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Posts posted by Iterniam

  1. Any chance the atmospheric stats and behaviour of the Corvas Prime are bugged/overlooked? The regular Corvas is a shotgun in atmospheric mode, but the Primed version is literally just an Arca Plasmor right now.

    Corvas' atmospheric mode is the only shotgun Arch-gun in the game at the moment, which makes it super good for dealing reliable damage - with a Multishot of 12, it will always balance out poor luck with Crit Chance or Multishot. All of this goes away with the Primed version. Please make the weapon more interesting by making it a shotgun, because in this state, I don't see myself ever using it, even if the disposition were higher than the Corvas. We have more than enough AoE Arch-guns already.

    • Like 9
  2. 20 minutes ago, Yggdrazzil said:

    I'm so sorry. I apologize again (T_T) for mistaking the two bugs. Thanks for your patience and explanation. I'll rename the youtube videos.

    No worries, I'm (nearly) always happy to help xD

    20 minutes ago, Yggdrazzil said:

    After about 1,5 hours of messing around I managed to run your profit taker analyzer script (never used python before >.<, still need to learn how to compile it into an executable). I'll post the log in the other thread.

    To most people new to Github, the download button isn't obvious. I sure as hell wasn't able to find them in the past. When downloading from Github, you often have to look for 'releases' in the sidebar. Those are (meant to be) stable versions that either come with installers or executables so you no longer have to spend 1.5 hours trying to build the program for yourself. This is what the release sidebar currently looks like - see if you can find it so you don't run into the same issue next time:

    Additionally, I've added a link to it in the README file so people can hopefully find the download button more easily.

    33 minutes ago, Yggdrazzil said:

    Congrats on getting this bug fixed btw. You did a lot to get this bug resolved!

    Thanks! It took a while but I'm happy with the result :)

    • Like 1
  3. On 2022-01-16 at 11:58 PM, Iterniam said:

    The only notable factors here seem to be that Velocitus has a Multishot of 1 (or at least didn't trigger the chance for the second), and that Profit-Taker's body wasn't oneshot.

    On 2022-01-19 at 12:19 AM, uumm said:

    multishot may be a bit of a red herring as just yesterday I saw someone get armor reset with a ms velocitus build. Then again, they may have missed the body.

    from what I can tell, something causes the pt's body to be at the wrong hp value after an armor phase, then it resets.

    It looks like both the modded Multishot theory and the multi-pellet oneshot theory are invalidated. If you pause the video at 0:16, you can see that @Tater. oneshots with a Multishot of 2, yet still triggers the bug where the armor phase resets.

    What remains is the possibility for innate Multishot and single-pellet oneshots to matter, although I don't see why innate Multishot would differ from modded Multishot, suspect that we simply haven't seen the latter because of a selection bias.


    • Like 1
  4. 55 minutes ago, Yggdrazzil said:


    It took me 9 runs today but I could finally record the leg regen bug. So it's a lot less prevalent at least, but it still happens.

    That's still the armor reset bug, not leg regen. Here's the difference:

    For Leg regen, the legs can regenerate or revive both while killing the legs, as well as when you are killing the body. If they regenerate after all 4 legs have already been taken down, both the legs and the body will be vulnerable at the same time, but you can just ignore the legs at that point and continue the fight as normal.
    Additionally, leg regen can only occur in the second armor phase when you are fast, or in the fourth armor phase when you are incredibly fast. Based on the runs you've posted, you wouldn't be fast enough to trigger either of them if leg regen were still in the game.

    For Armor reset, the legs can only regenerate while killing the body. When this occurs, you will either be able to deal damage to body or not. In both cases, the armor phase will reset (=i.e. the legs are revived) and you have to take them out again to then kill the body as normal. If you were able to deal damage to the body, you have effectively skipped a phase: the fight logic will bug out and you won't get mission rewards.

    12 hours ago, Yggdrazzil said:

    I could off course be wrong, but I don't feel this bug-thread is the place to share detailed breakdowns of your performance with the quest, if you are not encountering the bug.

    The timing in phase 4 actually shows that leg regen doesn't occur anymore in phase 4.

    Had leg regen still been a thing, it would have triggered in the fourth phase because the first leg was killed within 5 seconds (1.906 seconds for shields and 1.733 seconds for the first leg), but not all legs were killed within 5 seconds of the end of the pylon phase.

    Anyways, @Yggdrazzil feel free to post the video in the armor reset thread again to add to the pile of evidence :)

  5. Since Update 31.1.0: Echoes of War fixed the leg regen bug, I figured it'd be worth checking if the armor reset bug still exists.
    While the leg regen bug is indeed gone, the armor reset bug is still here. Notice that the third armor phase (
    1:08) resets at 1:18.

    The PT Run analyzer did its job and showed that pretty much the entirety of phase 3 is missing in the logs (This is not always the case when this bug triggers!):



    PS. Sorry for the low FPS at times - my PC is struggling with this update for some reason.

    • Like 2
  6. Update: The Velocitus can also trigger the bug, as shown in the below run by @Tater.
    This means that the previous assumption of high fire rate weapons is invalidated.
    The only notable factors here seem to be that Velocitus has a Multishot of 1 (or at least didn't trigger the chance for the second), and that Profit-Taker's body wasn't oneshot.

    After viewing this video, I performed similar runs with the Corvas, taking care to not oneshot the body. In 10 runs, I was unable to reproduce the armor reset bug with the Corvas when deliberately not oneshotting the body. @Tater. how many runs did it take to get the armor reset bug with the Velocitus?

    If it's common for it to occur with the Velocitus when not oneshotting, I'm guessing that a Multishot of 1 (on a particular shot) may be a condition for triggering the bug.



    • Like 1
  7. Update: I went for some more runs and managed to get a run that shows that it is not necessary to hit the armor phase quickly once the legs become vulnerable. In the run below, I wait for 10 seconds before attacking the second armor phase and still manage to trigger the armor reset bug:

    As always, I've updated my comment that sums up all the findings surrounding this bug thus far:


    • Like 1
  8. @XHADgaming I've discovered reproductions, causes, and workarounds for the other bug, now dubbed 'armor reset' - see my comment in the thread below. It should have all the information DE needs to fix it.
    Now that both leg regen (this thread) and armor reset (that thread) have been fully documented, please refer to the correct bugs when asking staff members for fixes. Like I said before, the two bugs are completely independent and we don't need DE to confuse the two.


    • Like 2
  9. Update: Since originally posting this, I have been able to (mostly) reliably reproduce the 'armor reset' bug that leads to the absence of mission rewards and have done extensive testing. Massive shoutout to WhenDragonsFly for helping me reproduce the bug and test whether the squad type makes a difference!

    Bug Summary:

    Short description: When the body is vulnerable during the armor phase, the phase can reset, leading to extra or skipped phases.
    Gameplay impact: When extra phases are added, the fight can last much longer than normal. When the phases are skipped, the fight logic bugs out and no bounty rewards are given.
    Reproduction (text): Take the Mausolon. Mod it for Profit-Taker. Put it on a Necramech. At the start of any armor phase, go in the Necramech and shoot Profit-Taker's limbs, then the body. After a few runs, you will find that after taking out the legs, Profit-Taker resets the armor phase while or after hitting the body and may be invulnerable despite having the health show up as vulnerable.
    Reproduction (video): https://youtu.be/gVElKSIF2dQ, a run with 2 armor resets.
    Reproduction variations and notes:
    Squad type: Host, Client, or Solo can all trigger the armor reset bug.
    Armor phase: All four armor phases can have the armor reset bug trigger them.
    Abilities: The bug can be triggered on different Warframes, and even on Necramechs. Abilities do not affect the bug. Notably, the bug can be performed both with and without Toxic Lash active.
    Skip vs. double: When the bug is triggered, Profit-Taker will randomly, as far as we can tell, be vulnerable or invulnerable while the health is shown as vulnerable. If the health is invulnerable, all progress on the armor phase is for nothing and it will reset. If the health is vulnerable, it can be shot at to take down a phase worth's of HP. After resetting, you will be able to do so again. This leads to phase skips down the line as Profit-Taker will have less health than the game expects, leading to an early death. In this case, no bounty rewards are given and the logs in EE.log break. They will miss a lot of phases, sometimes even the death confirmation. On average, this bug will lead to more additional phases than skipped phases, with roughly a 3 to 1 ratio. In a single armor phase, the armor reset bug can occur multiple times.
    Viable weapons: Mausolon (highest chance of triggering the bug), Imperator Vandal, and presumably other high fire rate / low multishot Arch-guns.
    Unviable weapons: Corvas (dozens if not hundreds of runs solo, never triggered the bug with it. Unable to reproduce the bug with Corvas after knowing how to trigger it with Mausolon).
    Ground Arch-Guns: Arch-Guns used by the Warframe can also trigger the bug, but doing so is much rarer than triggering the bug on Necramechs.
    Shooting accurately: So far, this does not seem to matter. If we shoot the legs, and then the body when it's vulnerable, without shooting the body before it becomes vulnerable, we can trigger the bug. If we're wildly inaccurate, we can also still trigger it.
    Shooting while the body is becoming vulnerable: Early on in our testing, we suspected that it might be mandatory to shoot the body before it becomes vulnerable. Further tests showed that this is not required.
    Shooting the body in the first few seconds of the armor phase: For a while, we thought that it was impossible to trigger the bug when the body isn't shot at early during the armor phase. This run proved otherwise.
    Oneshotting the body: I haven't seen instances where the body is oneshot with a single pellet, and the bug is triggered. This is likely due to a selection bias - it's difficult to oneshot the body with a single pellet on a Necramech. On a Warframe, with buffs, people tend to go for Arch-Guns with less damage per pellet but a higher fire rate.
    Multishot: From what we've seen, modded Multishot doesn't appear to prevent the bug from triggering. So far, I haven't seen instances where the Corvas (which has innate Multishot) is able to trigger the bug. This would suggest that either the weapon type or innate Multishot could prevent the bug from triggering.
    Reproduction rates: When fighting Profit-Taker with the described setup, I get the armor reset bug to occur around two times per three runs. Sometimes it will occur on multiple armor phases in a single run, although this is rarer. To boost reproduction rates, you can bring another person with you that already has the Mausolon actively equipped on their Warframe and have them shoot Profit-Taker even sooner than you would in the solo Necramech scenario.
    If all else fails: If you absolutely cannot reproduce this bug, just contact me. I can perform this bug reliably enough and would be happy to help get it fixed. 
    Introduction date: September 8th, 2021 - Update 30.7: Nidus Prime & Plague Star.
    Presumed cause (in-game): Not oneshotting and possibly a low pellet count. I can't explain why this would be the case.
    Known cause (in-code): In update 30.3.5, the original overkill/phase skip exploit was announced to have been fixed, while in reality only pylon skip was fixed. In 30.7, it got its actual, undocumented fix. This fix led to the armor reset and this entire thread.
    Presumed fix: "Try to reproduce it and good luck debugging", or, look at the commits from update 30.7 and find whatever causes the behaviour described in this post. As a nuclear option, one could undo the Profit-Taker related commits and apply a better fix to solve the original exploit (detailed below).
    1. Don't play in squads where people fire at Profit-Taker (infeasible).
    2. Don't fire early in the armor phase, easily achieved by playing solo and with a ground Arch-Gun that you only call once the armor phase starts.
    3. Use the Corvas, which for some reason do not appear to trigger the armor reset bug.
    Further research:
    1. Verify whether weapons with inherent Multishot can(not) trigger the bug.
    2. Guarantee a Multishot of 2 or more on weapons with an inherent Multishot of 1 using rivens and check whether it can still perform the bug.
    3. Check whether it's possible to trigger the bug when enough damage is dealt to oneshot the body during the armor phase for more weapons.


    The (mostly) original post below was written before I was able to reproduce the armor reset bug myself. I stand by what I've written and the suggestions made.

    [Profit-Taker] Armor reset & random phase skips: The fight is a gigantic mess since Hotfix 30.7.6

    Bug Summary (Contains less information than above, but was still accurate):

    Short description: The fight can introduce more armor phases than necessary or skip phases.
    Gameplay impact: The fight can take significantly longer or shorter than usual, disrupting the flow. Additionally, when the fight bugs out, bounty mission rewards are often not awarded, even after the 'fix' for that.
    Reproduction: Still unknown (KEEP ON READING).
    Squad type: The bug occurs regardless of being solo, host, or client, but appears to be more common in squads.
    Introduction date: September 8th, 2021 - Update 30.7: Nidus Prime & Plague Star.
    Presumed cause: In update 30.3.5, the original overkill/phase skip exploit was announced to have been fixed, while in reality only pylon skip was fixed. In 30.7, it got its actual, undocumented fix. This fix led to this entire thread and broke everything.
    Presumed fix: Undo Profit-Taker related commits from update 30.7 and apply a better fix to solve the original exploit (detailed below).
    Workarounds: Still unknown.

    Back in december, I made reported an exploit report through support, which detailed arch-gun skip, pylon skip and the overkill/phase skip exploit.
    I didn't notice when arch-gun skip was fixed, but I haven't been able to reproduce it in recent times.
    Pylon skip was fixed in update 30.3.5, but made the pylon phase more unstable, leading to the Profit-Taker bounty desyncing from the fight.
    The overkill/phase skip exploit was fixed in update 30.7, which broke more things about the fight, leading to further desyncs.

    Here are the bug summaries that allowed the overkill exploit to function before update 30.7:

    Short description: After damage is applied to the armor phase, it is not checked whether the fight should progress to the next phase.
    Gameplay impact: Profit-Taker can have 0 hp remaining to go to the next phase, without proceeding to the next phase until you attack her again.
    Reproduction: Copy this Velocitus build and hit Profit-Taker's body once it's vulnerable with a charge attack before update 30.7. Observe that the fight does not proceed. This phenomenon is illustrated in this video.
    Squad type: The bug occurs regardless of being solo, host, or client, although it is less noticeable if teammates unknowingly trigger the workaround detailed below.
    Introduction date: Presumably since Profit-Taker was first released.
    Presumed cause: After applying damage, no check is made that would tell the fight to proceed if enough damage has been dealt.
    Presumed fix: Apply the check that currently appears BEFORE damage is dealt, AFTER the damage is dealt.
    Workarounds: Hit Profit-Taker with any damage source (Void, True, damage from an arch-gun, or the frame). Even if it deals 0 damage, the check will be made and the fight will proceed.

    Short description: Saryn's Toxic Lash and Xaku's Xata's Whisper do not check whether the fight should progress before applying their damage.
    Gameplay impact: If Profit-Taker is at 0 hp remaining without proceeding to the next phase due to the above bug, it can be dealt more damage than the phase would normally allow: It could be at minus <one armor phase worth of damage> hp. This way, you can do the damage of two phases in one phase, which leads to the ability to take down Profit-Taker in only 2 armor phases instead of 4.
    Reproduction: Copy this Velocitus build and this Saryn build. Activate all your abilities and hit Profit-Taker with a charge attack during the armor phase before update 30.7. Repeat for the next armor phase. Observe that Profit-Taker dies in 2 armor phases instead of 4.
    Presumed cause: Because no check is made after dealing enough damage on a normal shot, and no check is made at the start of the Toxic Lash/Xata's Whisper shot, the fight allows two instances of damage to be dealt without checking if the fight should proceed in between.
    Presumed fix: Make Toxic Lash/Xata's Whisper apply AFTER damage is dealt, similar to the above-described fix. If both bugs are fixed, damage checks will be fully consistent and the phase skip exploit should fully disappear.
    Workarounds: Don't use Toxic Lash/Xata's Whisper, or deal a lot less damage (not practical).
    Note: If Toxic Lash/Xata's Whisper already check whether the fight should progress *after* applying their damage, then this shouldn't require a fix - only the previous bug has to be fixed to make everything consistent. I can't currently think of a reason to apply the check both before and after the damage is applied, but I can't see the harm either, so that could also be attempted.

    I don't know what DE's current exploit fix from update 30.7 looks like, but I do know that Profit-Taker no longer stays at 0 damage without proceeding to the next phase after shooting it with the oneshot-1-multishot build, so it looks like they got that fix right.

    If the fix from update 30.7 looks like what I describe here, then I don't know how to solve it. If it's different, however, I urge DE to revert the bugfix from update 30.7 and redo it based on the fixes proposed here. Doing so would hopefully revert the gigantic mess that the Profit-Taker fight became after 30.7 while also keeping a fix for the Saryn/overkill phase skip exploit.


    A note to the community managers/whoever passes the bugs to the developers:
    Please work with us players in bug reports. We are not your adversaries. We want the game to be better. If a proposed reproduction or fix doesn't work, let us know so we can consider new causes. Absence of communication shows only a lack of caring. Communicating only once a fix has been found is useless.
    I have spent far more time on figuring out and documenting Profit-Taker related bugs than it should take the developers to fix. I don't mind it because I know DE can't afford to have developers hunt every bug in existence. However, if the community has already done that work for you to the point where it's reproducible, has a known workaround, cause, and possible fix, then what is keeping you from fixing it?

    Here are some of my fully hunted yet unfixed bugs:

    • Leg regen - 100% reproducibility, should be a two-line fix. Remove the code that heals in one place, and add it to another place in the code if necessary. One of the most hated Profit-Taker bugs.
    • Shield regen - 100% reproducibility, should be an easy fix. Simply shorten the timer to only regenerate 100% shields, or regenerate the shields instantly.
    • Aoe weapons haven't dealt damage in 1.5 years - 100% reproducibility, a reliable workaround that exposes a likely cause. Not an easy fix, but easily one of the largest known bugs in Profit-Taker with 100% reproducibility. Given the impact that this has for every player, it's absurd that this hasn't been fixed yet.
    • Credit blessings have double dipped since their introduction - 100% reproducibility, mathematical insight into how it currently stacks and a proposed fix: apply it only at the end of the mission, multiplicative with all other sources. I don't mind this bug since it's free extra credits, but it's still surprising that this hasn't been fixed yet.

    In some instances, it would also be nice to just get a simple reply indicating that a bug is (not) considered a bug:

    I would love to see a proper bug-tracker like the one from Minecraft or Satisfactory. Please make it happen.

    Final note: Do not confuse the armor reset bug reported in this thread with the 'normal' leg regen bug. They have separate causes, workarounds, and projected fixes. They can occur in conjunction, but have nothing to do with each other.

    • Like 5
  10. 7 hours ago, XHADgaming said:

    It took quite a while for the leg regen to be fixed before it was finally patched. But it took what felt like ages for it to get patched. But the thing is, it got patched. 

    I found a reddit thread that reported leg regen 3.5 years ago, 3 months after the fight's release. The Patch History on the wiki doesn't have any bugfixes that lead me to believe that it's been fixed in the past.
    Given the code they touched (and didn't touch) over the years, I also find it hard to imagine that they fixed it by accident.

    If I'm right about the cause of this bug though, all they would have to do to fix it is to remove the trigger that heals PT's legs on the GetUpFromStun animation. Not a difficult task.
    I get that they're working on the New War update, but they will always be working on something new - it's not a good excuse.

  11. Yup. Ever since the Nidus prime patch that had the undocumented fix for the overkill/phase skip exploit, there's a "super leg regen" bug and a new phase skip exploit. They're clearly related, but no causes have been found yet. So far I've seen it happen in both solo and squad runs, where no specific frame was required.

    Co-op probably makes it a lot more likely to run into the bugs, as I haven't encountered them myself yet in solo runs.

  12. 34 minutes ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

    Fixed a soft-lock that would occur on a surviving Client if the Host left the squad vote for a Prophet Taker Bounty.

    Prophet taker...
    Is this a newly leaked Nef Anyo bossfight?

    • Like 3
  13. Another update: it's possible to get leg regen on phase 4 as well (Youtube link)

    This shouldn't come as a surprise as the function 'CompleteGetUpFromStun' triggers leg regen, which in turn is triggered after Profit-Taker gets up from the pylon phase, as figured out in this comment from the the current thread.

    I analyzed the log of the run using the Profit-Taker analyzer, here's the result:


    Whenever leg regen occurs, the kill times are marked in red. You can see that I got a triple leg regen in the video at the 1 minute mark. I almost beat leg regen in this case - you can see that the final leg only required one more shot before it'd die. Instead, it regenerated which doubled the time spent on the legs.
    At 1m52s into the video, you can see that I clear the shield phase so incredibly fast that I continue to the armor phase before PT got up from the pylon phase. As a consequence, the first two legs regenerate, costing another 4 seconds.

    I believe the fix to leg regen is as simple as removing the function that regenerates the legs from the CompleteGetUpFromStun() function and instead adding it onto whatever function handles the kill of the body. This shouldn't be an issue for the final phase as PT also swaps shields again for no reason on its death (which is ignored by the PT analyzer tool). 

    As for reproducing the bug, I recommend using a Necramech with the Velocitus. Necramechs are deployed instantly instead of after a 4-second wait like with the Arch-Gun deployer which makes it easy to kill at least one leg before the legs are regenerated.

  14. Thanks for confirming that it's easily reproducible. Hopefully that convinces someone to send the bug to the developers to fix :)

    22 hours ago, 60framespersecond said:

    Now kind of makes sense how this is mostly a non-issue with Archwing. Flying around to kill the pylons and then back to PT, exiting AW and pulling out the Arch-gun will probably take more than these ~5 seconds.

    Yup, I was pretty certain that Archwing wasn't the issue but timing was. Your comment you got me thinking about it again. I realized that leg regen only happens at a singular moment, so it would likely be tied to an animation, which turned out to be the case :)

  15. After some more careful analysis of recordings and logs, I have determined the cause of leg regen and got it to a state where it is 100% reproducible.

    If you wait long enough during the first pylon phase, Profit-Taker will go in a state where she sits idle. This looks as follows:


    If the Profit-Taker gets to this idle state, she will perform an animation to 'get up'. This animation starts once the final pylon is destroyed. 5s107ms after destroying the final pylon, the animation finishes and regenerates the health of all limbs with a function the logs refer to as Camper->CompleteGetUpFromStun().

    I put 4 runs side by side wherein I force leg regen by waiting for Profit-Taker to enter her idle animation before I take out the final pylon: https://youtu.be/4emFMzBek0s
    Note how 2-3 seconds into the video, Profit-Taker 'snaps' to the idle animation in the top right and bottom left clip. If that happens, she'll perform the the 'get up' animation once the pylons are destroyed.

    You can also observe that EVERY clip in the leg regen supercut from a few comments ago has Profit-Taker doing performing the 'get up' animation.
    If you look at runs without leg regen (plenty can be found at https://www.speedrun.com/wf/Profit-Taker), you will observe that Profit-Taker never snaps to the idle animation or performs the 'get up' animation.

    It's important to note that you can prevent leg regen from occurring by destroying all legs before the 5s107ms mark. If you miss the mark, however, all damage dealt to legs will be regenerated.

    I checked the logs, and the problem causing leg regen seems to be that the function Camper->CompleteGetUpFromStun() resets the health of all legs, which it obviously shouldn't do in this case.

    Here's an excerpt of the logs surrounding leg regen:

    513.271 Script [Info]: CamperHeistOrbFight.lua: Landscape - New State: 4 for /Lotus/Types/Gameplay/Venus/Encounters/Heists/CamperHeistOrbFight, was 3
    513.271 Script [Info]: CamperHeistOrbFight.lua: Orb Fight - Starting second attack Orb phase
    517.740 AI [Info]: Camper->DestroyLeg() - Leg freshly destroyed at part: ARM_LEFT
    518.200 Script [Info]: CamperHeistOrbFight.lua: Destroyed 0 paused agents
    518.378 AI [Info]: Camper->CompleteGetUpFromStun() - Stun state ending complete
    520.362 AI [Info]: Camper->DestroyLeg() - Leg freshly destroyed at part: ARM_LEFT
    521.803 AI [Info]: Camper->DestroyLeg() - Leg freshly destroyed at part: ARM_RIGHT
    523.174 AI [Info]: Camper->DestroyLeg() - Leg freshly destroyed at part: LEG_LEFT
    523.891 AI [Info]: Camper->DestroyLeg() - Leg freshly destroyed at part: LEG_RIGHT
    523.891 AI [Info]: Camper->DestroyLeg() - Starting stun state, waiting for stun animation
    526.154 AI [Info]: Camper->StartVulnerable() - The Camper can now be damaged!
    526.154 AI [Info]: Camper->StartVulnerable() - The Camper can now be damaged!
    526.267 AI [Info]: Camper->GetUpFromStun() - Ending stun state, waiting for end-stun animation.
    526.283 Script [Info]: CamperHeistOrbFight.lua: Landscape - New State: 5 for /Lotus/Types/Gameplay/Venus/Encounters/Heists/CamperHeistOrbFight, was 4
    526.283 Script [Info]: CamperHeistOrbFight.lua: Orb Fight - Starting third attack Orb phase
    526.283 Script [Info]: ArachnoidCamperScript.lua: Stun loop complete

    The time difference between going to the new state and CompleteGetUpFromStun() is 5m107ms, equivalent to the difference in time that we observe between destroying the final pylon and leg regen occurring.

    Here's an excerpt of the logs of a run without leg regen due to the Profit-Taker not going into its idle nor getting up animations:

    3154.620 Script [Info]: CamperHeistOrbFight.lua: Landscape - New State: 4 for /Lotus/Types/Gameplay/Venus/Encounters/Heists/CamperHeistOrbFight, was 3
    3154.620 Script [Info]: CamperHeistOrbFight.lua: Orb Fight - Starting second attack Orb phase
    3157.519 AI [Info]: Camper->DestroyLeg() - Leg freshly destroyed at part: ARM_RIGHT
    3161.664 AI [Info]: Camper->DestroyLeg() - Leg freshly destroyed at part: LEG_RIGHT
    3162.922 Script [Info]: CamperHeistOrbFight.lua: Destroyed 0 paused agents
    3163.266 AI [Info]: Camper->DestroyLeg() - Leg freshly destroyed at part: LEG_LEFT
    3164.698 AI [Info]: Camper->DestroyLeg() - Leg freshly destroyed at part: ARM_LEFT
    3164.698 AI [Info]: Camper->DestroyLeg() - Starting stun state, waiting for stun animation
    3164.698 Script [Info]: ArachnoidCamperScript.lua: Entering stun loop
    3166.977 AI [Info]: Camper->StartVulnerable() - The Camper can now be damaged!
    3166.977 AI [Info]: Camper->StartVulnerable() - The Camper can now be damaged!
    3170.127 AI [Info]: Camper->GetUpFromStun() - Ending stun state, waiting for end-stun animation.
    3170.127 Script [Info]: CamperHeistOrbFight.lua: Landscape - New State: 5 for /Lotus/Types/Gameplay/Venus/Encounters/Heists/CamperHeistOrbFight, was 4
    3170.127 Script [Info]: CamperHeistOrbFight.lua: Orb Fight - Starting third attack Orb phase
    3170.128 Script [Info]: ArachnoidCamperScript.lua: Stun loop complete

    The function CompleteGetUpFromStun() is not called. As expected, no leg regen occurs.

    Here's an excerpt of the logs of a run where all legs are destroyed within the 5s107ms threshold before leg regen can occur, thereby preventing leg regen:

    6552.500 Script [Info]: CamperHeistOrbFight.lua: Landscape - New State: 4 for /Lotus/Types/Gameplay/Venus/Encounters/Heists/CamperHeistOrbFight, was 3
    6552.500 Script [Info]: CamperHeistOrbFight.lua: Orb Fight - Starting second attack Orb phase
    6554.170 AI [Info]: Camper->DestroyLeg() - Leg freshly destroyed at part: ARM_RIGHT
    6554.708 AI [Info]: Camper->DestroyLeg() - Leg freshly destroyed at part: ARM_LEFT
    6554.927 AI [Info]: Camper->DestroyLeg() - Leg freshly destroyed at part: LEG_LEFT
    6555.221 AI [Info]: Camper->DestroyLeg() - Leg freshly destroyed at part: LEG_RIGHT
    6555.221 AI [Info]: Camper->DestroyLeg() - Starting stun state, waiting for stun animation
    6555.238 Script [Info]: ArachnoidCamperScript.lua: Entering stun loop
    6557.394 Script [Info]: CamperHeistOrbFight.lua: Destroyed 0 paused agents
    6557.484 AI [Info]: Camper->StartVulnerable() - The Camper can now be damaged!
    6557.484 AI [Info]: Camper->StartVulnerable() - The Camper can now be damaged!
    6557.582 AI [Info]: Camper->GetUpFromStun() - Ending stun state, waiting for end-stun animation.
    6557.601 Script [Info]: CamperHeistOrbFight.lua: Landscape - New State: 5 for /Lotus/Types/Gameplay/Venus/Encounters/Heists/CamperHeistOrbFight, was 4
    6557.601 Script [Info]: CamperHeistOrbFight.lua: Orb Fight - Starting third attack Orb phase
    6557.601 Script [Info]: ArachnoidCamperScript.lua: Stun loop complete

    Hopefully this bug can finally be fixed now after terrorizing speedrunners for years on end.

    • Like 5
  16. 1 hour ago, 60framespersecond said:

    This issue happens way more often when not using the Archwing for the pylon phase. I'd even go so far as to say it only happens when you exclusively use operator and Warframe for that phase. All occurrences I can actually remember right now did happen like that.

    Maybe --this is just a hypothesis-- you could work around this bug by getting into Archwing and immediately exiting? I haven't tried this myself yet, but will do so later.

    If you get positive results, it would likely be due to waiting longer before you fire at the legs rather than having anything to do with Archwing.
    I suspect Necramechs suffer so much from this issue because they always have a head start of 3.5~4 seconds on the arch-guns, making them deal damage sooner than the Arch-Guns would.

    • Like 1
  17. Seems to be a rare case as no one reported it yet, but I'm unable to check for updates and therefore cannot update currently.

    Verifying the download cache relies on the same thing so that doesn't exactly help.

    Restarted the PC, still not able to check for updates. Same thing on the PTC environment, although there it's kind of expected.

    EDIT: it continued the verification of the download cache where it left off (at 0% ) and fixed itself. I'm now in-game.

  18. This seems to be missing from the patch notes.


    13 minutes ago, [DE]Megan said:

    Exodia Contagion projectiles now inherent the Critical Chance/Damage and the Status Chance of the Zaw it is slotted into. 

    Thanks for this! This is a huge deal for players without Rivens in the Profit-Taker fight.
    Small nitpick: if I'm not mistaken, the word "inherit" should be used instead of inherent.

    • Like 9
  19. Bug summary:

    Short bug description: Profit-Taker will regenerate, and even revive its legs at times it is not supposed to.
    Gameplay impact: Per armor phase, you will have to take down up to 3 legs that you have already taken down. This annoys players and ruins speedruns. The bullets fired to down the extra legs also increase the Arch-gun's cooldown which can lead to further time loss.
    Reproduction: Take a Necramech and give it this mod setup. Take down or damage one of Profit-Taker's legs within 5 seconds of taking down the final pylon in a pylon phase. Observe that the leg(s) will revive if they got killed, or heals back up to 100% health if it was partially damaged.
    To be fast enough to get the bug to occur, shoot the pylons with Zenith's alt fire, with an Opticor (Vandal), or get a teammate to kill the final pylon for you.
    Reproduction variations and notes:

    Squad type: Host, Client, or Solo can all trigger the leg regen bug.
    Required animation: This bug only triggers when Profit-Taker finishes the "GetUpFromStun" (from the EE.log) animation. This animation starts the pylon phase ends, if and only if Profit-Taker is in a stun state at the end of the pylon phase, see this comment (includes pictures and video).
    Required stun state conditions: Profit-Taker is not always in the required stun state throughout the pylon phase. Profit-Taker will first enter the stunned state around 15 seconds into the pylon phase. Then, it will be interrupted with another animation (to launch rockets or something, idk), roughly every 20 seconds. In between those times, it will be in the stunned state. If the pylon phase ends while Profit-Taker is stunned, the GetUpFromStun animation will trigger. In turn, the end of this animation triggers the regeneration of all leg health when it finishes. The function responsible for this, according to EE.log, is Camper->CompleteGetUpFromStu
    n(). If the pylon phase ends while Profit-Taker is not stunned (i.e. in another animation), the GetUpFromStun animation will not trigger, so neither will the regeneration of the legs.
    Second armor phase: The first pylon phase is followed by the second armor phase. Hence, you have 5 seconds to damage a leg after the end of the first pylon phase to trigger leg regen.
    Fourth armor phase: The second pylon phase is followed by the third shield phase, which itself is followed by the fourth armor phase. Hence, if you clear the third shield phase and damage or kill a leg of the fourth armor phase within 5 seconds of finishing the third pylon phase, leg regen can also trigger. It is not recommended to try to reproduce this as this is difficult even for speedrunners and relies on 'good' shield elements to be fast enough.
    First and third armor phase: Because the first and third armor phase are not (indirectly) following a pylon phase, leg regen cannot trigger for them.
    Timing - too slow: If you are too slow, (slower than 5 seconds) the legs will regenerate before you deal any damage to it, meaning you won't be able to observe the leg health being reset back to 100%.
    Timing - just perfect: If you kill up to 3 legs or damage up 4, leaving 1 alive within 5 seconds, but fail to kill the fourth leg within the 5 second time span, you will observe that all legs have their health reset back to 100%.

    Timing - too fast: If you are too fast and kill 4 legs within 5 seconds, the legs can still revive, leaving both the legs and the body to be vulnerable at the same time. You can either choose to shoot the body and continue the fight as if they leg regen bug didn't exist, or shoot the legs again for no good reason. If you choose the latter, you will have killed the legs 8 times in a single armor phase.
    Weapons: The weapon used to shoot the final pylon do not matter. The weapon used to damage the legs has to be an Arch-Gun because the fight demands it, but no further restrictions apply.
    Warframes: The bug can be triggered independent of the Warframe, and can also be triggered on the Necramech.
    Abilities: The bug can be triggered independent of active abilities.
    If all else fails: If you absolutely cannot reproduce this bug, just contact me. I can perform this bug without failure in every run and would be happy to help get it fixed. 

    Squad type: The bug occurs regardless of being solo, host, or client.
    Introduction date: By all accounts, this bug was shipped with Profit-Taker's release. It's been here for more than 3 years.
    Presumed cause: Profit-Taker often goes into a stun animation during pylon phases. If it is in this stun animation and the pylon phase ends, it will perform the GetUpFromStun animation. Once it finishes this animation ~5 seconds later, the function Camper->CompleteGetUpFromStun() is triggered, which then resets the health of all legs. 
    Presumed fix: Remove the healing behaviour from Camper->CompleteGetUpFromStun(). Instead, heal the legs (only) after an armor phase finishes.
    Current workaround: Do not shoot the legs within 5 seconds of the end of the pylon phase so there is no damage to heal, or take out all legs within 5 seconds so the body becomes vulnerable and you can continue the fight as normal, thereby ignoring the legs that regenerate.
    Workaround viability: Deliberately being slower to avoid doing duplicate work is stupid. Being faster requires a well-coordinated squad, insane aim and reflexes on the Warframe Arch-gun, or expensive specialized Rivens for the Velocitus/Corvas on a Necramech.
    Leg regen can also occur after the second pylon phase. It's nigh impossible to be faster than the 5 seconds because you have to both take out the shield phase and 4 legs in that time.
    Note: Whether the Arch-gun that is used is held by a Warframe or Necramech obviously does not matter, but it is more difficult to be fast enough on a Warframe due to the lengthy Arch-gun deployment animation. For this reason, the reproduction states to use a Necramech. Similarly, the build is 'just' a strong build that makes it easy to fully kill a leg on a Necramech.

    The cause & workarounds were originally detailed in these comments of mine.

    Here is a supercut of the bug occurring. Remember that before each of these clips, there was a pylon phase after which at least one leg was taken out within 5 seconds of killing the last pylon.

    Note: Do not confuse this with the armor reset bug where after taking out all four legs, Profit-Taker's main body cannot be damaged, after which the legs regenerate again. The bugs in that thread have different causes and workarounds (which are still unknown as of writing).

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