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Posts posted by ThumpumGood

  1. 2 hours ago, Hexsing said:

    So I have some frames which I like a lot.  But I have been playing solo.  Not because I think I suck.  I actually do Ok for the most part.  I'm getting the hang of modding and such.  But I'm still mercury level.  But I can complete all the waves of a defense without much issue.

    My intimidation comes with playing With others.  I have only geouped once and I think the person looked at my frame and then they imediaty aborted the mission.  Maybe they saw that I'm not fully modded or something. I usually use Zephyr or Wisp as my mains.  Wisp a little more if I am playing with others because I can offer more support.

    I love zephyr though.  But people log in. And then log out.

    So now I just play solo.  Im kind of nervous to join others.  Which is making this a single player game.  Which is not what I wanted. I want to play with others.

    Any advice.

    Ps. I'm not horrible. Im friendly and I dont afk experience drain people.  I like to get into the action

    Ok... doubtful that they saw your frame and left. I've clicked opn the wrong mission and ended up aborting on entry. And Zephyr is known for being a weak frame  since it got nerfed pretty badly. And it might be they want to be in the kill count lead and think you'll take it all. Dont worry about it in any regard. If they leave, good. More room for some one new. Or maybe they were after something specific and forgot to hit the solo mode and are leaving to do so. I've done that one too. Dont worry about what others do. You do you and you'll fiond plenty of people doing missions to play with. GL.

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  2. On 2019-08-16 at 8:23 AM, StanaCampe said:

    I'm getting very disillusoned about clans in WF, i thought that getting into a clan would have allowed me to team up and do niche stuff that usually you can't get people to do on recruiting chat, like relics that aren't trending for example, or maybe as a more organized market hub to get away from the confusion of trading chat, instead from experience, the only value clans have ever provided me with, were nothing more than the labs: just get in, get all the good s**t, and then whatever, if they kick you because you go AFK for too long, WHO CARES, you wouldn't have been involved in any kind of activity either way and you can just join another one, if they don't kick you...well...WHO CARES!!

    Clans are just a smaller, less useful region chat. Change my mind.

    What about your contribution to the clan? Do they have everything? Are you helping to farm the remaining things? Maybe they're waiting to see if you bring anything to the clan first.

    But  I get your point. Im in a small clan and most of us are in different time zones around the world so we dont do a lot of stuff together.  We have lives outside fo the game. (hard to believe but true). And the only reason any boots happen is if they're out for more than 30 days. And in that regard, we let em back in when they return with no hassles. Only 1 person ever got perma kicked and this clan has been around since alpha. And you're right. The only real clan tie is the stuff you cant get outside of being in a clan. But that shouldnt stop you from trying to do stuff. Took a while to get set up to do it, but I solo most content and have fair success at it. But when clannies are on, I ask them if they want to join me for x, y or z. It's about a 50/50 shot. But I've become friends with them, busted butt to get the materials for clan tech so I have a tie here. Some of the people in my clan I've never partied with. But most of them are fairly new and have invited their friends and play with them.

    It's not an issue. Would I like to see clan rewards besides the occasional NW missions to do with friends or clannies? yup. Have we visited this issue before? yup. Will we see it again? yup Does DE have a ton of pressing issues on their way to MR30 and the step out of Beta? yup. This isnt your usual game where you get a finished product and they make addons and expansions, and so on. This game is still in development. Something a lot of people forget and dont stop to realize. There have been mentions of clan upgrades in dev streams, but is not currently a priority. I can wait.


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  3. 3 minutes ago, houselyrander said:

    If you're talking about Max Status Condition Overload stuff then I don't have that. If I'm really just not building right I'll accept that but that really just proves my ultimate point that these guys should not be this sponge-y. There are people who are worse off than me who can handle the other squads on the same levels and even if you or I could find a way to shred Loka Death Squads they may not have that option. What is your solution for them? I'm sorry if I sound snippy but me and my friends went through the same S#&$ when the Wolf was ruining our day as pre-Second Dream newbies and every solution we were given amounted to "use weapons/mods and/or frames that you don't have and can't get yet" and I don't like being back in that emotional place.



    Wiki says Blast and Corrosive which I've tried against them. I've diversified my elements as best I can and still hit sponge.

    My first comment was wrong weapons. My MAIN primary is an ignis Wraith with blast and corrosive. Blast knocks em over(cant hurt you if they're laying down) and corrosive to melt their face. Secondary is a crit moon with radiation. Melee is a Zanistar with 2 more statuses. Throw the Zeni disk, hit em with ignis and if that's not doing the trick, crit moon smacks em down in 3-4 shots. And be sure to line em up so you hit multiple targets at one time. Oh and dont stand still. Move. They cant grab you when you're sliding and dashing around.

    3 weapons, different statuses, using all three in tandem. They arent that difficult. 

  4. 58 minutes ago, houselyrander said:

    Yup, this thread again. Because after getting hit by 3 squads in a row, I need to vent. I've gone in to Hydron with Sortie worthy gear to help my friends grind and I've struggled to put a dent the New Loka's Ancient Healer Eximera while other Death Squads I've squashed under identical circumstances without noticing. Personally, I think the latter is fine because I'm going in to a level 30-40 area with gear meant for level 100+ enemies. The former though is just tooth grinding. The simple issue is that unlike other enemy types that got converted to Death Squads, Ancient Healers (especially Eximus ones) are supposed to be elite enemies that spawn in low numbers to support more numerous enemies and are not balanced around being deployed in large numbers. This is only exacerbated by the fact that HP Leech and Energy Leech are some of the worst Eximera to face due to their ability to heal by hurting you and their ability to smother your Power use respectively, and are very common among Ancient Healer Eximera due to limited Infested Eximus types. Currently, the only solutions I see that don't involve DE nerfing them are to either abort the mission whenever they spawn or just accept that there will be several minutes of tedium before we get back to actually playing the game. My strongest loadouts don't make things go much faster so "use X frame and/or Y weapon with Z mods" doesn't really help (and even if it did, it's still means benching otherwise viable weapons and frames). Running isn't an option for every mission type (and even if it was, a player refusing to engage in a gameplay element should be a red flag). And even if I did join New Loka, there's still the chance someone else on my squad who didn't join New Loka might get attacked and I'll get dragged in to it. Besides, don't forget I'm Jewish. "#*!% the Nazis" is a family creed.

    (If you got that reference, you win a Hawaiian shirt)

    Wrong weapons for it. One  of the weapons I use makes them look like E Prime Earth Grinneer against an MR50. It's all about having multiple statuses and damage across all of your weapons- PERIOD. If you're using all of the same statuses thinking it's universal, you're doing it wrong.

  5. 7 minutes ago, Ikyr0 said:

    no one is being disrespectful, forums are for discussions and feedback. I'm glad youre having fun (i was as well 500 hours ago), but this thread is very much for people who are bored. and they are leaving feedback for DE. no drama here.

    Look at how long it took for Skyrim to come out. There was no online component. This game is still unfinished. Step back and look at the game as a whole from a point of view of never having played it. I can see these types of comments if the game were at lv 30 and they were  struggling for new content, but you arent taking this into perspective. It's like judging a Lamborghini they're testing out that doesnt have the rear fenders yet as being boring. This kind of discussion shouldnt be a thing before MR30. Ok, if it's outright crap, I get it. But the game is developing and changing all of the time. Look at just the recent updates to POE and OV. Look at what's coming with Railjack. Stop looking at the missing fenders before the car is complete.

  6. 1 minute ago, Ikyr0 said:

    it's a constant cycle of DE hyping things up, and delivering something very mediocre. case and point: Fortuna, aka PoE 2.0. Fortuna has already been long forgotten. people just do Orb fights to get X reward, and then it's done because the fights themselves aren't very fun.

    Like I told the OP. If you're bored, dont create drama so you can storm out. DE isnt your GF/BF and isnt gonna be mad if you're seeing other games. Login, get your daily, go play something else. I took a 2 year break from WF and Im having more fun than ever. Tho I do feel boredom creeping in and will prolly take a shorter break this time. But I'll log in every day. Would have Zylok and Sigma & Octantis if I had done that thru my break.  I still play my consoles and some  single player PC games and am getting the urge to focus on one of them. Content for DE is slow. Faster than it used to be, but slow. AND they're johnny on it when it comes to fixes. Best in the industry IMHO and I've been playing PC games since they were text only. (5 1/4 ftw).

  7. 4 hours ago, (XB1)KILLA BIG MAC said:

    After playing Warframe since 2014, I am done. I have never written a forum post before and this will be my only one. For the thousands of hours I've played warframe, I am finally giving up on DE to do the right thing. There is no sustainable content, and the vet community is completely forgotten. They are more focused on new player turnaround than keeping long term vets like my self. I have spent hundreds on the game, bought every single prime accessories since nova prime to show support. There are many players like myself who have done nothing buy try to support de. The issue is that players like myself and other vets aren't easily entertained with new cosmetics or ui changes. The things we are looking for actually requires work from de. the last bit of actual content that was released into the game was the Jovian Concord, If you can actually call that an update. It was just a re-skin of Jupiter. before that was Fortuna. New frames aren't content de. New weapons that are basically the same as any other in the class aren't either.

    I know that de will try to push out some half assed content before they go on "break" at the end of the year. What kind of break do you even need? What have you accomplished with your 300 plus employees this year to that cant be described as more of a hotfix. The game has been steadily dying since the Specters of the rail update. i have nothing else to do in the game with raids and void towers removed. (farmed all frames, 100's of forma invested, 90 great-groll rivens, thousands of plat). I dont even want to help new players anymore. they either demand free mods or think the game should take 10 hours to "complete". De you took the game from a tactical ninja shooter where your build set up and diversity mattered, to an ability spam fiesta horde shooter with no direction. It is way too easy to farm primes. that market is screwed thanks to your relic idea. you release vaulted frames too often, again ruining the market for primes, and since you dont change rivens as often as they should, that market is over-inflated. The fact that you dont want to change riven dispositions due to people's plat investment is beyond me (looking at the kohm). Ive spent thousands on rivens just to have them nerfed but farmed different  ones to resell (no sweat off my sack). Hell, back in the day i spent 1300 plat to buy Frost prime due to him being vaulted without guarantee of his return . Didnt care about the price. i farmed my prime junk, sold my corrupted mods. and bought a little plat that i came up short for it.

    in short, you've completely removed more sustainable content than introduced (dark sectors, void towers, and raids). There is no difficulty to the game with logical game sense. The game was great pre-specters of the rail and now its just a shell of its former self. The drip feed of content and promises is over. Have fun watching your dream die as your community support comes from people more focused on captura, fashion, and cringy cosplay at tennocon.

    #1 Cya
    #2 I've been playing for 3000hrs + and still find it enjoyable.
    #3 Instead of WAAAAA, how about some suggestions? Like the one Im trying to push. NPC start level selection(excluding public)
    #4 If I see you post again or play again after what you've said here, I will respond with "Just like a mad girlfriend to leave and then storm back in to say, "... AND ON MORE THING!" 😀

    The game is officially Beta until they get it to MR 30 and slightly beyond. On a graph of player populations of several games over the span of 5 years, Warframe was the most consistent. There were ups and downs but it always had a predictable average. And was in the top 10 for most of it. That smacks right at you claim of not being sustainable. So if you're bored, stop trying to create a drama that gives you an excuse and go do something else for a while. That way when you come back, you can ask, "miss me?" There is no need to create a situation where you can storm off. DE isnt your girlfriend and isnt going to get mad if you're seeing other games. Take a break and when you come back, see what's new and if it excites you. I took a 2 year break. I'm having more fun now than ever.

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  8. 11 minutes ago, brenofnd said:

    I actually want to play more varied game modes, but the lack of people in public matches turns me off, i should also mention that i play defection in some sorties, but since i already farmed Harrow, why play defection when i can play a similar mode like Survival while opening relics/invasion/arbitration?


    "That's just the "loot-whore" mentality you're trying to satisfy which won't work because if that's the incentive, it's not a good one"

    Maybe but beats zero incentive.

    Im not doing "loot whore". I like to play, I have fun playing. That's my incentive. Yes, I use reward as a motivator for some things, but for the most part, the only loot whoring I do is Kuva farms and arbitrations so I can farm Arch Rivens. Outside of that, I just play. Im MR27 and only have 2 weapons to get. Zylok(event locked) and Sigma & Octantis(login locked). And it's been that way for months. My current focus is getting stuff for guildies. If it can be traded, I'll grab it. I dont do missions Im not fond of as often as others, but Im running around and having fun. It's strangely liberating not having to farm for anything specific. I can solo most content and will do it when the public groups have been repeatedly bad, but I dont like playing a multiplayer game by myself.

    I guess what Im getting at is that content will only keep you playing a game for so long. I have the entire Elderscolls collection and still play all of them. Ive done all of the content but I have fun playing it. I've restarted the game with several races that focus on every class. I like the eperience of playing it. The same with Warframe. Not saying I dont get bored now and then. But I dont need incentives like you OPd to keep me interested. Im not downing you. Im just offering my perspective and what keeps me logging into the game.

  9. On 2019-08-17 at 6:10 PM, WoodedSkate89 said:

    Seeing how all she has done is lie to us since she met us... There is no reason to even want to keep her alive.

    I feel like there will be a scene where once the natah bossfight is doneand we will have a chance to kill her or let her go. (Btw it really won't be a challenge). 

      Hide contents


    What will you guys do if there is that option?

    Pardon for how long this is going to be but I need to set it up first.
    info... Margulis is blind hence the helmet.


    Margulis is space mom. Ballis loves space mom. Sentients find out we can kill them. Space mom told to kill us. Space mom told to kill us. Space mom hides us. Space mom sentenced to death. (my theory from here) Ballis makes deal with Natah to save space mom from death. Natah wakes the Tenno wearing helmet and uses tenno as they always have been to gain our trust. Natah still planned on killing tenno. Ballis upset. Natah drives Ballis crazy. Natah makes deal with Alad V to create Amalgams. Space mom returns from hiding in the form of Nora to warn the Tenno because Alad and Natah have released The Wolf and his minions to kill the Tenno as the orokin had told Margulis to do and to cover the deal between Natah and Alad V. 

    Now we're up to date. And to answer your question, I would kill Natah like I would kill a roach tryin to get in my house.

  10. 1 hour ago, ZeroZX4 said:

    i see i made my question unclear
    so here is what im really asking about

    i dont care about 4 types of relics and where we are getting them from
    for me we could pull them all out from lotus butt for all i care 

    but my question and problem is why do we have 4 types of fissures?
    for example i have allot of neo relics and i want to go to defense to open them but my god stephano

    would it hurt any1 if we could open any relic on any fissure?

    so my question should be more like why we have 4 types of fissures instead of just a fissure

    i often dont do relics just because relic types i want to open dont have any fissure with mission type i want to do atm 
    i believe many ppl struggle with same issue but well we just dont care that much about it

    ----------------------------------original question below------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    any reason why we have 4 different types of relics?
    and not just 1 type of relics where we can use any of them no matter where we go?

    i would understand if FOR EXAMPLE you could get most rare stuff only from axi or just unvaulted/released prime stuff
    formas only from lith and some meso
    or if lith meso and neo would be reserved just for weapon junk and axi just for warframe

    that would make some sense to me but for now do we just have 4 types of relics just for sake having 4 types of relics?

    Newbies need easier access than vets. Ever notice how easy it is to get an item that all four pcs are on lith? Neo is a little rougher and Axi usually requires you have good stuff modded well to do those modes. Im currently farming frames for guild members. I use the abundance  of lith relics to replenish my traces and have things to sell for duckettes. This gives them the bug to try and farm stuff themselves. Should they get low on a specific relic while farming them, Im like... Meet me in Dojo. I have an extra. Keeps low to mid level players from getting burned out on the farm in a farm in a farm that is prime farming. FYI- I take a fish or a junk mod as trade for those items. I have everything in spades and when they ask if Im sure, I tell em to pay it forward. Keeps the cycle going that way. But I digress.

    The amount of relics require splitting it up. And you have to do it in a way that doesnt favor any one player level group. The only problem I see is that there isnt a coherrent list of what frames, primaries, secondaries and melees are found at each level and ones that cross multiple levels. With that sort of list would be a way for low levels to find out which items they have current access to without the confusion of the current system.

  11. Lith mission, Linea Venus Corpus 10-12 Rescue.  Not only did the rewards bug but so did the mission end. It wouldnt exit the mission even tho we made it to the end with the captive. After the other 3 aborted, I tried running back a ways and trying to exit again but wouldnt exit.


  12. Well, let's look at the day/night cycle of real time in Canada where DE is. Pretty sure Cetus/POE is in line with that so... makes sense the way it is.
    However... I dont like it either. Waiting an hour and a half for 45 minutes of night is kinda messed up. Should be 60m/45m day/night for those who dont have a lot of game time. Im basically dont with Eidolon hunts. The remaining arcanes arent worth the time spent vs the bonuses they give. It's just not worth it to me even if they shorten the day.

  13. On 2019-08-19 at 9:24 AM, Gruiz said:

    I mean.. the guy who going to do the rework is same guy as the one that made Grendel kit..

    He said something like "after finishing grendel, I will go to vauban rework"

    It sucks, inefficient, and lame (personal opinion)


    There is good chance that Vauban rework wont be good at all

    What do you guys think?



    Btw this is just for me to express my feeling

    Isnt Scott the one that did/helped the Wukong remake?
    Vauban was as broken as Mag and Zephyr were. All three cases are an example of nerf overkill.
    However, People are people and will play what they have gotten used to because of familiarity. Cant sell new frames if people are stuck on the old ones. I get it. I dont like it. But I get it. Not everyone has OCD like me and would do all of the frames reguardless of how torturous they are to play. I built and leveled the original Wukong. After seeing the rework of Wukong and the Grindel build, Im willing to wait and see. Scott has made a lot of kickass stuff so I wouldnt be too rough on him.

    Extra  note On Grindel: After 7 years, how easy do you think it is to come up with new frames? I think it's funny and will be great entertainment. Do I think it will be as useful as  the frames I use on a regular basis? Probably not. But Im not always into useful. Sometimes, I wanna laugh. I still do Corpus outdoor interceptions with a sonicor because I find it hilarious to watch an NPC go flying out of the map. Either way, I find it good for Warframe.

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  14. Thank you. I dont always have a sentinel. I quite frequently use Kavats. But some missions I just dont want to manage my kavat. So having the option to have a sentinel is an option... if it can do damage. But I never really tested any of the weapons because the crew I started with was capable enough that I didnt really need my sentinel to shoot. Im regretting that since I have seen people with useful ones. Hence the reason I came here. And most encounters I have had in game with people who have a good sentinel weapon setup act as if Im asking for national security secrets. Thank you again. While I didnt see any one standout, it did give me some ideas to work with.

  15. I've always relied on the Sweeper prime and played around with the Cryotra but never really gave much thought to these weapons. Never really had the time as I was always leveling my weapons. Im a little lost as they dont seem to work the same way my weapons do. Any help would really be appreciated.

  16. 3 hours ago, Lutesque said:

    I mean... is there a specific reason you want to release quicker ?

    Have you used the Zenistar? The disk "throw" is a LONG animation. It's akin to the length of time it takes to whip out your archgun.

    23 minutes ago, Xzorn said:

    Cleaving Whirlwind or Rending Crane will release the Disc faster than Tempo due to the first attack for Tempo having a hit x2 animation.

    As a side note they both make it easier to control while running and throwing since the charge up is one single animation motion. After you get used to the timer the charge speed doesn't matter much past Fury / Primed Fury. You can time it using the Icon to throw the disc again the moment it returns to you with no delay.

    Thank you. That's EXACTLY what I was looking for!

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