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Posts posted by ShogunGunshow

  1. When compared to the other options in its slot, Melee Inf is pretty ridic.

    I'm usually more inclined to buff other options, especially because there are some that are laughable in comparison ... but at the same time, it almost doesn't matter how much you buff them. Even if you more than doubled a lot of their power, they still wouldn't come close, because being able to clap enemies in a large radius, thus multiplying your potential damage many times over AND negating THE drawback to melee, will almost always outweigh any single target gain. And that's before getting into silly interactions that the arcane still has.

    IDK. Might need some LOS checks to stop some of the dumbest/most egregious parts. Maybe a mild hit to its radius.

  2. It is okay to ask this question, since we're getting more people hopping over from Destiny or First Descendant and may be unfamiliar with the culture.

    Do what you want. The sandbox is so expansive that there's tons of ways to play every character, and players are so powerful that nearly all of them WILL succeed, and Warframe is not nearly so grindy as to require optimizing the fun out of it for time efficiency.

    The only thing you shouldn't do is troll other players, like playing Sound Quake max Range Banshee on Defense and stopping enemies from even moving past their spawns. 

    • Like 1
  3. Balancing the game at this point is like barreling out an ocean with a sieve. There's a solid decade of poorly thought out power creep, and every time they do do nerfs, they usually follow it up by something that power creeps even harder (See: nerfing AoE weapons to immediately follow it up with incarnons which make pre-nerf kuva zarr and bramma look like jokes).

    The way bosses work with attenuated damage and some ridiculous debuffs to the player is pretty much the best they can do. 

  4. There's a guy that vores people with his stomach. So no, a frame that has a pregnant look to it doesn't really register as weird to me. It's all pixels anyway.

    I mean, if the Boss can do it, a warframe definitely can. 




    • Like 5
  5. DE: here's a warframe that uses barbed wire whips and cages to string up her enemies and flay the skin off their bones while they die screaming, blood and viscera everywhere

    Warframe community:

     Jimmy Fallon Yes GIF by The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon

    DE: here's a warframe that's themed on the 'biblically accurate angel' meme - 

    Warframe community:

     Happy Aww GIF by MCDM

    DE: - who is pregnant

    Warframe community:

    Ew Sickening GIF by Gerbert!

    • Like 9
  6. The new Protea augment would be a great example of how augments are supposed to work - if it wasn't wholly reliant on her 4. Turret sticks around much longer and follows you like a super sentinel, but has a lower cap on damage? THAT'S how augments SHOULD work, not the way it is currently, where an ability is basically trash but can graduate to useful for the cost of a mod slot. 

  7. 50 minutes ago, Yrkul said:

    Are you sure about that? Because I've been seeing everything from "lol preggo" to people claiming they were traumatized by the experience. I've read various accusations where everything from "tonedeafness" to "anti-LGBT-etc" and "misogynism" is being thrown around. One descriptor I do agree on is "fanfic". I was not impressed.

    So how should we interpret, that "you love our reactions"? The forum has been one big salt mine this last week. It shouldn't have flown under your radar, that a LOT of players hated the expansion, and this can easily be interpreted as DE rubbing people's noses in it. It comes across as extremely passive agressive and petty.

    I have no expectations, that DE is going to change anything to placate the loud voices demanding you to do so. But at least acknowledge, that you made some choices, that have split the player base to a VERY noticable degree.

    I guess players will have to build a bridge and get over it. 

    • Like 8
  8. Evensong's passive doesn't work when wielded by clones. Shivering Contagion mod also doesn't work on weapons wielded by clones.

    When are we getting a fix for clones to actually be able to benefit from modern weapon effects?

    • Like 2
  9. Tested it on Wuclone, too. Same issue.

    This is almost certainly related to/the same bug as the one I've reported previously, where clones cannot benefit from from arcanes/galvanized mods/temporary buffs from almost every source. It's just, like, really in your face, now. 

    Same issue as this user , probably, because clones are just bespoke specters - specters whose code was written before most of the mods we use today were even made, so they were never written to be able to benefit from buffs that come from its equipment/arcanes.

    It is long, long past time this was fixed. 

  10. One of the two should be changed.

    I would, obviously, prefer it if the sentinel could trigger Ice Storm, as it gives you some more buildcrafting options and alternative ways to fulfill the trigger condition. But, logically, no warframe arcane should be triggering off of companions.

    IDK, I just hate the inconsistency/oversight. They should all work one way, not be something you have to wiki every time. 

  11. 59 minutes ago, nicolajtheking2 said:

    Please revert this

    Yes please god let me change Blast to a dark energy color. It literally hurts my eyes and causes me to feel dizzy if I'm using it with a fast status applying weapon.

    • Like 7
  12. Too short for me to build an emotional connection - unless you're almost entirely filling in the void from your own experiences, I guess. 

    I'm usually pretty sentimental and easy to get. But I have to have something to latch onto, first, and this was WAY too fast.

    • Like 13
  13. 5 minutes ago, VisionAndVoice said:

    That changes nothing. She's still Corpus, plus she's in the daddy Parvos' faction too, which is all about "sentimentality bad". It's even more out of character.

    How someone can argue this after Kahl and Veso demonstrate, point blank and in your face, that factions do not equal characterization of everyone in it is beyond me.

    Like, this isn't a faction of TNG ferengi. It's DS9 ferengi. 

    • Like 12
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