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Posts posted by Vitamin.Ex

  1. I've never seen this with anything other than the Kuva guns (which is understandable). But, why do it with the Aksomati Prime and Baza (I assume)? With the normal Aksomati and a riven, they're pretty good. Now take the same riven on the Aksomati Prime and you have newer weapon which does less damage than the normal version.

    This doesn't make sense to do with a pre-existing weapon, and it is in no way an upgrade to the original.

  2. I have the same problem. I claimed the loot 12 hours ago and I still haven't received anything. I have tried everything and it just doesn't work but shows up as being claimed to my account. I'm not surprised though because it is DE/Warframe we're talking about, when has anything worked after being implemented?

  3. Out of all the weapon types in the game we don't have any primed versions of any machetes. I know Corpus/Grineer/Infested weapons don't get primed, but, we still have weapons like the Kama and Nami. I really feel like we should get a Kama Prime or Nami Prime.

    I collect machetes, I have every machete in the game and I have a riven for almost all of them now. I would really like to have a prime machete to add to that collection.

    • Like 4
  4. 1 minute ago, DarkMarkX said:

    I'm pretty sure they steal stuff from the entire planet in general.

    No. There is only a tax on nodes taken over by the lich. They are the nodes surrounded in red. Once you liberate the node, it goes back to it's original state.

  5. It's pretty simple. Look at the mission you're about to do, then see if it's taken over by your lich. If it is, then you do that mission to liberate it. Now do the mission you wanted to originally do and you won't have anything stolen. Think first before you do.

    • Like 3
  6. They failed with the bounce pad, it was abused by trolls too much. Now they're giving him pretty much the same thing only it now works in a different direction. Instead of causing players to be launched in the air you launch them in whatever direction the speed pad is pointing. This is a terrible design and it's only going to cause more rage from players.

    The way to fix that is to have his trap place an item down (much like when they failed to redesign Volt's speed buff and made it an item pickup), or have the trap create an aoe speed buff like with Wisp's motes. 

    I wouldn't have a problem with a design like that, but the way it is now is just a terrible idea and design.

    • Like 1
  7. It shows that having no "end game" content (such as raids) to keep players interested in playing, people will stop playing and move to other games. They seem to keep wanting to push TennoGen stuff and redesigning old assets rather than actual content.

    They also try to take on too much at the same time. They have all these ideas and start 20 different projects at the same time which causes everything to get backed up. The end result is forcing players to wait a year for a new piece of content they finish in 10 minutes only to have to wait another year for anything. 

    They seem to show very little interest in raids which is what keeps every MMORPG alive. Instead, they add a small item here and there, along with a new resource requirement to get players to farm that for a while. They have no real direction.

    They should be focused on creating raids and moving meaningful content to them (like arcanes) to give people something to work for over a long period of time, then focus on other stuff like the new Archwing 2.0 that everyone will eventually forget about.

    They failed with Arbitrations, Eiodolons now seem to be for "elitists" only, which leaves players with no other option other than to keep farming normal missions for nothing they need. There is no reason to play after you have leveled everything and it becomes a situation where you log in for your reward, then log out to play another game and when new content is added, you log in to finish it in a few minutes, then repeat the process over again.

    • Like 1
  8. After Atlas got his rework I thought he was really fun to use, I have been using him ever since. But, there are a few changes that would make him a lot better than he is now. 

    For starters, Tectonics. The ability should create Rubble when you roll it, or at least create Rubble when it hits someone and explodes. I know they added Rubble drops when it's destroyed, but, that rarely happens if you're using it to roll. Waiting for it to be destroyed just doesn't fit the fast-paced play style of Warframe and is ultimately useless.

    Next on the list is Petrify. For a passive primarily built around spamming Petrify to keep his passive armor up, the skill cost is quite high in my opinion. Even with max efficiency, it still costs close to 20 energy to use. If you're trying to keep your bonus armor up, you'll be draining your energy quick. I feel it should cost half of where it is now.

    As for his passive, I feel it drains too fast. If the armor drained just a bit slower, it would allow you to keep his bonus armor up without needing to spam petrify as much while giving you enough energy to use your other skills. Another thing I find that needs a change is how Rubble only gives armor if you're at full health. I think it should give health/armor everytime you pick it up regardless if you're missing health. Or, make him immune to slash procs if he has any bonus armor up. With slash procs ticking away at your health it is sometimes hard to get any armor since all the Rubble pickups are just giving you health and no armor.


    These suggestions aren't major changes, just small adjustments that would make him more balanced and give all his skills the synergy he needs.

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  9. 3 minutes ago, WhiteMarker said:

    I take it, you have no issue equipping Thunderbolt.
    If that's true, then you don't have an issue to equip a punch-through mod. This way it's far less likely to get the explosion, because the bolts will sink into terrain
    Zhuge Prime still has the option to not play with explosions. Everything's fine the way it is.

    I don't use Thunderbolt which is why I said if people wanted exploding arrows they have the choice to use that if they wish.

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