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  1. Personally, I'm very pleased with the update so far. We'll see how I feel in a week though. I am 100% for them focusing on fleshing out older content, but unfortunately, updating old content probably isn't good marketing to gain new players. /shrug
  2. I'm very excited. Not sure if I am the minority, but as an old vet, I actually really look forward to the Kahl missions every week. My only reservation is about how much I detest the poor choices that lead to island content that is a disconnect from the core gameplay loop. Not saying that this will be the case for sure, but I'm still salty over failed islands like Archwing, and even to an extent, Railjack (even though I personally love those missions). To the OP, asking this type of question is going to lead to mostly negative responses. I've already seen complaints about more "grind"... even though that is literally what the foundation of this game is built upon, and would die without. /shrug
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