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Posts posted by Bryanogen

  1. It is possible to be unable to use focus, only transference, with tapping or holding 5 with a combination of a couple of things.  First, the option "Invert Tap/Hold Abilities" needs to be enabled, I cannot reproduce this bug when it is disabled.  Second, hold 5 to kick in transference, then tap (not hold) 5 to return to your warframe.  After this you can no longer access your focus power.  Holding 5 to end transference instead appears to keep focus and transference separate however, so there seems to be a way to avoid this issue.

  2. Not sure if it is a serious coincidence or it was the 18.7.0 update, but Eris has now shown an uncompleted node (Eris was marked as completed for at least a month).  Upon finishing this interception mission, my profile stats now show 260/260 completed.

    Though the mystery of adding up counts from individual planets coming to 261 remains...

  3. In the Stats tab of my profile, it says I've complete 259/260 map nodes.  However, when looking at all the planets, I don't see any that show uncompleted nodes.  So out of curiosity I added up all the node counts from each planet (using the X/X number, not counting each node on each planet), and found I have done 261/261 nodes according to the chart.

    So which one is correct, or is something out of sync in my account?


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