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Posts posted by ShogunGunshow

  1. 2 hours ago, Hexerin said:

    Every time I've encountered a Caliban, the dude ends up steamrolling literally everything without breaking a sweat. I don't see why everyone keeps banging on about a rework for him, the frame is beyond strong.

    Caliban's 1 is piss-weak even by Warframe damage-cast standards. 

    His 2 is a janky, middling damage amp that gets canceled by any impact or stagger effect.

    His 3s don't even do the thing you want them to do half the time, which is feed you shields, and otherwise get owned like any other AI companion does on Steel Path. 

    His 4 doesn't vacuum properly anymore. His 4 used to be KB on release but people complained and DE quickly made it a vac, but, instead of getting vacc'ed now, enemies just sort of fall over after moving a few feet in the direction of the explosion. Just for extra fun, the fallout zone's visuals are bugged, and don't even appear when you're a client, only the host. And this is STILL Caliban's best ability, because hey, at least fallout zone strips enemy defenses - but this is also a thing LOTS of other frames can do at this point.

    He just lacks any cohesion in his abilities. Which you could maybe say is on-brand considering his appearance, but doesn't change the fact that he still sucks to play.

    He is not 'beyond strong,' and if a Caliban was clowning on you it was because he was either using busted weapons or you were playing badly. 

  2. I mean with the huge amount of energy orbs lying around these days, if you really can't stomach not having vacuum at all times of the day, just use Djinn with Primed Regen. Probably isn't going to be down for more than 10 seconds that way. 

    2 hours ago, PollexMessier said:

    No. Primed regen is sentinel only. and medipetkit is companion only

    Yeah, I brain-farted on that one. My b.

  3. Unless you're somehow queueing into full parties of people deliberately doing things badly I don't see how it even takes you 15 minutes.

    Also you NEED the one-shot builds to get the content done in a week? When the final hunt usually takes up the least amount of time? Suuure.

    Yeah. Sorry. That ten or fifteen minutes a week somehow being the point where things are incompletable for you doesn't mean everyone else should have to suffer poorly thought-out mechanics forever.

  4. 11 minutes ago, Randomguy65 said:

    Okay first of all, before companions if they die in mission, can't revive them(i am mainly talking about sentinels). Now they can revive in 1 minute intervals(can cool down by mods). So the companions will die, comeback repeat. I will take this then having no sentinel at all.

    If you have Primed Regen and Medipet (and it seems at this point why wouldn't you), you'll have a 10s respawn time.

    So yeah.

    • Like 1
  5. 21 minutes ago, ShogunGunshow said:

    I feel like fixing the health/energy/armor mods to display accurate to actual stats but leaving warframe buff abilities to still mod base stats is going to lead to the same amount of confusion, and maybe worse because it's now inconsistent.

    And yeah, what about archon stuff? With the modifiers for the mods being so much lower, it actually wouldn't be as nuts a consideration as it would have been before. I kinda doubt it, though.

    No wait I'm f'ing high lol there's no way because armor mod still is pretty much unchanged and giving people the ability to get 2k armor from armor shards + 1 mod is a little too much.

  6. I feel like fixing the health/energy/armor mods to display accurate to actual stats but leaving warframe buff abilities to still mod base stats is going to lead to the same amount of confusion, and maybe worse because it's now inconsistent.

    And yeah, what about archon stuff? With the modifiers for the mods being so much lower, it actually wouldn't be as nuts a consideration as it would have been before. I kinda doubt it, though.

  7. Also uh.

    I wonder how these new mods that reduce shield delay combine with Vazarin. 

    For those that don't know, Vazarin has a node called 'Guardian Break' where when the shield it conjures is broken, the Warframe enjoys 8 seconds of 150% regeneration rate and a 90% reduction in Shield delay.

    If that stacks additively with the mods, that'd be over 100% reduction in shield delay. So basically a shorter Arcane Aegis (8s vs. Aegis' 12), but on demand. But also needs set-up whereas Aegis is automatic.

    I guess that's ... okay?

    Is Vazarin finally taking its place as the ultimate survival school?

    • Like 1
  8. 19 hours ago, ShogunGunshow said:

    Unfortunately DE has made the classic DE move of allowing something clearly dumb and unintended to exist for years so that by now1 players feel entitled to it.

    The crying and whining about any eventual shield gate fix is going to make the ammo economy changes look positively civil by comparison.

    Well this aged like warm milk lol

    Good job, DE! At last.

    • Like 2
  9. I would like the Mecha set to get some QOL so that the icon indicating the the pet mark follows their energy color, or at least is made more visible.

    I would also like it if allies killing the marked target didn't steal the armor buff from me. 

    This set has the potential to be really nice for survivability in a world where the good boys stay alive and mob density in Steel Path is ridiculous enough to rack up +1000% armor pretty easily. Just needs some tweakin.

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