jason Crusher82 said:

    So, I went to the Vallis and did the profit taker fight, came back with less credits than I started with..... The first time I went out I didn't think it looked like many credits were gained, so I decided to take note and go try it again. Ended up with approx. 3900 less credits than I started with. To make matters worse, I was running Chroma, Smeeta, and the fractures were under control, so yeah, I have no idea what happened there. I've heard of credits clipping through the world before in this fight, but even with that, I shouldn't have less than I went out with. Any info on this would be great, thanks.

    To clarify, are you stating that you started with some number of credits (call it X) on your account and then you selected the PT mission, did it, and then found you had some number of credits (call it Y) on your account and that Y < X?

    Did you screenshot this?  Can you screenshot before and after shots that show you losing credits and post them/send to support?

  4. 2 hours ago, (XB1)DracoYac said:

    Riven mods in the mod bench and trade chat show higher values than in arsenal or in fusion menu. Sucks to spend plat on a riven to find its damage is 100% less that what shows on the mod. Not getting what u pay for is just wrong please need this fixed. 

    It's because of differences in weapon dispositions.  For instance, the disposition of kuva weapons is lower than their regular counterparts, so the riven will appear with the stats from the regular counterpart in the mod bench and trade chat, but when applied to the weapon, the disposition goes down and the stats are affected.  DE is aware of this and working out how to address it, from what I understand.

  5. On 2019-12-01 at 4:04 AM, (XB1)Ederpower said:

    So, i already discover all the requiem mods that i need to kill mi kuva Lich, and i already discover witch is the first requiem mod to kill him, but the second and the third mods aren't getting right. My first mod is RIS, the other two are XATA and LOHK. So knowing that i tryied, RIS/XATA/LOHK and RIS/LOHK/XATA, but none of this sequences work to kill my Lich. I'm doing something wrong? Can someone help me?

    Can you provide a screenshot of your Lich screen showing the mods you have installed, the tries you've made, and the mods revealed by the murmurs?

  6. On 2019-11-28 at 9:02 PM, (XB1)ImGenos85 said:

    Hi Ya'll,

    im having issues when i completed the Elite scanning but once i leave and come back to do another elite it goes back to 1 scan.  

    Just to make sure...are you scanning the Simaris target in the mission or just scanning random enemies?  There will be only one enemy you can scan in the mission for progress on the quest.

  7. On 2019-12-02 at 12:00 AM, (XB1)AhiddenVariable said:

    I have had a long running bug on my account but today I really want to simply have it fixed and my Warframe buildable. I had an error in a section of the quest. "Mask of the Revenant" quest causing the progression to be soft locked in an incomplete state. I had built the Revenant chassis and completed the next part on the plains but I was never awarded the Blueprint for the next part.

    Did you also build the systems and neuroptics and claim them from the foundry?

  8. 16 hours ago, (XB1)ECCHO SIERRA said:

    I dont think you understand how often it happens. It would be like taking screenshots and sending an ticket everytime someone uses a vowel. (Exaggeration but still)

    I see it often enough, but not as often as you make it out to be.  Also, part of the problem is that person A does it and persons B through Z see it and think, "Why can't I do that when I get a coupon," or worse, "I can scam too."  If people start taking action, even partially, it helps to tamp down the problem because less and less people will do it, or will at least think twice before doing it, if they've got a warning from support saying, "Don't do this or face a game ban."

  9. 2 hours ago, (XB1)ECCHO SIERRA said:

    I'll just send a ticket to de and straight up ask. I dont know what it's like on PC but I literally can't watch trade chat for more than a few minutes without someone trying it. That doesnt mean its allowed, of course, but it tells me that if it isnt allowed at the very least it isnt enforced very consistently. 



    Trading discounts is a violation of the ToS and EULA and can lead to a full game ban, even if the person is not trying to scam.  If you screenshot and send to support, they will act on it.  They will not tell you what action they take, as they will not name and shame, but they will take action.

  10. On 2019-11-23 at 9:39 AM, (XB1)DS Monkfish said:

    The last few days, pretty much every bounty involving sneaking into the secure area to retrieve the data is impossible as the terminal cannot be hacked or interacted with in any way. Solo or in a squad, no difference.

    Which bounty was it?  What level?  What location?  I had no problem with it while completing NW this weekend.

  11. 5 minutes ago, JohnnyTsunami1337 said:

    if someone starts a conversation, i think there is no other right way than allow to answer. the ingame button even says "talk"

    if thats not possible i should be asked if i want to take a massage from a stranger.

    i totaly dont undestand why its possible to start talking and block someone at the same time. realy makes no sense to me.

    Nope, you have no right to have the last word.

    The other person found what you said to be offensive, they let you know, then they shielded themselves from further retaliation from you.  Seems legit to me.  You cannot force others to be subjected to your words.  If it bothers you that much, I suggest you act polite and reasonable and not give people reason to block you.

  12. 21 hours ago, (PS4)KATALHYST said:

    Just played Kappa today, and the grates are still indestructible. I guess this isn't a priority to fix, so I'll just find other ways around it. Heads up though to those trying to use this Spy node for affinity as you will most likely not get a perfect 3x3 as attempting to bullet jump or slide will set off the lasers in the small ducts. 

    Good luck, Tenno.

    We likely haven't gotten the hotfix yet that is referenced above.

    In the meantime, you could do it the way I do it.  Don't bullet jump or slide through the duct.  Crouch walk through and you don't trip the sensors.

  13. 13 minutes ago, Andvarja said:

    If you know all 3 required requiems, you'll never need to go through all 6 permutations, only up to 4.  We'll call your 3 known mods A, B, and C.

    If ABC shows that A is incorrect in the first slot, you don't need to try the ACB permutation.
    If BAC then shows that B is incorrect in the first slot, you don't need to try the BCA permutation.
    If CAB then shows that A is incorrect in the 2nd slot, then CBA is the correct order.

    TY for the clarification.

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