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Posts posted by ShogunGunshow

  1. I love DE but their QA is some of the worst. At least they've gotten responsive about fixing things relatively quickly after their release nowadays.

    Not like Theorem Arcanes, which have been bugged as not showing as refreshing at max stacks since their release - but actually do. So you can be moving from zone to zone trying to get the buff back up, and it won't show up on the UI and you'll be frustrated that you're not getting it, but the game won't show the buff on the bar anymore because you DO already have it, the timer expired. 

    Or the fiasco with some of the augment refreshes last year or so. I'm pretty sure NOBODY tested some of those. 

  2. 14 hours ago, Chewarette said:

    I was just saying that the reason why bosses are immune to abilities is likely because of Mesa (main offender) and other scaling abilities (such as the weird period of time where Trinity was deleting Kela with her 2).

    Trinity can still do this to minibosses ofc, like the zariman angel.

    I use her with an epitap and Marked for Death. Hit with Viral, Mark, Vampire. Bam, whole group of enemies instantly explodes. 

    wax GIF

    • Like 2
  3. Hey, I get it. It can be upsetting when you think that you had something super crazy and then it's nerfed down to being good. Especially after you impulse-fused stuff to commit to it. I have sympathy. I've done similar things in the past.

    But let this be a lesson. When you look at something that's just been released and you go 'oh my god, that's crazy!', your follow-up thought should be 'wait, oh my god, that's crazy. Is that actually intended?', and wait for the dust to settle before going all-in, especially with a limited resource that you can't takesies-backsies. 

    • Like 4
  4. Leave it to the warframe community to look at shards that, when tauforged and stacked, give them a bonus twice as good as primed pistol gambit, and they complain that it's not the obviously unintended flat crit that it was before.

    Y'all are silly if you thought THAT was staying.

    • Like 1
  5. My opinion on Energy Siphon has not improved, and in fact has gotten even worse as I've found myself starting to just exist at 45% efficiency on most of my frames and have had zero issues with energy. There's so much energy flying around in Warframe right now it's completely absurd.

    Siphon exists to be something where, in 99.99% of cases, the only reason to equip it is because you're a newbie that somehow doesn't have anything else of the right polarity. 

    • Like 1
  6. 4 minutes ago, PrimedLaundrySauce said:

    Was testing out the Topaz Shards again now and it seems the critical buff they apply is bugged still where it displays much more crit chance in the top right than you actually earn, I killed 10 enemies in sim and then it said it applied over 40% crit chance from those kills when I only have 3 tau topaz shards equipped so it is displaying incorrectly, as well as it seems the crit buff is now much weaker than it was before so it seems the final crit chance buff is also bugged. I also tested them out on the hot fix just before this one and they were working perfectly find, proper crit buff being applied and getting the appropriate crit per kill too so I dont see how this hot fix went and broke them again.

    It's not flat crit anymore. It's the same as the red shards - modded crit. 

  7. 10 minutes ago, Magnus_Eterna said:

    Found another bug  +2 corrosive stack doesnt aplly to companions ( pets can only apply 10 stacks even with 2 green crystals)

    Generally, I think shard bonuses are not supposed to apply to your companions, unless it's through something like Health or armor link mods. They sometimes inherit effects that are (often mistakenly) classified as global, but yeah.

  8. 1 minute ago, JezzailPrime said:

    it's only me, or blast status not really good for game?

    so, i dont understand some ppl, which say that it something awesome.

    mby, it good for simulacrum, but... in mission better to equip virus+heat (or corrosive if u have not strip)


    Blast is a terrible status. If you had to use blast yourself to get the shields it might be okay.

    However, I'm not convinced that Blast being terrible counterbalances 'okay so you have infinity Arcane Aegis from your companion.'

  9. 4 minutes ago, Binket_ said:

    On one hand? Invalidates Gloom, so that's one less headache.
    On the other, WOW-- that is broken.

    Congrats DE, I don't know how you keep on making this game even easier.
    At this point, you can do a case-study on this.
    Like, this is some actual "WoW Plague-spreading" level of potential for some college document here.

    I'm thinking... "How easy can a task get before people snap?"
    I would've thought the answer was "Years ago", but here we are! Still at this nonsense!

    A little over 5 years of this slow descent into madness and I still have room to say "I told you so."
    I sincerely CANNOT wait for something to waltz in and do a grandiose better job than DE at what Warframe does best. Seriously, you guys need the competition at this point and it shows.

    At minimum it should not apply to status applied by your companions/summons. You should at least have to give something UP to get that, lol.

    As for competition, I would've said Destiny was a decent competitor/alternative in the same space, but then, you know, the last couple months happened and they followed that up by nuclear level nerfs this season, so I haven't been playing it at all.

    • Like 1
  10. 14 minutes ago, ShogunGunshow said:

    Omfg it even counts if your Companion does it.

    No, nope, scrap it, redo the bonus as on-kill, this is too much, lol. 

    Seriously LOOK AT THIS.

    This isn't even built for it. This is just me swapping a mod order for Blast and one shard. I don't even have that mod that gives the old shield-gate on.

    No. Just... no, dumpster it, put it through a table from the top ropes. This is on-demand shield gate that doesn't even require your input and invalidates basically all defensive abilities lol.

    • Like 1
  11. 6 minutes ago, ShogunGunshow said:

    Yep, it's on application.

    The new shield-gate meta is here, and as powerful as that is I'm also kind of exasperated. That's too good for one shard lol.

    Omfg it even counts if your Companion does it.

    No, nope, scrap it, redo the bonus as on-kill, this is too much, lol. 

    • Like 1
  12. 3 minutes ago, ShogunGunshow said:

    Topaz shards are so busted (in a bad and good way). 

    Time to go check on Lavos and see if blast effects are actually regenning shields on application instead of on kill.

    Yep, it's on application.

    The new shield-gate meta is here, and as powerful as that is I'm also kind of exasperated. That's too good for one shard lol.

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