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Posts posted by ShogunGunshow

  1. I mean. Being able to heavy attack-throw the exodia contagion kind of was an obvious oversight, and was clearly never intended. I had some fun with it, but come on, you had to know it was just living on borrowed time until the baleful eye of DE's capricious and inconsistent QA turned towards it.

    I do wonder whose video was released recently that prompted them to do this, though, because most of the time some screamlord with an obnoxious video thumbnail is the catalyst for stuff like this.

    • Like 1
  2. Just now, TheVirtualShadow said:

    Oh yeah i agree, i've seen the stupid argument around. It's eye rolling.

    I just want the devs/higher ups to stop and learn from this for once instead of eventually repeating it. This has not been the first problem related to monetary practices being closer to triple aaa #*!%ery and i would prefer them to do more fair options.

    They're following the model other companies have done - keep trying to push the envelope of what's acceptable in the community, pull back when there's backlash, but not to zero. Then after some time start pushing again, and shift the overton window of what's acceptable monetization more and more. 

    • Like 18
  3. 2 minutes ago, TheVirtualShadow said:

    I can afford the pack several times over, it was handled horribly. Its not about being "broke", try to keep up.

    If they can't accuse you for only not liking it because you can't afford it, they'll just say 'devs need to make money you're selfish' (they say about a 10 year old game that has obviously not needed to do these kinds of practices to make money and stay profitable). 

    If they can't do that, they'll say 'it's not that bad other companies do it all the time' (like that's somehow a justification for bad practices, how well the gaming industry has trained people to accept the deplorable as standard).

    It's the same lame arguments every time. 

    • Like 24
  4. 7 minutes ago, Dragsolais said:

    I didn’t think anything was wrong with the pack tbh. Considering the 25 dollar skins of diablo4 these are much better.

    Yeah and getting a baseball bat to the knee is a lot better than getting your fingers cut off.

    The game industry is in a deplorable state - that's not an excuse for DE to engage in the same practices. One of the reasons we've loved DE and stuck with them despite their often ... questionable ... design decisions is because they have the most fair model of a game out there.

    • Like 10
  5. 1 hour ago, Niinyy said:

    is this your first time seeing stuff limited? it is a common thing, it is meant to be exclusive, legacy, something for supporters of the game, something you can show off. 

    battlepasses in fortnite, overwatch, cod. those are exclusive and limited

    gamersupps sell special edition limited with content creators imprints on them

    youtooz sell limited figures of content creators

    Its not something that D.E sudddenly made up

    so stop crying your eyeballs out, they're becoming dry.

    You do realize that a lot of the reason people love DE is because they've largely stayed AWAY from the same BS practices that other developers have embraced, right? 

    • Like 18
  6. 1 minute ago, Rudils said:

    I wonder how many of these people complaining will buy the pack.

    It is a ten year pack if you like it buy it if you don't like the price don't buy it.


    There are people at DE that has put hours into designing the cosmetics and they look amazing. THANK YOU

    This is a celebration and you will get so much free content over the next year why not pay this price since you don't need plat and show the DE team that as community we love what the do.

    There might have been a pack for each frame skin seperate but there is no reason to make 10 years of success feel bad because of a price someone don't want to pay.

    This games gives people hours of enjoyment and it's free.

    People give DE plenty of money thorugh non-fomo, non-manipulative, non-inflated sales.

    • Like 12
  7. DE out here acting like refunds aren't a thing that exists.

    Change the terms to not be time exclusive, offer refunds for people that feel shorted by them not being exclusive anymore. Urge people to not spend their Regal Aya because that'll delay the process of the refund.

    It'll be a lot of effort, but that's not our fault. We didn't make the mess. We shouldn't have to suffer a manipulative, fomo driven, inflated deal because "Oh it wouldn't be fair to the people we manipulated already and refunds don't exist what are those loolooloo."

    • Like 11
  8. 1 minute ago, LoopStricken said:

    They've said these skins will never come back, so it is indeed "100% gone FOMO".

    Yeah if it was like prime access and the skins/attachments showed back up in a few TennoCons or something, I don't think people would be calling that fomo.

    But like Loop said, it ain't that.

    • Like 1
  9. 2 minutes ago, HolySeraphin said:

    So basically making separate packs for this one would be unfair for those who already bought it, so they are increasing the plat (it is actually cheaper to ge the full pack instead of buying 2100 plat from the store).

    "We can't not sell the manipulative thing because that wouldn't be fair to the people we already manipulated" is their excuse.

    It's not a convincing one.

    • Like 15
  10. DE,  if you're gonna start treating us like other game companies do, then I'm sorry but you gotta step up your game. You get away with a *lot* of questionable design decisions, and you do because you treat us well and have been ethical in your practices.

    You start acting like everyone else, then I'm gonna start expecting you to do wild stuff like 'have an endgame' and 'balance your game.' 

    • Like 21
  11. 2 minutes ago, ChronaticL said:

    You see, this is the reason we cant have good changes. Whales are still ganna be  "oh, you just dont buy the pack if you dont like it, it doesnt effect you what other people do with their money." We could had skin sold seperately from the bundle, but becasue whales gonna be whales, we have to settle down to this bandaid of a "fix".


    Good job, my dear community. You voted with your wallet again and got what you deserved.


    I mean, refunds exist. DE could do that. They're just choosing to ignore it as an option and hoping people don't remember that they're a thing.

    • Like 8
  12. 1 minute ago, Cerikus said:

    Ok, I will say it very, VERY slowly.

    The skins are virtual item in a videogame. THEY ARE WORTH LITERALLY NOTHING.

    The real question is: Does DE deserve my 90$ for providing me with 5802.7 hours of free game?

    I had a hell of a time for the past 2 years in Warframe and I am more than happy to give back to DE, if I can do it by buying amazing skins, nice.

    If this was the only monetization in the game you'd have a point.

    It is very much not, and you don't. 

    • Like 15
  13. 6 minutes ago, mrgudveseli said:

    You know that Bungie monetizes story content, gear and cosmetics, right? And DE charges only for some cosmetics. Being a drama queen here, eh?

    The moment DE tries to charge for money-exclusive weapons or frames, my pitchfork will be raised first. Right now, i find all the whiney posts everywhere reeking of entitlement. It's honestly disgusting.

    All I see here is someone who's been beaten down so hard by unethical practices in the game's industry that they accept being - nay, expect to be - taken advantage of. The kind of consumer that corporations salivate over, and gaming companies have been molding for decades: the consumer that advocates against their own interests.

    • Like 11
  14. 4 minutes ago, Binket_ said:

    Oh, so DE- as a whole- is doubling down on this path, huh?

    Look, the extra Platinum was ONE facet of this ticking time bomb of a disaster.
    "10 year supporter" is kinda a joke when just about any generic big-spender whale can waltz in on DAY 1 to spend a bunch of money and never show up again.
    ... but because they bought into some FOMO bundle? They're considered a support in the same way Founders are?

    I get it. You want the prestige factor. The whole glory of it.
    It's a skin though. A skin for two specific Warframes no less.
    Of which STILL cost as much as a full retail game.

    Two skins that will cease to exist at the end of the year for the purpose of... what? Hollow vanity?
    Yes, people bought these skins with the idea of it being lost to time, I can assure many would want it to come back another time.

    Honestly? I'd avoid buying the pack simply because of how disrespectful to the players it seems.
    How else are we supposed to see bloody tides but an omen for strife to come?

    And yet the only reason they're "unforgettable" now is because their price is bloated and it's locked behind an ever shortening timer.
    A reminder that after 10 years of a game's existence, DE is working towards throwing away one of it's founding principles.
    ... in favor of money. Like every other moneybag-muncher.

    The price is one thing.
    The timer is just unnecessary.

    Lessons? By golly, the term "lessons" had me hopeful that you learned that limiting a bundle like this behind FOMO was a bad idea, DE.
    Yet "lessons" are only meaningful when it's shown. All you've shown is that you're constantly going to double-down on short-sighted decisions that cost you greatly.
    And now? Not only did you show you've learned nothing, you've shown that you actively go against what you've learned before?

    Remember how Deluxe Skins used to be time locked as well? Than you brought them back.
    Remember how you removed the Kavat Gene-Code "Lottery farmers"? How we respected your decision to stay humble?
    Remember how we made a similar fuss over Prime Resurgence having no platinum? That was because the deal was objectively worse.
    Remember how you promised that Excalibur Prime would be the only situation where this time-limited nonsense would happen? Simply because of the circumstance behind it?

    I can never say I "supported" the idea of the Supporter Packs. (wordplay aside)
    Items that go away forever? Sent to oblivion because a player didn't arrive in an abstract period of time-- regardless if they even HEARD about the game?
    Why, that sounds like a horrible idea! Horrible ideas are often the double-edged sword Warframe players have to endure.
    For every section the game is good, there's at least 2 terrible things holding it back.

    Recent example? Check your very own Echoes of Duviri update.
    More things in Circuit? Would be a shame if there was a incredibly buggy and obnoxious boss gating it constantly.
    Kullervo being introduced? Sure, let's make even more resources for players to constantly hunt down by reloading the area in solo play.
    Plenty of surface-level examples. I could go further in depth if you want, we have a list so long I could smack someone with it and land an Impact Status.

    Furthermore, our concern- AS A COMMUNITY- is not that the price isn't just that it had objectively poor value.
    It was these bundles ARE going to leak into every facet of the game.
    People like me knew this half-baked solution would happen and I can only say it's beyond disappointing.
    It's on me for thinking- even for a second- that our pleas for change would actually make a dent.
    It's a 10 Year anniversary. What better time to change gears and go full throttle on money-making, hm?

    Ryan Gosling Clap GIF

    • Like 7
  15. 1 minute ago, Gladehart said:

    You see. If I'm being honest. The best step forward would NOT be refunding EVERYONE who bought the bundle. But instead having a message sent to the inbox of all the people who HAVE bought it with an Email in the inbox message if they wish to request a refund. And THEN releasing smaller bundles. Of either just the skins alone with their matching signa's or the 2 skins split apart from one another.

    This way, the people who OWN the bundle and bought it without any problems with it don't have to go through another pointless transaction when they'd already gotten all the stuff they wanted, and the people that just wanted the skins could send an email to the email provided in the inbox.

    However, While this Refund would be nice. There is the problem of. What about the people who have already spent Regal Aya or Plat and try to use the email as a loophole to get more plat out of them? Unless they are able to remove items from the players account directly and full refund the money spent. Equivalent exchange and all that.

    Meme Reaction GIF by Robert E Blackmon

    They'd have to do some manual removal of some stuff if someone refunding bought stuff with the Regal Aya,  but that's the work/price you gotta pay when you do a bad like this.

    • Like 7
  16. I'm more angry at this than I was at Bungie's state of the game.  Probably because my expectations for Bungo are so low. But DE has always been an example to me of how to do things fairly in the live service space.

    "We can't not use manipulative tactics for this bundle because it wouldn't be fair to the people we manipulated" is some responsibility dodging.

    Change the terms, and offer darn refunds. It's the right thing to do.

    • Like 18
  17. Just now, (XBOX)C11H22O11 said:

    Why though? People hate exclusivity, sure make the 10 year profile badge and the 10 year sigil/glyph only available this year but don't make the skins a one time only thing. 

    You guys put effort into making these skins make them permanent and you'll always profit from them at least.

    Also just like.

    Offer refunds for those upset that they're no longer timed exclusive.

    Not rocket science. 🤷‍♂️

    • Like 21
  18. 46 minutes ago, [DE]Megan said:

    Heirloom Collections are intended to be unforgettable (for the right reasons) - we are also discussing ways we can better preserve that feeling of legacy, quality, and prestige for future Heirloom Collections (if we make more).

    DE literally "Pride and Accomplishment"ing us in 2023.

    • Like 19
  19. Just now, Waeleto said:

    This is one of the worst things about this pack, while prime access gives new sets of armor that already has normal f2p versions this pack introduces a WHOLE NEW TYPE this can ONLY be accessed with 70$ 

    Yeah like.

    The new attach type is so good. I have yet to find a warframe that mag's crown doesn't look sick on.

    It's bull that this is time-limited. There's no good excuse for this, they need to change the terms of these skins/attachments and do the actual work of offering refunds.

    I'm furious that this is their answer.

    • Like 15
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