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Posts posted by ShogunGunshow

  1. 2 hours ago, (PSN)rexis12 said:

    Caliban isn't bad, but he's A Frame that has... really nothing to him to stand out.

    Like there are Frames where the rest of the kit is pure Garbo, but has just enough in one ability that it even outs. Nekros with Desecrate  or Mesa with Peacemaker.

    The issue is that... well none of this abilities are really that special or worth anything that you would want, especially when he's a jack of all.

    His 1 is terrible, his 2 is a damage vulnerability that has an enemy limit (lol) and lifts the enemy which is one of the least desired status due to bugs and just them being annoying (at least you can use it while enemies are in the air lol), Lethal Progeny"s only upside is the shield Regen which then come with the fact that LP is on both a timer and health meaning that yes at high levels they can be gunned down as quickly as they appear not to mention the slow 1 by 1 summon, and then Fission Strike is his best ability.

    But if the best ability you have is an Armor Strip, you might as well just subsume Pillage or Terrify on any random Frame and use their more interesting abilities to get through the game.

    Ding f***ing ding.

  2. 45 minutes ago, (PSN)rexis12 said:

    There also the difference in the EHP of enemies with Ferrite armor, and well armor in general, compared to... ANYTHING ELSE.


    The fact that a basic Lancer, only has 1/2 the EHP of a Field Boss while a crewman has 1/20 is a sign that something is really wrong with Armor Scaling.

    Hell, this is JUST Lancer. The Heavy Gunners have 6 Mil EHP at the same level. A basic mini-boss has like 7x the EHP and is only not as tough due to Damage Attenuation of Acolytes which makes the even weaker elements EVEN MORE weaker.

    Indeed. Any rebalance of status in Status 3.0 almost by necessity has to be paired with a complete rethink of how enemy armor works and an adjustment of enemy EHP in general.

    We've been here before once already. Unless we want to just have the exact same problem in a few years, when escalating enemy levels render the latest stopgap measures ineffective, whatever change is made has gotta be more dramatic.

    • Like 1
  3. 2 hours ago, CosoMalvadoNG said:

    Is DE considering changes to the elemental damage table?
    It's a question, but not a question.

    The answer is almost never because there's little reason to adjust for elemental weaknesses when the viral bonus is right there, many times larger than the largest elemental weakness that any faction has.

    They wanna change that, they gotta do a Status 3.0, and Viral has to get piledrivered into the earth. 

    • Like 1
  4. 8 minutes ago, quxier said:



    Yeah, I like to be forced into specific type of play because game spam nullies like 3 per every room. Even some of the are eximus. /sarcasm

    1 Nully once in a while is fine. Whole room of those stupid things are disgusting.

    ps. YMMV - you may have 1 Nully once a while and be happy with that.

    Eximus are worse? Unless it's an another spam, you just roll or hit specific stuff (Guardian). Simple as this. I only get hit or stuff like this when I'm not paying attention (half asleep) OR there is freaking Eximus Nully...

    I guess they have to turn off > cast Kullervo > turn on again. :D

    For me using Kullervo's with Voruna 4th is too much work but it's still something pretty nice to have once in while.

    And both Voruna's & Citrine's abilities are nerfed. I've tried one and it's almost useless.

    So 90% of my gameplay should be using those options BECAUSE THERE ARE ~3 NULLIES IN EVERY ROOM (YMMV)?! Yeah... not my cup of tea.

    Hmm... are they going to buff Voruna/3?


    Yeah, he is nice but not perfect. Like Grendel being more playable (can cast other Grendel's abilities) but there are some "issues". Some folks don't like 5 enemy in gut limit. It's change that added added something but took something else. On other hand we cannot cast Helminth using Pulverize. Was it Pablo said that Yareli/Merulina needs whole set of animations to cast Hellminth on Merulina? Perfection is not always good. I personally like Grendel change. Hydroid will be another frame - they should make another frame instead, imho.

    If you have 3 nullies in a room consistently, then you really need to kill them faster.

    If you can't kill them faster, you might be underbuilt for what you're doing.

    If you're not underbuilt, and you still can't kill them fast enough, might be a you-issue.

    Having to bring the right tool to solve a problem isn't some unfair ask in a video game. If nullies are a problem for you, take nulli solutions. 🤷‍♂️

    • Like 2
  5. You don't need a specific augment to deal with them, though. You just need a weapon that fires rapidly. My gaze kitgun pops bubbles pretty much instantly. And my melee weapon has a long enough range that I can often just advance while swinging and not even fall into the bubble.

    The only issue I have with nullifiers is when I'm using a frame that relies on remote persistent effects on Steel Path, because it's sometimes difficult to keep a nullifier from, say, popping my magnetize bubble, but that's a niche problem that can be solved with gameplay. 

    • Like 3
  6. 51 minutes ago, Void2258 said:

    Hold aim, look at enemy, melee attack. Stand there swinging in place. Nonfunctional.

    Just in case I was doing something wrong, tried every other combination of commands I could think of (in case the instructions were wrong). Either melee in place or fire weapon. No jump ever.

    And you're sure you, like, actually have the mod equipped, right? :P Hate to be that guy, but. Gotta ask.

  7. 7 hours ago, (PSN)JaiWilliams767 said:

    My biggest issue with nightwave is that the weapon augment mods are unobtainable. Some of these mods like 'Wild Frenzy', 'Efficient Beams' and 'Napalm Grenades' completely change your  weapon playstyle and create alternative ways to build and play. These rewards should be obtainable in Nora's shop or at least Baro's Inventory. It's not fair to newer players who started playing literally after they were locked away. With all the reworks going on I'm praying this is one thing DE doesn't skip over. If they are truly committed to making the experience more accessible changes must be made.

    They eventually get rotated back in on the Nightwave intermissions. Wouldn't worry too much about it. 

  8. Hydroid's kit was very much not fine, and it's not from a lack of brainpower that people didn't play him. Even played optimally, he was suboptimal for... 99.9% of content. But anyway.

    I'm not thrilled either that almost every frame has to deal with the fact that all but three or four statuses suck big, and that armor removal almost has to be a thing because we're reaching a point in scaling where removing armor multiplies relative damage by twenty times, but it's just the reality of modern Warframe because DE doesn't seem willing (or able) to address the underlying issues, and keeps leaning into them more with each update. Why does Grendel, all about stomach acid, have viral? Why does Hydroid's new augment? What happens to all these abilities that don't fit thematically, and only exist to satisfy this deeply unsatisfying meta, if statuses were to ever be reworked and viral was somehow not nearly as good?

    Sadly, based on the arcanes that have been released where DE has tried to make people take things like elec and cold (and have largely failed because the numbers just aren't there because I guess nobody in the design team has heard of the term 'opportunity cost'), I don't think that these problems are ever getting fixed, just band-aided.

    • Like 6
  9. 2 hours ago, Hexerin said:

    1h38m is 98m, which assuming absolute best case (spawn every 3m) is 32 Acolytes. Each drops 2 SE, which with booster is doubled to 4, and then Charm doubles to 8. Multiply 32 spawns by 8 dropped per spawn, you get 256 SE over the run. There's something not adding up with that screenshot.

    Iirc, double resources weekend stacks with the double resources booster, similar to how double credit weekends stacks with credit boosters. And German seems to confirm that this was the case (Double resource weekend) for this pic. So add another doubling to your calculations, ending up with 8 without charm, 16 with charm, very rarely 32 if they were lucky enough to get a double proc.

    Seems eminently doable numbers wise when you factor that in.

  10. Resource booster + some lucky double charm procs would be my guess. You can get some high value out of a double proc and resource booster, turning a normal 2 drop into 16.

    This is why DE made it so that Steel Essence despawns in 5 minutes instead of 20, BTW, because with 20 minutes you could always wait for the right Smeeta proc.


    E: also maybe a double resource weekend effect.

  11. 1 hour ago, Hexerin said:

    Reading comprehension not your strong suit?

    I brought up Helstrum for status, so I was confused why you were bringing Artax into the conversation to compare to Verglas for Status. Because Helstrum is a better status-stick - that I was talking about.

    Not entirely sure why you're so hostile about my implied exasperation that you feel the need to get nasty, tho. 

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