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Posts posted by Blackbox24

  1. After Buried Debt event started, I farm resources for Larkspur and I want to leveling it so I go to archwing mission. After a  couple runs I realized that the enemies absurdly moving so fast and often getting their a** stuck in the corner, they move like crazy. Is this suppose to be "testing the environment" for  Railjack update or some kind of bug?


    This Stalker Mode actually good idea for game feature but bad idea for PvP because I can easily kill Stalker with my Operator when he even not doing any action and just spawn to die, unless DE want to rework how we fight Stalker.

    • Maybe make it like how we fight Eidolon, damage shield first with your amp so you can damage it health and so on unlocking Stalker new ability each phase.

    • You cannot use any warframe abilities just damage it with your weapon.

    • When Stalker come, all door locked and can be unlocked when either of you or Stalker "died".

    • Still got his Damage Adaptation (for Shadow Stalker).

    • High interesting reward whoever won the battle the only motivation to playing this mode.

    • Stalker have personal Arsenal with same function as Arsenal in Orbiter.



  3. I wish in the future (hoping for Railjack) archwing getting more attention, theres no primed version of Archwing/Arch-Weapon (Odonata Prime came with Volt Prime long ago) and I got 2 things:

    - How about sentinel for archwing called DRONE

    - Have dependent Aura, Exilus, and Passive ability

  4. Maybe its gonna be 4 parts like Day/Night Neuroptics, Day/Night Chassis, Day/Night Systems, and Blueprint. If DE insist following ordinary Equinox formula with 4 parts each (Neuroptic, Chassis, System, Aspect), it will be counted as 2 prime frame then prime access price should be doubled too. 


  5. il y a une heure, (PS4)NewcastleDisease a dit :

    archwing it's ok..?


    endgame.. aha... well... i don't feel any "endgame" on warframe right now...

    I mean like more Archwing missions, Dark Sector, Kuva, Void, Excavation in space (?) hah I can imagine you dig the asteroid.


    and yeah "endgame" that doesn't feels like endgame, bring me moorrree weapons and frames

  6. I'm sure Archwing was one of main feature DE give us in Warframe with Archwing have its own quest but lets say... lack of development.

    I hope in the "Railjack", DE give more attention to Archwing as like giving more prime variant and more mission type like Infested or Orokin.


    What you guys thinking what DE should do to make Archwing more interesting even after "endgame".



    1. Can freely try all equipment (weapons, warframe, archwings, mods) limited only in Simulacrum without buying/having it first to testing out the charateristics or how to use it.

    2. When equipped with melee weapon, showing circle with warframe are the center to indicate melee range and range number.

    3. Different Simulacrum map tiles for Archwing.

    4. Can summon bosses as spawner cost 8 slot but can only summon one persona at a time: Vor, Vay Hek, Vay Hek Terra Frame, Sergeant, Lt. Krill, Alad V, Raptor (pick one type), Sargas Ruk, Tyl Regor, Hyena Pack (pick two type), Ambulas, Jordas Golem (Archwing), Mutalist Alad V, Lephantis, Corrupted Vor, Kela De Thaym.

    5. Can summon assassins as spawner cost 6 slot but can only summon one persona at a time: Stalker, Shadow Stalker, Grustrag Three (considering one persona), Zanuka Hunter.


    1. Have exclusive mod slot for Augment and Riven like with Aura and Exilus. 

    2. Archwings have their independent mod slot for Aura, Exilus (+Augment and Riven).


    1. More Archwings and Arch-Gun/Melee prime variant.

    2. More Archwings mission and enemies like: Infested (Dark Sector), Kuva, Void, Excavation.

    3. Archwings companion, I will called it “DRONE”.

    4. Archwings passive ability.

    5. Pillar of light to indicate Interception Point and Extraction Point (+Excavation Point).


    1. You can interact with your Kavat/Kubrow at battlefield

    2. Kavat/Kubrow have mod to pick resources (like Sentinel with its Vacuum mod)

    3. Add permanent place marker into your Kavat/Kubrow so you (and your ally) can see your pets movement and where. (maybe also place marker for your summoned Specter) 

    4. Have fighting stance for your pets.


    1. Display Argon Crystal decaying time. (I don't know where tho)

    2. When showing Navigation, Nighmare and Kuva symbol in the Operations window for you pick the nodes instantly.

    3. Ayatan Star show colour on map (Blue for Ayatan Cyan Star and Orange for Ayatan Amber Star).

    4. Orokin Hack Console in Lua, Void, Derelict required to solve puzzle like in the Sacrifice with simpler puzzle pattern so you can speed-hack it.

    5. Show special item symbol like Ayatan Sculpture, Syndicate Medallion, Cetus Wisp, Rare/Hidden Cache (except Kuria) when caught within your range (15m).

    6. When in party, first person who take rare item that indicate with green colour will show in map (Argon Crystal, Neural Sensor, etc.). same with rare golden mods


    1. The Sergeant (?Sgt. Nef Anyo?), Phobos boss was the weakest boss imo, didn’t threatening at all maybe with the Nullifier Field that can only be damaged by melee or having Opticor as main weapon, can summon modified Osprey, etc.


    1. Can encounter (and scan it) Ney Anyo directly on Index: High Risk that will enter the arena to fight you and when beaten he back into his throne and will comeback with different buff/debuff whenever he enters the arena.

    2. Show how many Index Point your ally held in their status bar.

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