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Posts posted by heisthex

  1. Based on the same thing happened before on this topic :

    Mag's Magnetize bug is back again in Simulacurm.

    Repeating using Magnetize skill in Simulacurm can suddenly lock up and have casting animation but nothing happen.

  2. Why it can't it be a quest that reward us the part blueprint with a lore of Nidus? 

    Nidus is a infested frame that pop up without any lores, its birth and how it was become a relic of an Old War. There is nothing about it until the end of Glast Gambit quest which just give you a Nidus blueprint and whole thing just stopped there.

    Now it is forcing us to play a Infested Salvage with a bullS#&$ RNG that is more wasting time, Rot C drop with other lousy rewards mix in, more bugs happen than the infested can win over it??

  3. After reading all the posts, I can think of...

    • If you don't like the PvP matches but want the sigils, you can wait next year Christmas for it to returned as another kinds of Tactical Event if you don't want to play this year event.
    • If you don't like the PvP matches but want the Blue potato, your time is better use 30 minutes on farming relics, use relic, get prime parts, sell it and gain 20p to buy it from the market.
    • If you don't like the PvP matches but want the Glaxion skins, you should tell yourself you dont NEED it.
  4. I vote for NO changes on Simulor.

    You rarely see them everytime you joined a public game, you are allowed to pick play style you wanted, you can play solo if you don't want to see a player using Simulor.

    The weapon isn't powerful at late game, the "nerf cry" on this gun always get blow out of proportion everytime it was mentioned.


  5. What with the knife on the head?

    Deluxe skin should be unique on it own, it didn't have to resemble the original frame head which I think is the mohawk, the DE artist decided to also add the knife to the deluxe skin head mean they want it resemble to the Ember mohawk??

    You got to be kidding me....

    Also the skirt thing, I think DE fear players will be horny 12 years old staring at the exposed groin.

    Oh my gosh, think of the children!!??

    I bet a lot of players have used to staring at male and female frame butts already, why hide the groin area?

    The skirt thing only create more clipping issue.

  6. Question to replaying and relating to quests: 

    1) Now we have "The Second Dream" and "The War Within" quest that can be replay again, will the older quest will be getting the same treatment? 

    The Operator will dream back in a transmission, and going back to replay those old quest like it was a dream.

    I wished to replay old quests because some codex scans aren't obtainable unless grouped with new players that are going through the quest for the first time.


    2) For the year 2017, Have DE planning another new cinematic quest?

    Will it be a better pace in time and management this time because of how "The War Within" were drag on too long?


    3) Will we get some new smaller quests that was side quest which could fun with little tidbits twist than trying to fitting as a big plot of Warframe. 


    4) Phobos boss "The Sergent", will he get reworked soon?

  7. The problem with mini-map and overlay map now is it won't guide you to the right direction in Exterminate mission of the next target to kill after The War Within.

    Before The War Within, in Exterminate mission , the mini-map or overlay map have a red diamond to guide you which door to go to kill the next targets in the adjacent room. 

    Now, after The War Within, the red diamond which is telling you which way to go WON'T guide you anymore.


    Here is a screenshot of what it is wrong.


    1) Look at the mini-map, it is telling my next target is under the floor in this room. You might think spawning have bugged and place the enemy outside the map and under the floor.



    2) Using Loki's Decoy, you can see it is aiming down telling there is a enemy below this floor. So, I am out of luck? Should I just abort mission?



    3) Well, I was able to track down this enemy. This is the enemy the map is try telling me is my next target.



    4) What is the problem? Let look at the overlay map, try looking the map and I am going to retrace my steps back to the first pic room.



    5) ... Going out the room, up the ramp ...



    6) ... After going the long ramp up and then jump to top and ....



    7) ... And back here again. I have to go 5 rooms just to track that one enemy. What worst, it took me long enough to track it because the current map tracking DON'T TELL YOU WHERE TO GO. I am still waiting a fix for this.

  8. Forma and Nitain shouldn't be in sortie reward, because no one is asking for it!!

    Make Nitain alert last longer than one hours, make it 4 hours.

    Don't limited Nitain to 4 per days, make it 8!!

    These are idea given by the community before and DE either skim it or ignore it.

    How about the removing of 2K endos talk by the communites? Ignored again.

    Doesn't Forma already common already in Void fissure relic? Why making Sortie (a challenge for high level mission) having such crap reward?

    Why keep making decision that is just opposite of communities wishes?

    Have DE forgotten what happened last time with Vacuum changes?

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