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Posts posted by CervoxFurry

  1. Files for reference:



    As for why I want to use it? Basically instead of stuttering the game every time new shaders need to be compiled, it just doesn't display the shaders until its compiles and then pops them in. Allowing me to play the game smoothly on linux without having to suffer shader compilation stutters the first few times around.


    Original reddit post: https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/fhu3vj/is_it_safe_to_use_the_dxvk_async_patch_with/

  2. I've been encountering a bug lately that happens a lot. In where, I spend a bunch of time working on loadout 1. Then make loadout 2. then i switch back to loadout 1 only to find out loadout 2 has overwritten loadout 1. Its been getting really annoying lately, since I am essentially spending all that time working on certain loudouts for nothing.

    I will be happy to answer and provide any info that would help with fixing this bug.

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