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Posts posted by heisthex

  1. During the fight with Lephantis Assassination sortie, after hitting Lephantis, it just stun and not moving. While I am seeing a non-moving Lephantis stuck in a weird animation pose, my 3 other teammates are still fighting moving Lephantis and killing left and right. I also got hit by Lephantis projectile and can get damage and dying but unable to attack back bacause Lephantis is in a weird plane that I and 3 other teammate are in alternate dimension.




    • Cataclysm now deals different amount of damage over the time it exists: 25% Damage when bubble is full size, 100% at its smallest size.
    • Cataclysm damage scaling now uses average Health + Shield instead of total Health + Shield of enemies within.


    Someone in DE must have have come a plan to change Cataclysm to be more balanced with picking one of the 2 choices.

    Instead of picking one, DE went with both.

    This is one way ticket of wrong way of "balance". The goal is getting players able to coop with Limbo, not ruin Limbo.

  2. DE really need to look back at the calculation board on Limbo's nerf. 

    This is way worst than the old Limbo.

    It is fine to tune down the damage to be more balanced until adding over reacting change to the Cataclysm bubble doing less and worst "scaling" number as balanced?

    This is how I think DE should have players testing first and get feedback, not throwing darts on a wall with random numbers and call it a fixed.

  3. I would like to see Mag have higher energy pool because she is a caster frame or her abilities cost tweaked.

    The Magnetize problem is casting take too long and lock you on the spot, and the gravity pull of Magnetize is so weak that the enemies can walk out easily, also it kinda pull them in very slow.

    The Polarize have too much disadvantage to be useful during in game without higher strength build and longer duration to make it efficient. This need a rework on stats and energy costs (75 energy) to make players want to cast it more than Magnetize first.

    Crush is definitely need a better passive than Knockdown and even Frost's Avalanche does better CC and have faster casting animation and no cooldown. I would like see Crush get rework or get a better ability replace it.

  4. I would like to be spectator watching conclave matches instead of participate ( I'm sux). Many PvP games nowadays have spectators mode allowing watching players engaging in and out of matches with a browser showing active game going on.


    Warframe also should have customize match type allowing various type of gameplay to choose from (Primary only, Bow only, No mods, no ranking, specific weapon only, etc....)

    • Like 1
  5. Mag's Magnetize interaction with Miter's discs.

    Before U20, Magnetize will make the Miter's discs spinning around inside the dome.

    After U20, The discs will just drop down on the floor once it hit its target instead spinning around inside the dome.

  6. Dear DE,

    It is okay NOT to have self-damage from launcher / throw weapon?

    But make us stagger or knockdown as a result of blast effects depend on the where we stand on the blast radius.

    You may said player might use Atlas to counter it, but I think it is good to see more Atlas players.

    You may said player might use knockback recovery or anti-stagger mod. Well, they lost a mod slot to counter that is fine.

    The Grinner able to have better technology to counter the blast damage from launcher weapon from Bombard and walk off with tiny scratch,

    But why Tenno's Warframe can't have these feature too?

  7. Why we have Self damage when Grinner Bombard's Ogris doesn't kill their own in one hits when they got radiation proc'ed / Chaos?

    I wonder does Nightwatch Reaver's Tonkor can self-damage if they step on it?

    It won't be fair if we can get our self killed by our own weapon, while Grinner walk with just a scratch, right?

  8. hfzTG2W.jpg

    Faction : Grinner

    Type: Hammer

    Damage : Slash + Punture

    Tungkes, an ancient weapon that Grinner come up with during the rebelion against the Orokin using tools that were in their hand and come up with simple, yet very very powerful damaging power. Later it was use against Infested because the three Alloy grind disc able to shred the toughest shell the Infested evolve with. Time passed and this weapon is forgotten as better improved weapons replace it.

    Channeling put the weapon in to overdrive mode, blade turning triple the speed and able to pull in enemies in to the shaft and turn them in to mince meat exiting from the other end.

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