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Posts posted by ShogunGunshow

  1. Just now, Yousho said:

    I miss when Warframe genuinely felt like it had the end goal of making an awesome game with profit being a means to sustain that goal, instead of how it's now very obviously all about profit and the quality of the game and community is very, very secondary.

    You know the issue wasn't the platinum amount, we know you know that. So why are you treating us like idiots? Have you really lost all respect for your player base and your own game as an art form rather than a cash machine?

    It's because platinum is the easiest solution for them to try.

    Everything else involving changing the packages and the terms of the bundles/skins is doing actual hard work with refunds.

    • Like 5
  2. 6 minutes ago, (NSW)frog85g said:

    The situation sucks. There isn’t much that can be done at this point that wouldn’t be a backstab to the people who already bought it (aside from like, giving out full refunds and doing a complete rework)


    This is what they should do.

    If they let the bundles exist as manipulative inflated garbage because refunds would be a lot of work, it's a pathetic excuse.

    It ain't our fault they decided on such a terrible bundle. They need to take the L on this and do the work.

    • Like 22
  3. You need to make these not time-limited and offer refunds to people who bought it just for the exclusivity.

    As long as the fomo aspect is in there, these are still incredibly manipulative, and unfair to anyone that, you know, can't afford to throw $90 at cosmetics during a time when the economy is in the toilet and we're paying more for everything.

    • Like 34
  4. 3 minutes ago, PublikDomain said:

    Those two and Proto Excalibur and Nyx Nemesis were made permanent with Rhino Palatine.

    Yeah, DE recognized that creating more time-exclusive skins was kind of a trashy way of doing things. Or, cynically, maybe they made the calculated decision that it had been long enough that no one would care anymore that they weren't exclusive, and they had more players willing to fork over more $$$ that couldn't get it the first time.

    • Like 1
  5. 35 minutes ago, PublikDomain said:

    DE had time limited Deluxe skins with Saryn Orphid and Valkyr Gersemi and ditched the idea soon after with Rhino Palatine. Deluxe skins haven't been time limited since 2015, why should they start up again now?

    Time limited like prime resurgences can be. The window might close but it will open again. If DE wanted to do heirlooms that way, with around TennoCon being the window to pick up previous years' heirloom offerings, I would be more or less okay with that. You don't get screwed forever because the economy sucks and you maybe can't justify $90 on game cosmetics.

  6. Brozime very specifically avoids the reasons people are upset with the package. Their reasons for buying it are 'I'm having a good time in Warframe and want to support the developers.'

    Which is, like, not... the issue. People that are upset want to support the developers, too, they just don't want to get screwed through their pants. 

    And yeah, his 'well it's really $50 for the skins with $40 of regal aya, so it's really not that bad!' ... The idea of 'but what if you don't need/want regal aya' isn't even touched on. Because it's ridiculous. 

    Speaking personally, the price is kind of egregious, but it's the 'get it now or forever hold your peace' FOMO bs is the worst part. Like even Brozime admits 'this is Mag's best skin and it's not close.' The idea that it then disappears to never be acquirable after December is psychotic to me.

    • Like 13
  7. 2 hours ago, ShogunGunshow said:

    I wouldn't hold my breath on Brozime if you're expecting him to take a swing at DE.

    Most likely outcome is he takes shots at the community's anger and carries water for DE with a reductive, trite "devs gotta make money" (ignoring that most of us aren't advocating for getting anything for free, we just don't want players to be screwed through their pants/DE to use FOMO tactics), and then ignore it after that.

    Yep, called it.

    I like Brozime's content, but holy s*** the dude must be shredded with all the water he carries sometimes. 

    • Like 3
  8. 42 minutes ago, MirageKnight said:

    Thing though is he’s fairly well known in the community and he said he’d do a vid on this particular issue soon.

    Be interesting to see what brozime has to say on this as well.

    I wouldn't hold my breath on Brozime if you're expecting him to take a swing at DE.

    Most likely outcome is he takes shots at the community's anger and carries water for DE with a reductive, trite "devs gotta make money" (ignoring that most of us aren't advocating for getting anything for free, we just don't want players to be screwed through their pants/DE to use FOMO tactics), and then ignore it after that.

    • Like 13
  9. The longer this drags on without announcing a change to the pack and an offer of refunds, the longer the potential backlog of potential refunds grows, and the more unlikely a viable solution becomes.

    I'm actually kind of surprised we've heard jack from the devs, especially given the volume of response and how it's drowning out discussion of what they actually want people to be talking about (1999).

    • Like 8
  10. 51 minutes ago, PollexMessier said:

    And with Heirloom specifically that's gone up tenfold as the only example of this for frames. Besides the Lunar renewal skins, which no new player will learn about for a long time due to the frames they're for being fairly deep into the game.

    I feel like I should point out that the Lunar Renewal skins for Saryn and Grendel are also just available to buy on the market. They're anti examples of FOMO.

    • Like 5
  11. 4 minutes ago, Oberick said:

    I don't get why they aren't building voidshell into all the new skins aside from wanting to sell the same skin twice.  Every new warframe should be a voidshell skin as base.

    Because f*** you, pay up.

    No, you're right, it is kind of bull. Voidshell should be baked into the default released skin of every warframe at this point, locked until the player acquires some of the voidshell textures/materials. 

    • Like 4
  12. 8 minutes ago, Stafelund said:

    To make you feel better earlier I saw a reddit post that's against this heirloom skin that's highly upvoted which made me want to look around here about this again in this forum.

    Considering the volume of threads the forum managers have merged into this one, I think it's a safe bet they're aware of the negative feedback.

    • Like 9
  13. 4 hours ago, Atomic_Noodles said:

    We've already had some FOMO packs in the past. The New War and Sisters of Parvos Supporter Packs also had exclusive cosmetics tied to them too. Where were you guys the last 2 years complaining about those. I.e: Boomie Glave Skin and Ambassador Tenet Skin.

    The Price is definitely just being inflated due to being bundled with Regal Aya you can't opt out of. Also it seems to have regional pricing in effect as I am able to buy it for 168 Malaysian Ringgit which is roughly 37 USD.


    Ah yes, the Ambassador Tenet skin. I mean, the regular Ambi just looks like this 


    But the Ambassador Tenet? Oh man, it's completely different. Let me show you what you're missing!



    Yeah, THAT'S why no one really cares about the Ambassador Tenet skin.

    Also, like. It's the Ambassador? That's another reason. 

    The Boomie Glaive is good and it's a bummer to not have it, but it's a lot easier for people to ignore because, like, it's a weapon, not a whole warframe. Also I think people have a relatively high confidence that it will re-emerge at some point (maybe around Yareli Prime). 

    • Like 9
  14. 8 minutes ago, Gaxxian said:

    Nah, they cannot... if they change it now, they will spit in the face of the whales. And since was real money purchases, doing a refund mean to lose a lot of money in the transference.

    Very few people would actually refund, and although they would not see quite as many sales as they would during the availability window (since people are not being pressured), they would make way more sales in the end over the course of years. Especially if they put it on a rotation like primed accessories.

  15. 11 minutes ago, Alpha-Braten said:

    Your negativity is insane. You judging the majority of founders because the minority had bad habits. 

    I am a founder and like many of us I would allow the Community to get their hands on Excal Prime.

    And whats the consequence of your judging. Because of envious people who get toxic in their perception of founders they are prejudging them for playing with excal prime.

    I had such situations too. The one part of people are „wow cool an excal prime. What an honor to see one“ and the other part are extrem toxic and offend you because you play him.

    Also fact is that the majority of the founder barely plays excal prime. He just gets dusty in the arsenal.

    Most of the founders in my list never play him. Some had ages ago their most play time on non prime oberon or other frames. Not on excal prime ;)

    Yeah, it'd be nice to use Excal P without the associated heat. 

    • Like 3
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