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Posts posted by tnpisnotok

  1. 2 hours ago, Boese said:

    I just ran the first mission of the Veil, and had MANY enemies constantly regenerating health when not in the crewship aura, even after all crewships were dead. Additionally, no ships including fighters, turrets, or crew ships dropped any loot, avionics, or resources.


    2 hours ago, GrowthProfitGrofit said:

    Exo Outriders in Veil Proxima can become invincible, if you destroy all their weak points while they are still under the effects of a Crewship's health regen

    We had this issue as well. I didn't play yet after this hotfix, so I can't attest to the no resources thing just yet, but the invincible ships bug was quite annoying. Which also brings up another point in that only the host could apparently see the crewship aura itself. I've experienced this in almost every veil proxima mission I've played, sometimes in being host and others when I'm not. The result is usually that whoever is host is the only one with the ability to see the aura.


    Other bugs I've noticed are:

    - Hotfix "getting stuck" bug that I mentioned previously

    - Omni warp can sometimes screw up, though I haven't exactly figured out as to why yet

    - Sometimes when you want to leave a railjack turret or exit a grineer objective, it rubberbands you back in

    - I've been getting loaded into the wrong missions when it comes to non-railjack content

    - Archwing melee weapons don't track anymore, as they just swing about aimlessly with no range now (both in railjack and non-railjack)

    - Kavats sometimes become oversized upon railjack reentry (a funny bug, but still a bug)

    - Grineer Crewships sometimes don't spawn in their proper places, and oftentimes you actually have to hunt for them on the other edge of the map after all the objectives are over

    - If you're in another person's dojo, and you want to repair any of your salvaged materials, you get stuck in an infinite loading screen that you're basically forced to alt+f4 out of

    - The intrinsic points displayed at the end of a mission are bugged, and usually not indicative of the actual intrinsics you gain/have

    - Oftentimes when starting a new mission (either from drydock or previous mission) in railjack, some squadmates can get kicked for no reason


    And that's about it for now, though I might report other bugs as I experience them

  2. I bought like 5 (since I've already accumulated enough plat from trading) to use on my two guns (side and pilot) and the three other components of the railjack. That being said, I waited until I unlocked (decently rolled) mk3 stuff before actually using some them, since I generally don't see the point on wasting plat on extremely temporary items (i.e. you generally junk weapons as soon as you unlock the next tier), so the value becomes much higher the longer you wait before using your rush drone. I think the main issue here is that the grind is a little too extreme, so the rush drones look far too tempting. I'm personally in the camp that believes you should either have stuff with random stats that are fully built, or have common drops with little to no variance on stats with a high build cost. A grind should exist (and that's half the fun), but one that's too severe can come off as discouraging, and increase the rate of player burnout. The existence and price of rush drones don't really bother me since it's actually a MUCH better value than 90% of the overpriced items in the shop. I just wish that the resource costs to build things were cheaper, or at least have the guns be more effective in actual gameplay.

  3. 17 minutes ago, Soulsupernova said:

    When in a railjack mission and hotfix gets deployed you cannot head to dojo to keep resources since you cant "start a new mission"


    8 minutes ago, ProfessorPlum said:

    Drydock is considered a 'mission' for purposes of game updates.

    If you are unfortunate enough to still be in a railjack mission after a hotfix has gone through, you are unable to return to the drydock afterwards as the game will say that you are 'unable to begin a mission' while not having the update installed.

    This leaves you forced to abort the mission, as you are unable to actually leave.

    As others have mentioned, the drydock is considered a mission, so when a hotfix drops, you are perpetually stuck in the mission unless you choose to abort and lose all rewards. Hopefully this can get solved soon.

  4. 4 minutes ago, tarfeef101 said:

    What people seem to be missing is the fact that most people have the easy-to-use keys bound to something else already... so creating a second bind for 1 doesn't solve OP's problem. They want to use this all the time in a mission. Not really ideal if that key is "k" or something else inconvenient.

    also @tnpisnotok, c is default to toggle in-game voice, IIRC

    Ah in that case scratch that idea, forgot ingame voice chat was a thing lol.

  5. 31 minutes ago, SlicerGT said:

    What if someone doesnt have these buttons ? Well, i have, but it feels too uncofortable to press them as well when you constantly moving your mouse in such dynamic game. Plus their clicks are loud.


    Maybe it look silly for you guys, but for me it would be a reasonable and welcomed change. If you dont need this, fine. I made my suggestion, thats all.

    I definitely get where you are coming from, but you could keybind any key you’d like as a secondary key for power 1 to have that effect.

    I’m not sure if C is used for anything off the top of my head, but I think you could maybe bind your ability to that key.

    As with the mouse buttons, maybe I just got used to the noise, but I really don’t mind pressing side buttons in the heat of the action. If anything, it helps me multitask better (I can cast abilities on the fly very easily and what not).

  6. Just now, (PS4)ArtPrince17 said:

    I just glanced over this, and I'm sorry to just immediately brush it off, but it's not happening. At a TennoCon 2017 interview, the dev team said they aren't making any new abilities for pre-existing Frames for reworks/revisits. You'll have to try again.

    Ah that’s alright, I didn’t catch that interview.

    Welp it was worth a shot, but with the same skillset I really can’t see myself ever using atlas again. It’s fine though, we’ll see what happens with him.

  7. 3 minutes ago, Pent_ said:

    Bind it to your mouse. It's hardly the point. The function already exists. I have my binds completely changed to be more comfortable because I can and it makes certain things faster and more comfortable. Just do the same thing. Bind it to M4 or M5, bind it to C or V, hell, bind it to capslock. The point is that you can already do this and DE doesn't need to make a useless feature for one frame because it already exists.

    I do agree with this. When customizing key bindings you can add a secondary key which activates the ability. I personally set my abilities to mouse buttons but you could pretty much bind it to anything...

  8. So with Atlas being bound for a rework I have some ideas for his abilities.

    Atlas’ 1 will remain the same - the ability is great if you ask me. It’s the rest of his kit that needs overhauling.

    Atlas’s 2 will be called “Rumbler”, where Atlas summons a giant Rumbler to help fight the battle and take the heat! Rumbler will be affected by strength (for his damage output), armor and health mods, but now are not affected by range or duration. Upon death, the Rumbler splits into two, with each mini Rumbler having half the armor of the regular sized one and a quarter of its health. All types of Rumblers, similar to how Guardian Derision works, will pull aggro from enemies. Recasting the ability will kill the Rumbler that is alive, where recasting the ability again will remove the mini rumblers.

    Atlas’s 3 will be called “Stone Armor” (I’ll need someone to come up with a better name), where Atlas builds rocks over himself to fortify himself even more against damage. Similarly to Gara’s 2, casting it will give Atlas x% of damage reduction (where the effect after modding caps out at 90%). Unlike Gara’s ability, however, this will only affect Atlas (maybe an opportunity for an augment?) This ability will be affected by duration mods (duration of the ability) and strength mods (the effect of the damage reduction).

    Atlas’s 4 will be called “Earthquake”, where Atlas uses his hulk-like muscles to smash the ground to create a tremor and change up the terrain. Earthquake will deal damage and knock down all enemies in the allocated range, but also cause a new effect called “rough terrain” (I couldn’t think of a better name), which slows down enemies by x% (caps out at 60%), but also let’s abilities casted on this terrain have extra effects. Atlas will be invulnerable during the Casting animation to prevent accidental deaths. Earthquake will be affected by strength mods (for damage and slow effect), duration (for the duration of the rough terrain) and range (for the earthquake and rough terrain). I will go over the interactions in a little bit.

    Synergy! Don’t we all love some synergy? These abilities work great as standalone abilities, but I feel like can also be enhanced when used in conjunction with other abilities. I’ll outline these now:

    1) Casting Landslide on Rumbler (only the big one) will buff the Rumbler’s movement speed a little bit, but most importantly allow the Rumbler’s punches to deal in AoE and also do scaling damage (hopefully other posters will help me out here).

    2) Casting Rumbler on Rough Terrain will grant the Rumbler lifesteal on his punches, allowing him to have much more sustainability. Furthermore, if the Rumbler dies on the rough terrain, the mini rumblers will each have 50% health of the original rather than 25%.

    3) Having Stone Armor active while on Rough Terrain grants Atlas health regeneration (similar to Nidus’ 4). 


    With all these abilities, Atlas will prove to be a very strong warframe. He will fulfil his role as a brute and a tank, as Atlas will have strong survivability and distraction capabilities in addition to a little bit of CC caused by his 4.


    Anyone who reads over this, please let me know what you think! These are my ideas, but if you come up with something better I will edit my comment to improve it. I strongly encourage discussion and constructive criticism!

  9. Yup, I personally really want swooping falcon, but with the bugged drop rates it’s virtually impossible to get it. You pretty much have to transmute it :/

    I’m wondering if this is intentional or not, hopefully DE can clear up a few things as I’m hoping it’s just a bug, but the rotations could very well be locked behind a hidden grind wall...

  10. 9 hours ago, SortaRandom said:

    Overall, Juttni is much, much better than Clapkra. Choosing between Juttni and Lohrin might be a bit tougher, though (since Lohrin opens up some nice possibilities with Virtuos Strike, if you ever feel like grinding that far into the system).

    Yeah it looks like I will be going with the Juttni Braces, as it does make a big difference with the prism and scaffold I plan to build.

    With regards to the Lohrin Brace that's definitely out of the question for me, as this will be my first amp I build. I was trying to cut corners where I could, but also have a good amp I can rely on for the most part. Somewhere way down the line, I do plan on building a full T3 amp with all the parts (granmu prism, klebrik scaffold, lohrin brace) but I will need a LOT of rep to get to that point (and a better amp to farm that rep in the first place :D).

    Regardless of how far I go into this system, I know I do want a new amp, as I really don't like the Mote amp you get from The Quills. Probably going to spend the extra rep and go Shwaak / Pencha / Juttni.

    Thanks for the replies SortaRandom and Fishyflakes!

  11. Ok so I personally find it hard to get standing for The Quills, but I am not sure which brace to get for my first amp. I got the Pencha Scaffold for my rank-up reward and plan on getting the Shwaak Prism as my rank-up reward for the next rank to use those both for my first amp.

    However, I am not sure which brace to get for the amp I plan to build. Clapkra adds 20 energy to the amp pool, while Juttni reduces the recharge delay from 2s to 1s. For those who have used the Juttni Brace, how much of a difference does it make when in the midst of a fight? Should I get the Juttni (knowing that the community sees that as the best brace) or should I save on the 3k standing and go for the Clapkra?

    Any answers are welcome, but I would like to know opinions from people who have used these braces so I can know how much of a difference they really make...

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