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Everything posted by Unknown924

  1. Changing the amount of points each option gives or the amount of points required to reach a specific tier is NOT making a fundamental change to the system. I really don't understand why you insist on using a work in progress image but ignore the explicit statements made about it(They fact they are still balancing how the points will work is brought up around the 1:02:50 mark in the video). They explicitly said 5 rewards("it trades 2 keys for 5 rewards", direct quote from the devstream) for two Netracell searches and that they will use the same drop tables as the revised Netracells with the odds for higher tier rewards increasing the farther on the track you go(sort of like bounties in open worlds)("The first two rewards that are silver are essentially exactly the same roles as if you were doing a Netracell, which is the new version of Netracell that doesn't have the extra arcanes. Then the gold version, which is the one that follows after, is basically that same loot table but with more chances to get the rare stuff") Both of the above quotes happen in the 40 seconds after time I linked in the video. so just click the link and listen for less than a minute.
  2. Not confirmed fully if you have to go all in yet. They explicitly said on the preview they were still balancing points and requirements: "All or almost all" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vy_vtGx8vq8&t=3782s The official news post, which is newer than the dev stream, also says up to six rewards while the dev stream says 5 as the max. So things have clearly changed from the preview and we need new information to be certain about how things work.
  3. DE slipped some important information on how things are going to work in their news post for Dante Unbound but I am not sure how many people noticed: https://www.warframe.com/news/dante-unbound-launches-in-march "Each week, sacrifice two Netracell Search Pulses to venture into this new mission type. You can replay the Deep Archimedea Missions as much as you like without costing any additional Search Pulses, but you can only receive up to six high-quality Rewards from them each week. To increase the quality and quantity of Rewards you receive, you must increase your Research Value level. Research Value rises when you use items from Loid’s suggested loadout, or by applying various modifiers to your Missions that add extra difficulty." It doesn't specify if the rewards use cumulative Research Value or only your highest earned Research Value. The main question now is how many weapons/modifiers must be selected to get the max result in one run if it goes by highest earned research value. If it goes by cumulative then it is simply a case of spending more time to get the max reward instead of being fully locked out if you only bring 1 or 2 suggested items per run.
  4. The idea of paying to skip story in Warframe just feels bad, so I think any form of story skip should NOT be paid. Having an item pack that gives players enough gear that they can dive right into the missions instead of having to farm in order to have the equipment to complete them is a lot more acceptable. One way to accomplish the goal of letting new players get to the latest content is to make the latest content available at all times with warnings about story spoilers and difficulty if you don't have proper equipment. This could be combined with a progression pack that provides enough basic equipment that players can buy it and jump right in. When new content is available, the previous content gets locked behind the progression system and the content that was just added becomes the always available content. The progression pack could also do things like remove grind based requirements for story missions so someone could buy the pack and just play though all the story content without having to work on things like star chart unlocking or rep grinding between story missions. An additional though is that the loaner system from the circuit could be used with preset frames/weapons for the latest content, allowing it to be played for free. By limiting the loaner system to the latest content only, players are incentivized to buy a progression pack or grind if they want to play the rest of Warframe.
  5. In this case for the third upgrade I think the crit chance is accidentally switched on the first option and maybe miscalculated on the third. My calculations show that using the 90 and 10 damage values with the crit chance from Survivors Edge, the Prisma Skana has an effective damage of 488 and the Skana Prime 380. However, if you switch the crit values(+2 for Prisma and +12 for Prime), the Prisma Skana has an effective damage of 432 and the Prime has 437, which are much closer. Leaving the current status effects the same, the Prime has 4% more raw status than the Prisma(30% vs 26%, for an effective 15% status advantage for the Prime). I don't think that would make up for the large difference of base damage but I haven't done the math on that. Absolute Valor has the Prisma at 563 and the Prime at 392, switching them has Prisma at 443 and the Prime at 512. Neither of those are that close but this time the Prime has 10% more status than the Prisma(26% vs 16%) which is an effective 60% more status which makes a larger damage gap more justifiable. Unless I have mad a large mistake in the math, I do think the crit values need to be switched on the first, and then maybe lowered 1-2% on the Prime to account for the 4% extra status.
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