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Posts posted by Necrius

  1. 9 hours ago, KAHO16 said:

    maybe DE got mad with a lot of Tenno farming ayatan sculpture TOO EASY with vacuum. (and with telos boltace, etc.)

    So, DE makes it harder to farm ayatan treasure so that users realize that ayatan treasure is more valuable than before the TVW.



    It's not valuable at all. Measly 1000 credits for Orokin knick-knack or pay a crapton of credits to squeeze some endo out of it. That's not value I'm gonna pay for.

  2. 5 hours ago, Tsukinoki said:

    The problem with just giving vacuum back its 12 meter range:
    Because its a zero cost effect.

    I think I understand DEs logic behind the nerf when they made this change.
    Lets look at the old Vacuum shall we?
    -Limited to Carrier only.  A very strict cost in the term of what companions you could use if you want vacuum.
    -It used a mod slot and mod capacity, and used Endo to rank up.
    -It was a precept and messed with what Carrier could do.  E.G. if carrier was vacuuming it wasn't shooting and vice versa.  If Carrier was using Sanctuary it wasn't doing either.  Now a sentinel can be attacking or using sanctuary or another precept and still Vacuum.

    Nothing in this game that is super powerful is absolutely zero cost.
    That is why DE nerfed it to be less powerful.  Since it costs absolutely nothing its not as powerful.
    It's basic balancing 101: The less something costs and the less drawbacks it has the less powerful it is.

    Basically you say DE are very stingy when it comes to giving players free stuff, even if it's just QoL that barely affects gameplay.

  3. 2 hours ago, RikerWatts said:

    Digital Extremes wants us to slow down a little so we can begin to admire their work more,- the tileset update to sedna soon- to be rewarded for observing our surroundings,- the ayatan sculpture update- to move about more so we might get curious about something we otherwise would not have observed before,- the vacuum being closer proximity.
    It's all coming together.

    DE wants us to experience this update to it's fullest.

    Then they should make it worth my attention. Why should I bother with looking around if there's nothing for me to look for? Why I should admire tilesets that I've seen hundreds of times?

  4. 54 minutes ago, Kotsender_Quasimir said:

    i don't see how balanced and fun gameplay are mutually exclusive, rather the contrary in fact.

    They're not mutually exclusive, but developers can sacrifice fun for the sake of quite dubious balance decision. Much like halving Vacuum range just because it's universal (but still restricted to sentinels) and free now. Sure, I'm slow player and when I solo I won't even notice any difficulties, but I know that quality of life feature was nerfed just because devs decided that it'd be "unfair" (towards who? Enemies don't mind us taking stuff from distance).

  5. What can I say... I miss getting several junk primes per endless run, but relic grind is indeed a huge issue. I grinded for AXI G1/T1 relics for a long time and still haven't gotten even one.

    I think that both relics and traces should drop aplenty from void missions. There even should be a daily/weekly mission to go into void and find 3-5 relics in it.

  6. On 24.09.2016 at 9:06 PM, GinKenshin said:

    because a lot of people have high ducats (5k+) DE can't lower the prices, since these people can buy anything 20 or 30 times, so they're 'playing' with the prices atm

    That's what rustles my jimmies - DE's "Because there're rich people everyone must suffer" strategy.

  7. 5 hours ago, KnightCole said:

    What? Yeah we do.  The Operator sits in his chair and basically controls the Warframe through transference.  Plus "Neuro-optics", "systems',  Yeah, its easy to conclude its just a robot.

    Apparently you're not noticing that most (if not all) warframes require a lot of organic resources to craft? Plastids, nano-spores etc. While it's not our little teenager in a suit, this thing still needs to breathe and can bleed.

  8. 28 minutes ago, Varacal said:

    most of the time, if you face fire to ice, ice loses, maybe you're thinking about hydroid

    Frost is not really about ice. He's about frost, so we have heat vs frost. It's like angels and devils in HoMM3 - they hate each other and do 50% more damage to each other.

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