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Posts posted by ShogunGunshow

  1. 57 minutes ago, ShogunGunshow said:

    and Helstrum "I would like my sentinel to have all the assist and cause aoe status"

    36 minutes ago, Hexerin said:

    Artax can be the better option. It is capable of applying and maintaining three status procs, whereas Verglas can only apply and maintain two status procs.

    Again, if I want status, I just go Helstrum. Because that can maintain 4. And does it in an AoE. 

    Need to workshop companions for more, now. I know Diriga has some electric proccing stuff but IIRC Arc Coil is pretty low status chance

    • Like 2
  2. 28 minutes ago, master_of_destiny said:





    If I only have to respond in a single word...maybe "Tool" instead of cringe.  Specifically, Deadblow hammer for being completely useless in almost every situation yet perennially chosen by those who don't know what they are doing.

    Treated you with the same level of respect you've shown to everyone else.

    No point in a long, drawn out, thousand-word response to your complaints because, even if I wrote a book, you have made it extremely clear via your posts that you think anyone that disagrees with you is somehow mentally deficient, and that you are not open to any reality besides the one you have constructed in your head.

    I am comfortable leaving it here. The changes will go through, and you'll have to find something else to gatekeep in Warframe - like if DE ever lowers Primed Sure Footed from 400 days to 200, or something equally apocalyptic to your sense of achievement. 

    • Like 4
  3. Also @[DE]Momaw, something to pass along, now that companions are potentially about to become much stronger, I need to point out this long-standing bug with Theorem Infection, where the damage bonus from Infection doesn't actually fade off of your companion at the end of the effect and continues to stack, until it hits some sort of overflow error and zeroes out the damage. I imagine this has never been a priority to fix because the effect does fade if the companion dies, but since we're going to be living in a world where all companions are much chunkier, this has the potential to be an actual issue.

    (Side note, if you do examine this, it would also be nice to finally fix the UI bug where Theorem arcanes don't refresh on the UI on reaching max stacks and moving into a fresh zone, despite accurately refreshing their timers in the background.)

    • Like 4
  4. They nerfed it shortly after shield gating was introduced because, as long as you were meleeing, you were effectively immortal.

    With the new shield gate changes and shield regen delay reduction mods, it is very possible to start regenning shields before you become vulnerable again. So, the situation has a good chance of happening again.

    But you also don't even need to necessarily exploit delay. If you have a >2 second gate, it's not hard to just hit an ability with one augur mod equipped and then melee your way to >700 shields.

  5. 4 hours ago, master_of_destiny said:


    You are...just so wrong and stupid for literally telling me what I told you...but couldn't bother to read.


    Let me ADD attention span this for you.

    Progression -> investment of time gives you more power

    You are expressing that you are entitled to skip grind.  A grind that was literally months which can now be completed in weeks.  Yeah, you want that faster.

    You complain that I don't know what I am talking about...because I am a veteran.  A reason I cited and addressed...but you are too lazy to read.


    Let me now show you the same respect you showed me by responding to a quote, short sighting everything, then literally parroting things I've answered because you are too lazy.  This game will chew you up, and I look forward to it.  Anyone too short sighted to see veterans raising issues as a red flag will jump ship soon enough, and I look forward to that day.  Go be a statistic.  


    It's good that the grind for Focus is being eased. It's been in the game for the better part of a decade. It is, more or less, an expected tool. 

    The practical, non-altruistic reason to be for it is that the game is consistently adding more stuff to grind for each release. If the game never curtailed some of its earlier grinds, new players would be faced with a year+ of grinding various systems to even begin to keep up with long-time players, and that's apocalyptic for new-player acquisition and retention - something which Warframe already struggles with.

    New players are critical for the game's continued success, and making them interested in sticking around is important. This really isn't a big deal.

    In short: quit being a weird gatekeeper for systems that are literally almost eight years old at this point.

    • Like 4
  6. Only thought is that I think it should be based on 'amount of shield damage taken over the last x second(s) or since shield break, whichever is sooner' instead of based on the shields you had on the final breaking shot. A large volume of hits coming in a short window is pretty common (in SP), but with Adaptation these are individually reduced enough that a 'breaking shot' is gonna give you a minimal gate - sspecially with the new higher baseline resistance. 

  7. 20 hours ago, Metal_Sign said:

    If using it makes things more visible and is improving your performance, then you are, in fact, using it for accessibility.

    Nah, accessibility is about making things playable for people that have disabilities or other challenges that make it hard to play normally.

    I don't have accessibility concerns that need to be compensated for, so I will be using it not for its accessibility, but readability, because Warframe can get so visually noisy that having something that cuts right through that noise is valuable to anyone, disability or no. No more having to strain your eyes on Deimos or the Zariman is too good a QoL to ignore. 

  8. 8 minutes ago, GeorgeFernell said:

    Holly molly! Someone from DE finally logged into the game and looked at the mod screen! UNBELIEVABLE! Only took 10 years!

    In all seriousness, this is excellent, but a missed opportunity to bring up minimum base survivability to 500 HP / 500 SHIELD.
    These changes help with readability, but HP of Warframes is still binary. You get hit once -> shield gate -> hit 2nd time -> you are dead.
    DR Stacking need to be smashed with a nerf hammer and HP values need to be brought a ton up to make support Warframes, healing abilities & mods viable again.
    Currently you have 500 base HP with 90% DR from adaptation and your choice of 90% DR ability and you go to 50 000 EHP.
    No moding screen with show this to a player.

    The great nerfening of multiplying bonuses is something I thought might be coming after the ammo economy changes and the nerf to AoE spam last year.

    But then DE went and released incarnon adapters, which make some guns so broken they make the Kuva Zarr look like a baby's toy in comparison, and don't care about ammo at all.

    So I wouldn't really hold my breath on them making common sense changes like that to survivability. 

  9. 38 minutes ago, Hexerin said:

    It's amazing that we still don't have clarification on this.

    The workshop is perfectly clear. You gain invincibility based on whatever shields you had when you received the shield-breaking damage. It doesn't matter if you let your shields go to max or not, because they specifically say "Part 2 - Partially Depleted Shields do not have a separate Shield Gate Duration."

  10. 44 minutes ago, (PSN)Unstar said:

    Prevents you from using ranged

    You can used ranged with Hysteria, you just temporarily lose your invincibility until you equip your melee again.


    5 minutes ago, PR1D3 said:

    Honestly if there was ever a Valkyr change the #1 thing that needs to be evaluated is her moveset in Hysteria. Those combos are super, duper old and they show it.

      The #1 thing Valkyr need is her 1 to be completely redesigned. 

  11. 14 hours ago, Valfaun said:

    very disappointed in this. we've been waiting for a Companion rework for a long time, but DE seems to have completely missed the big issue we've been having with them. it's not just that Sentinels in particular are prone to getting destroyed in longer missions, it's that most of the companions are borderline useless beyond carrying Animal Instinct and Vacuum/Fetch for you. not sure about Sentinel data, but i think the vast majority of players runs around with Smeetas or Panzer Vulpas as fleshy companions. hardly anyone brings Kubrows or Predasites and i've seen very few MOA or Hound companions in the wild either. half of the Sentinels are either trash or extremely situational, too. and so are Robotic weapons. most of them are neither good at damage nor status procs. anything but the Verglas and maybe Helstrum is hardly worth looking at. non-Sentinels are even worse for damage potential due to their slow and inefficient AI that'll hardly contribute anything meaningful

    There are other mods coming with the update that are supposed to enable some synergistic play with your pet so it's a little early to make a broad judgment like that.

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