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Posts posted by Tau.

  1. Improvements are all good. 

    In fact I count three improvements to the Onos in this hotfix alone - technical and visual - and yet its most glaring issue remains: its glowy blue gas/liquid/plasma canister on the back not taking to color customization, clashing with any look that doesn't use that same blue. 

    There's a reason I use orange-x-indigo dualtone energy colors - the results don't assault my retinas. Why is it such a common issue for color channel rigging to be incomplete on items for years? Hell, the Zephyr Harrier skin and Operator suit still have sections on them with uncolorable pale-purplish metal. Drifter attachment energy/emissive channels are reversed, and half their suit items simply don't emit dualtones at all. Does nobody in the development process do a little test coloring before release? 

  2. Fairly short post, and even shorter 'TL;DR:' request: Increase the keyglyph drop rates. 


    Among the qol this update brought to Disruption as a game mode, this particular node is S tier with only one small con: the keyglyph drop rates are noticeably slower from enemies compared to all other Disruptions. I assume it was assumed in design that the Gruzzlings would offset that, but in practice it ends up timegated far heavier than other Disruptions and considerably slower. A simple tweak of rates/timers could fix that. 


    Other feedback: 
    Gruzzlings - Alright, WF has loot goblins. The obnoxious thing about them is the excessive damage mitigation and cc immunity they sport. In regular mode they're still plenty doable, but in Netracell+ levels, setups that vaporize all other enemies can still find it a chore - and not a sure one - to manage to down the little gremlin in time before it disappears. Them scaling up to be such a pain in higher levels, and the keyglyph drop rates being so bad on regular enemies, make them a prohibitive bottleneck to the prospect of longer runs. Tone down their scaling, tone down their mitigation layers, or give them a mechanic where they can't escape while a player is nearby (5-8m?).


    Necramech Demolysts - S tier call. They moderately engage the player, instead of just beelining it and ignoring the player like the other Disruptions, and their weakpoints are great for incentivizing the use of a brain cell or two. No nullifier bubbles bs: thank you, nobody likes those, and I'm all for a design direction that uses less and less of that crutch. Though on the topic of the mechs in general, I can't help but notice: Voidrigs' hitboxes break while they're airborne/hovering in combat (which is most of the time for them), making them far more of a problem to dispose of than probably intended, compared to Bonewidows whose weakpoints are properly functional. You can shoot Voidrigs' back weakspots all you like, but if they're airborne, they still register as bodyshots and thus subject to far harsher damage mitigation (if they even register as hits at all). This is, again, an issue that compounds at higher levels. Also a flavor thought: could have Bonewidow grab Murmur enemies with its Meathook ability and heal a little from them - to have a longevity extension in line with Voidrigs' Storm Cloak - that'd be a very neat interaction to see in general, in this tileset. 


    And simply because the game mode is in recent-enough memory for it to be remotely possible this could get looked at:

    The Demolysts in other Disruption missions are uhh... some of them are rough. The Juggernaut Demolysts of Ur appear to be outright bugged, still - since launch - deciding on a whim if they're going to be mechanically immune to status effects or not for the whole of the mission, others lack headshot hitboxes or they don't work, the list of what all appear to be broken interaction-negations is long enough to where the whole roster of them could use a revisit and a facelift more resembling the gameplay that Armatus brought.

  3. 4 hours ago, C11H22O1 said:

    You guys should consider improving the way line of sight works, this issue could be seen with Khora where her whip would not deal any damage even when using it directly on an enemy for example.

    I don't think line of sight is a bad change but if you're going to do it at least don't make it feel inconsistent to use

    To piggypack off of this:

    As best as I can tell, LOS-based abilities raytrace from the center of the player's character model, which is incongruous from what we see of the game space from the over-the-shoulder camera view, so what shots look to be within the player's own line of sight may get clipped by terrain that's in the way of that lower actual origin point. I don't know how big of an undertaking it'd be on the back-end to move that origin up in line with the camera for the whole roster, but it'd definitely be a worthwhile one. 

  4. What in God's name did you guys do to his 3? 

    As of Dante Unbound, it steadily decays charges away on its own, without even anything around to be doing any hits. Qorvex visibly flinches and has a hit-taken flinch animation and shield pulse playing every few seconds when it's up. 

  5. On 2024-03-27 at 8:01 AM, [DE]Megan said:

    New Somachord Tones 
    New Somachord Tones have been added to Albrecht’s Laboratories! Scanning them will unlock the following Whispers in the Walls tracks for your Orbiter’s Somachord: 

    • Murum Vull
    • No God Above Knowledge
    • Platform 7
    • Sanctum Anatomica
    • See It In The Flesh
    • The Fragmented
    • Vashtav
    • Yara Jeliira
    • The Master Returns

    But not the handful of new tracks that came with this update. Ree. 

    • Like 1
  6. Can ya'll fix the glowy blue gas/liquid/plasma canister on the Onos not taking to color customization? 

    I really don't want another Sevagoth Glaukus situation where a simple coloration fix takes over 4 months before I can use it. 

    • Like 5
  7. On 2024-01-09 at 10:59 AM, [DE]Megan said:

    Changed the "Regenerate Shields when you inflict an enemy with Blast Status" Topaz Archon Shard embed bonus to no longer apply when Shield Gate is triggered. 

    • An unintended degree of invulnerability could be obtained using this effect while continuously triggering Shield Gate, so it was changed to function similarly to Caliban’s Lethal Progeny ability, where the Shield recharge is disabled when Shield Gate is triggered and only resumes when the Shields begin to regenerate themselves. 


    Sure, you guys like to say the community likes to comment on an update before even trying it, and I'll test to see if it's as bad as it sounds, but if that wording is accurate, then the words I have for it are:

    "You try to hype up blast with the Nightwave aesthetic, you try to hype up blast with Gauss prime, you try to hype up blast with talking specifically about it with the Alchemy game mode, you make a trend of sprucing up the less-visited elements lately (Corrosive, Cold, Puncture, Impact, and even Magnetic), you release a high-investment item that gives blast the tiniest of fringe applications at the cost of far more effective options - as a tradeoff of damage for an aspect of "active cover fire" - only to axe it first thing this year by tying it down to shield recharge delay. Nice."


    Edit: Yeah it's exactly as bad as it sounds. Topaz shards are now dead content.

  8. Instead of a big ol giant thing, just feedback on Styanax:


    He has two flaws. Just two:

    - Needs invulnerability on casts. No 'tank' or damage reduction capacities and fairly tinfoil on his own, the small shields on kill don't offset this deficiency on their own. But, paired with invulnerability upon casts, his kit would encourage a comfortably active and attentive playstyle. 

    - Rally Point needs to stack. Not override, not biggest-value-wins, all instances of it stack as is. 300, legion, phalanx etc aesthetic demands it. And frankly, multiples of him not negging one another wouldn't be anything crazy compared to countless other more synergistic squad comps. 

    Other than that, he's great. All around. 

  9. Anecdotally, it appears a massive burnout point with this game, is when some players fall for the trap of getting heavily invested in rivens. So often when someone mentions that they quit WF, the two points cited seem to always be Mesa or Rivens. 

    Devs can state a thousand times that it is not the intent of the purple crack card system to enforce a topheavy power hierarchy, yet a certain portion of the playerbase culture always insists on viewing it that way. 

    I wonder: Among the things the devs track - do you guys keep stats on the correlation between rivens and burnout/quits? 

    • Like 3
  10. 11 hours ago, Monolake said:

    with shield-gating Aegis could make you virtually immortal, thus they had to nerf it

    did you test how it works now?

    Sounds like you're looking at it as, "the whole point of shields existing is for the shieldgating," and ignoring the narrative that the previous functionality allowed for them to be a legitimate sustainable defensive measure outside of a gating gimmick. 

    How it works now, upon testing, is exactly as I described - non-functional garbage compared to what it used to be.

    Upon full shield depletion, there is a 4 second delay before they begin to recharge. 4 seconds of not taking any damage from anything whatsoever - in a situation that popped them down in the first place - aka not happening. Having half the proc chance for double the arcanes for half the benefit duration is only the tip of the iceberg - the real nail in the coffin is the fact that said effect can't even proc upon health damage now, meaning once your shields are popped just the once for a shieldgate, the arcane in question might as well not even exist. As if it were able to exist at all before that, in its currently pathetic state. 

    There is legitimately no point in something with a 3% proc chance, let alone when said proc exists on a catch 22 scenario only, even if the payoff was massive. Which in this case it isn't. As it stands, Aegis is actually useless right now. 

    • Like 1
  11. This isn't a kneejerk reaction or anything. The language on Arcane Aegis as it is now looks like a catastrophic nerf to it in any measurable feasibility, which is in stark contrast to the entire spirit of the rest of the rebalancing overhaul regarding shields: which appeared to seek to legitimize them as a mechanic. 

    The language reads as though it's supposed to be a 3% chance, for 12 seconds, at rank 5 Aegis. For 30%/s shield recharge. Proccable only upon taking damage to shields. Shields that need to still exist.

    That is an absolutely itembreaking drop in functionality compared to what it was before. Barrier only saw use as a meme on Hildryn because that 4% proc chance could see that rare but massive return, but this? Even less of a chance to work, for a far smaller and weaker scaling return? 

    Rank 5 on arcanes takes 21 copies. Rank 3 was 10. Rank 3 of Aegis used to be 6% for 20s of 60 shields/s. 

    - "Oh, but 30% of your shield values usually means a much bigger return than a mere 60/s"? Issue is, it functionally was not a mere 60. Stacking sources of damage reduction multiplied the functional value of that "mere" 60/s to many tens of times over, and 6% proc chance over a 20s span had a reasonably good chance to be refreshed for what could serve as a pretty respectable defense feature. If damage rates outpaced even that rapidly-regenerating bulwark and that decent proc chance wasn't feeling cooperative for a time? Damage to your health had just as much chance to kickstart it again. 

    3% over 12s requires one to be shot an average of 33.3 times to be statistically likely to refresh the buff within its duration. If it doesn't get reactivated within that time and expires? Well, I'm scratching my head to come up with a scenario where you can eat that many shots within that time, and where your shields could last that many more hits again without fully depleting, at which point you're no longer eligible for even that minuscule chance, because it only exists on the instance of taking damage to one's shields. Which need to exist. In other words, it has zero capacity to bounce back now. The flat 25% damage reduction on player shields still does not even begin to tip the scales to netting anything close to a comparable result. 

    It absolutely cannot do the task it could do before before (not even for twice the number of copies), a task it still very rarely actually saw being picked for. 


    The smaller benefit time and microscopic activation chance - let alone the now extremely limiting proc condition - absolutely gut this arcane's already previously fringe functionality. They gut it like a fish. Is this intended? 

    • Like 3
  12. Go back to weekly single-item updates like in the olden days instead of these huge multi-topic chunkers once every couple of months. This monsoon-like model does not feel good. Downtime between these updates feel like droughts, and then once they do drop, the volume of feedback on the 4-5+ items you drop simultaneously is so torrential you always end up tourniqueting it off - leaving tons of things unaddressed forever (or until a large overhaul to it at least a year later). 

    When the entire game had a single current topic-of-the-week for discussion to focus on, it felt like feedback got heard and things actually got done about it. Nowadays it's like a Black Friday mad dash every time an update drops and there's no telling whose feedback will even be seen before the flood gates are forcibly shut again, just by way of the sheer volume of it from so many things all dropped at once instead of drip-fed as a manageable stream. 

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