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Posts posted by Vidsurfer555

  1. With introduction of mods such as blood Rush and Body Count, Status chance has lost the battle yet again. Therefore the term "Crit is King" reigns supreme in the hearts of many tenno. I can attest to this because most of my builds are crit builds in a majority of my melees. Status chance builds have diminished to the point that only one melee weapon in my arsenal have a status build. And that is because that weapon is a full fledged status weapon. Now I feel that the status procs effects needs to be more developed. For example Gas and Viral procs are similar.

    All in all I just want something that will make me mod my melee weapon into a status build 

  2. With introduction of mods such as blood Rush and Body Count, Status chance has lost the battle yet again. Therefore the term "Crit is King" reigns supreme in the hearts of many tenno. I can attest to this because most of my builds are crit builds in a majority of my melees. Status chance builds have diminished to the point that only one melee weapon in my arsenal have a status build. And that is because that weapon is a full fledged status weapon. Now I feel that the status procs effects needs to be more developed. For example Gas and Viral procs are similar.

    All in all I just want something that will make me mod my melee weapon into a status build 

  3. I think that warframe abilities should have a decent damage scaling, especially the direct aoe damage types like world of fire or bladestorm. The ones that have a utility component (im talking the ones with the aoe) on them  their should have between a fair to poor damage scaling depending on what the utility component is. 

    Am I wrong. I mean with the emerge of the sorties its fair to say that some warframes are not build to handle the higher enemy levels since they have flat damage.

  4. 1 minute ago, Maicael said:

    His bleedout/reviving passive ability is affected by it, however once enemies reach a certain level there's just not enough time for him to revive himself regardless of whether this mod is used or not.

    so should damage scale??



  5. DE has gotten the rework only half right 

    Here are some of the things they should add:

    1. A percent damage on polarize so that it scales but in will only affect shields and armor and a decent scaled damage on the health 
    2. The mod augment shield transference should also affect armor 
    3. Make Crush damage scale better

    They basically made her into a really crappy starter frame 

  6. I have a several:

    1. Are you going to make the resistance mods and/or augment mods in Exilus mods? 
      • Explanation: {This is for the resistance mods} As Steve have stated in previous dev streams, the solar map has undergone a huge overhaul. And one of those changes that will be added is the information on the environmental hazards will how be displayed. He has also stated that the environment will play a more prominent role in how to mod. This is already evident in sortie and sabotage missions. Now for new players it may not matter much since they do not have a wide variety of mods, but to veteran players it will limited in what they can do especially in the higher tiered missions (especially in endurance runs).
      • Explanation: {This is for the Augment mods} This will open up more builds and it will support that they syndicate exclusives. Since you get the exilus adapter and mods from the syndicates.
    2. Are you guys going to add exilus slots in the weapons?
      • Explanation: this is just pure curiosity because of the release of the conditional mods.
    3. Should you add a goal and reward system in the new player experience?
      • Explanation: Got this Idea from app games. Basically you get rewarded when you complete something like making a new weapon or collecting a mod or set of mods. This encourages new players do get used to the what to do in the game step by step.
    4. Is an in-game wikia/tips going to be available in the codex?
      • Explanation: helps new players and prevents information and modding overload
        • Examples
          • For blind mirage >  > mod for duration, range, and efficiency (optional)
          • Resource Farming > Neural Sensors > Themisto - Alad V assassination mission, Elara - Survival mission
  7. DE should make some of the  mods as exilus mods 

    These mods are:

    • augment mods
    • immunity mods
    • utility mods 

    Here are some of the reasons 

    1. In the late game [in later planets, sorties, T3 and T4 missions, and on some nodes with higher tiers (Earth: Orokin moon)]. these mods are basically not used. The the ones that is mostly used are the corrupted mods to boost the warframe's abilities
      1. Evidence of this is mods of the builds that i have seen only you health. shield, power, and augments 
    2. With the advent of the new Star map environmental hazards are listed so it would be nice to to have an extra mod space for the immunity mods. The element procs of enemies have increased so it would be nice to have a counter for this.
      1. Evidence of this is when i was doing a grineer Sortie 3 survival mission with radiation hazard. The squad was basically wiped out by our own ash who had a radiation proc through bladestorm. 
      2. Another event is a toxic ancient basically owning me with toxin procs 
    3. With the augment mods in the the exilus slot you gain an extra mod space which will create more powerful builds. And would balance the mod usage.
  8. Are there hidden requirements to obtaining dual stat mods for the Spy missions?

    I saying this because whenever i don't alert enemies (not making them suspicious by touching them or making sounds or shoot over them), no killing, not taking damage. 

    Basically totally undetected

    I get the dual stat mods 

    Should DE reward  Tennos with extra exp for not being detected at all in Spy missions? 

    Personally i think it would be great because of the fact that it will offer a more ways for the players to play other nodes than Draco all the time 

  9. Did anybody notice the mysterious sound on the Liset?  I chanced upon this when i was waiting for my forma to finish in the foundry. The area of the sound is on the new section of the ship on the left hand side door (not in the focus area where the operator is). The sound is like a creature of some sort? Now I can go on and on as to what it could be. Can anybody confirm this just to make sure I'm suffering from hearing things/ buggy game/ buggy sound,

    Oh here are some of my speculations. You guys can add in

    1. A dormant infested variant  (one that is not "contagious")
    2. A new companion like the kavats, kubrows, and sentinels 
    3. Something or Someone from the Orokin era 
    4. A new faction (the existing ones are orokin {corrupted}, grinner. tenno, corpus, stalker, and sentients)

    These are just some of my speculations hopefully we will get more info when update 19 comes 

  10. Instead of having the trading tab we get rid of it completely. Then we will use maroo's bazaar as the new trading place.

    For example,a player wants to sell an ash prime set. I got the bazaar and make a post in one of the terminals there. The player enters the item name and price (i can be in plats or in trade or both). The post will go to a directory and will be sorted depending on the nature of the post (WTB/WTS/WTT/WTTF). Now the trade prices are not set since its effective function will be like the previous trading tab so people can still haggle. And if there are no immediate replies, the player can leave and go farming. If there is an reply, the player will receive a notification and if the player is in-game, it will inform the other party that the person is in-game  Now players can easily search for the items that they need or want. And to keep it directory current, the post will be deleted when the player leaves the game. The player will have to re-post when he or she comes back. It will save time so players can go farming instead of loitering the trade tab for some good deals.

    So that is my take on the trading. If anyone has a better idea or some improvements, feel free to comment 


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